First published in the United States of America by Viking, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC, 2015
This edition published in 2019
By Egmont UK Limited
The Yellow Building, 1 Nicholas Road, London W11 4AN
Text copyright © 2015 Max Brallier
Illustrations copyright © 2015 Douglas Holgate
The moral rights of the author and illustrator have been asserted.
First e-book edition 2019
ISBN 978 1 4052 9512 3
Ebook ISBN 978 1 4052 9513 0
A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library
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For my Lila Bean.
– M. B.
For Turtle and Panda.
– D. H.
So, we are about to be astro-blasted. Catapulted and launched. Propelled off the roof of our tree house by something called the Sled-Shot.
Why? Why load ourselves into a massive slingshot and blast ourselves off the roof?
Why did some old guy climb Mount Everest? BECAUSE IT’S THERE!!!
Actually, that’s not the reason at all. The Sled-Shot was of course not just ‘there’. My best friend, Quint Baker, built it.
‘Quint, are you sure this is safe?’ I ask.
He thinks for a moment, then says, ‘No. But I’m not not sure.’
‘What’s the matter? A little nervous, Jack?’
That’s my buddy-crush, June Del Toro. I know she’s teasing me, but I actually do feel kind of queasy. Usually, I’m super gung-ho about all things action, no matter the danger. But not this.
I give the Sled-Shot a final look before