What a Girl Needs. Aimee Duffy. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Aimee Duffy
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: Indecent Proposal
Жанр произведения: Эротическая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007540297
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Georgia’s side of the building, with a coffee one of the girls had given him on the way, his smile came easier, though he knew he’d have to freeze it in place for this meeting.

      Georgia’s door was open, but he didn’t barge in. Just as well since she was bent over an open drawer in the filing cabinet. A dart of heat bolted south and he gritted his teeth. Now was not the time to be appreciating her curvy ass covered in cream silk. Even if he could imagine it without the threads. Blood pounded into his cock and he had to take a deep breath to fight the barrage of arousal.

      Shit, had it just been too long since he last had sex, or was it knowing she was available now – at fucking last – that made her more attractive?

      Max knocked on the door. She straightened and whirled around. His breath caught as he took her in from head to toe.

      Georgia always had an elegant beauty about her that stunned him every time he saw her. Today it was the cream silk clinging to every slender curve of her body, the way her hair, curling slightly at the tips, fell loose around her shoulders, the understated make-up enhancing those huge green eyes, and her deep-red pout that when parted against her wrath could almost bring him to heel.

      Maybe it was the fact she dressed like a lady and he wanted to screw her in his office, with her fire and anger and unhidden lust.

      Her eyes narrowed and she folded her arms across her chest. ‘What do you want?’

      Max made sure the charming smile was still in place and stayed right where he was. Any closer and he’d want to touch her. ‘To apologize.’

      Her lips parted and for once Georgia Lewis seemed lost for words. His smile was easier to hold as he spoke. ‘I was an ass. I shouldn’t have said those things to you.’

      She let her arms fall to her sides, but he didn’t miss the way she squared her shoulders.

      ‘Before you say anything, I want to clear something up.’

      This time he did enter the room, then closed the door. Suspicion tightened her expression, but he only leaned back against the wood, keeping space between them. Last thing he needed was one of the big-mouthed sales assistants hearing this.

      ‘I didn’t suggest you pretend to be my girlfriend in exchange for sex because I felt sorry for you. I hadn’t meant to say it at all, but the second I read your email I wanted to be the guy to show you what you’ve been missing. Call it my inner caveman taking over my mouth.’

      Though she looked bewildered, she opened her mouth to say something. No doubt give him hell. He held his hand up.

      ‘Let me finish. It was inappropriate and not the way your boss should behave. If I didn’t think you were interested I wouldn’t have said a word. The thing is, whether you want to accept that part of the deal or not, I’d still like you to come to the ball with me tonight. I’ll pay you overtime, will even let you pick whatever dress you want from the store and I won’t push you for anything else. You have my word.’

      Her throat worked and he ignored the shiver that ran through him wondering what it would have felt like if she’d done that around his dick. Hauling his head out of his pants, he focused on her frown, hoping that didn’t mean she was about to shoot him down again.

      The thing was, he needed her to do this for him. Though he’d caught Georgia eyeing him up in the past, he’d never gotten the same vibe from her as he had from other members of staff who were attracted to him. There didn’t seem to be a needy bone in her body, and that was perfect, because a real relationship wasn’t something he wanted again.

      ‘I don’t understand why you can’t ask someone else. I doubt you’re hard up for a date.’

      Her cheeks flushed with pink and he fought back a laugh at her admission. ‘I don’t want to ask anyone else. There’s no one I can trust to do this. You come in every day, leaving your personal life at the door. Well,’ He cocked a brow and she shuffled from foot to foot, remembering the email, ‘most of the time you do. I never see you gossiping with the others and you’re stunning. How could I not ask you?’

      Max couldn’t believe how easy it was to say all this to a woman. He hadn’t dated since Clarissa, but being with Georgia was different. There was attraction, but not one she wanted to act on. Yet. But that was all there was between them. No pressure, no risk of falling hard and being rejected. Just pure lust.

      And he knew she felt the same, so he wasn’t going to give up hope they could have a little fun. Friends and colleagues with benefits and clear boundaries. And he’d make sure he left her satisfied every time..

      Finally, she spoke, ‘I’m not sure. I’ll need time to think about it.’

      The smile froze on his face. ‘It’s tonight.’

      Her glare would have had a weaker man bolting out the door.

      ‘Friday’s girls’ night.’

      He held his hands up at her clipped tone. ‘Look, think about it. Like I said, you can take whatever you want from the store and I can pay you overtime. I’m only asking for tonight.’

      She folded her arms again, but her expression smoothed a little. ‘And the next function? That’s in a fortnight isn’t it?’

      Yeah, and there were also a few dinners and shows in the upcoming weeks, but he didn’t need to freak her out by telling her that now. ‘Let’s just see how tonight goes.’

      Her jaw tightened. ‘I’ve not agreed to go.’

      Max decided not to push further, but left her with something that may tempt her. ‘I have a meeting I need to get to. If you decide to come, email me and I’ll let the sales girls know you’re coming down. Sky’s the limit.’

      Excitement glinted in her eyes and she pursed her lips like she was trying hard not to smile.

      ‘I’ll let you know soon,’ she said and the excitement was there in her voice too.

      Since he was ninety percent sure she’d go with him, he decided it was time to leave before he said anything to get her worked up again. He opened the door, stuck his hands in his pockets and turned his back to her. He looked over his shoulder to see if she’d taken the bait and caught her staring at his ass with her lower lip trapped beneath her teeth. He wanted to grin, wanted to tell her she could have all of him if she wanted it, but forced himself to leave.

      Max had no doubt he’d have Georgia where he wanted her. He just needed to tread carefully.

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