Ice Adhesion. Группа авторов. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Группа авторов
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Техническая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119640509
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loss of the pure Cassie-Baxter wetting state necessitates that some cohesional failure occurs to remove the ice from the surface, and thus a higher ice adhesion strength is manifested (c) Superhydrophobic surfaces can become damaged with deicing cycles, leading to a loss in the anti-icing property. Adapted from [120].

      Let us now consider a superhydrophobic surface with a different morphology than square pillars. This time the surface exhibits the Cassie-Baxter wetting state by suspending a droplet on micro-spikes. Upon lowering the temperature of the surface, the tips of the spikes become wetted and eventually embedded in the ice that forms, as shown in Figure 1.11(c). The failure mode here is cohesive in so much as the crack propagation occurs through the solid surface, with the ice leaving with the embedded spike tips. The measured adhesion strength to this surface will be very low for the first cycle, as only a small cross-sectional area of the solid surface’s nanospikes will have been sheared. However, as seen in Figure 1.11(c), subsequent icing cycles see the ice-air interface move lower and lower, and more and more micro-spike tips become embedded. Subsequent icing cycles will have larger and larger adhesion strengths as the superhydrophobic surface gets more and more damaged [120].

Schematic illustration of (a) Twill Dutch-weave and (b) plain Dutch-weave pattern stainless steel meshes as viewed under a scanning electron microscope, (c) The ice dislodged from the plain Dutch-weave pattern stainless steel mesh shows a near-perfect imprint of the solid surface, suggesting the ice dislodged interfacially.

      Figure 1.12 (a) Twill Dutch-weave and (b) plain Dutch-weave pattern stainless steel meshes as viewed under a scanning electron microscope, (c) The ice dislodged from the plain Dutch-weave pattern stainless steel mesh shows a near-perfect imprint of the solid surface, suggesting the ice dislodged interfacially. Adapted from [108].

      In light of the previous discussion of how superhydrophobic surfaces often fail to possess an anti-icing property, we take this opportunity to summarize the features necessary to reduce the ice adhesion strength to a substrate. In short, a surface will exhibit a low ice adhesion strength if:

      1 The surface promotes micro-cracking/air bubble trapping which increase the number of crack initiating points at the ice-solid interface.

      2 The surface possesses a gently curving morphology to promote crack propagation along the ice-solid interface.

      One such promising anti-icing surface has been reported by Ling et al. (2016) [108]. They measured the ice adhesion characteristics of stainless steel Dutch-weave filter meshes, shown in Figure 1.12(a)&(b). These hydrophilic materials, with many anchor points for the ice, paradoxically presented lower ice adhesion strengths than a polished stainless steel substrate. This phenomenon is explained as follows: (1) The stainless steel mesh was completely wetted by the liquid water, as shown by a low contact angle and low receding contact angle. (2) Upon freezing, the water expands by a greater degree than the metal. This volume expansion causes stress concentration leading to the formation of micro-cracks at the ice-solid interface. (3) The arched topography of the meshes, being absent in sharp corners, allows for easy interfacial crack propagation and thus adhesional failure of the ice-solid bond. The adhesional failure of the ice formed on the stainless steel meshes is well evidenced by the ice surface’s near-perfect imprint of the mesh structure, shown in Figure 1.12(c) [108].

      Section 1.3 considered the mechanical separation of ice from a solid substrate to which it had been frozen. Naturally this leads us to next consider the tribology of ice. That is, what occurs when a solid surface is put in relative motion to frozen water? As discussed in Section 1.1.3, human’s employment of the low frictional force of ice for transportation dates back to at least 7000 BCE in Scandinavia where skis allowed people to efficiently navigate and hunt [39]. Another historical use of a low friction surface for transportation comes from an Egyptian carving dated to 2400 BCE. This relief depicts humans pouring a lubricant in front of a sledge to facilitate sliding [127, 128].

      Although it is evident that humans have devised methods to deal with friction for millenia, the first explicit mention of friction as a force was not made until Aristoteles’ Questiones Mechanicae circa 350 BCE [127, 128]. Further, the first quantitative studies of friction were not performed until circa 1500 CE by Leonardo da Vinci. Even then, da Vinci’s notes were not published until the end of the 19th century, leaving the opportunity for French physicist Guillaume Amonton to rediscover his two laws of friction in 1699 [127, 128]. These are

      1 “Friction produces double the amount of effort if the weight be doubled” i.e. The force of friction is directly proportional to the applied load.

      2 “The friction made by the same weight will be of equal resistance at the beginning of its movement although the contact may be of different breadth and length” i.e. The force of friction is independent of the apparent area of contact for a given load.

      In this section we will discuss the role that the liquid-like layer plays in determining the frictional force of ice.

      As alluded to in the introduction to this section, the low frictional force of ice is derived from the lubricating liquid-like layer that exists on its surface. As will be discussed, the thickness of the lubricating liquid layer plays an important role in the force of friction experienced by surfaces sliding relative to one another. First consider the sliding contact of two surfaces in the complete absence of a lubricating liquid. As shown in Figure 1.13(a), solid surfaces are never completely flat meaning that two surfaces are in contact at their asperities. When the asperities of different surfaces come into contact, chemical or physical bonds are formed between them. Thus, the (tangential) friction force, FT, is a measure of the force necessary to break the bonds between contacting asperities.