California Secrets. Jules Bennett. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jules Bennett
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: Mills & Boon Desire
Жанр произведения: Контркультура
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474092647
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to touch base with his brother. They might have drifted apart when their mother died, they might have dealt with her death in their own ways and closed out the world and each other, but Dane was all Ethan had left. No matter their past grief, Ethan always knew he could count on his twin.

      They’d forged together to make a solid plan in reclaiming their mother’s pair of properties. Dane had acquired his resort in the mountains of Montana—now it was Ethan’s turn.

      Mirage in Montana had been seized by Robert, but with a bad gambling move, he’d lost the place. Dane had gone in with a plan of charming the new owner’s daughter. He’d succeeded in acquiring the property, but somehow, he’d managed to fall in love and was planning a wedding.

      Ethan would just take the property. Hold the wife.

      He’d just pulled up Dane’s texts when the penthouse elevator whooshed open. Ethan shifted his focus from the phone to Harper.

      As much as he appreciated her in, and out, of that red bikini, he had to admit those lush curves were killer in her strapless emerald green sundress. All that dark skin on display...damn, he couldn’t wait until tonight. Maybe she’d still have that dress on, because that thing sure as hell would provide easy access.

      Her jet-black curls spiraled down her back with random strands draped over her shoulders. There was nothing about this woman he didn’t find sexy and appealing. Had she come here because she couldn’t wait for tonight?

      No. That wasn’t desire staring back at him. There was a look in her rich brown eyes that had him stilling, his heart clenching...not in a good way. She crossed the spacious suite, her wide gaze never wavering from his. The only sign that she was nervous or upset was the way she toyed with the delicate gold bracelet she always wore.

      “What happened?” he asked, knowing she wouldn’t be here with that panicked look in her eyes nor would she have texted him unless something was wrong.

      “We have to talk.”

      Ethan let those words sink in before he let out a bark of laughter. “That sounds like the precursor to a breakup.”

      Which didn’t make sense, considering they weren’t an actual couple. There was nothing to break up.

      Her worried look didn’t even crack. “That’s not why I’m here.”

      “Then what has you looking like your world has come to an end?”

      Harper took in a deep breath, and for the first time since they’d met a month ago, she didn’t seem like the confident, poised woman he’d come to know.

      “I’m pregnant.”

      * * *

      Saying those two words out loud didn’t make this situation seem any more real or any less terrifying. Since taking the test this morning, she’d been in a fog, wondering how to tell Ethan, worried how he’d react, scared for her own future and how she’d provide a child with a stable home. But Harper had never backed down from a problem or a confrontation. She’d overcome so much heartache and tragedy, she couldn’t look at this like a mistake or a setback.

      Harper firmly believed everything happened for a reason...even if she didn’t understand and the timing was less than ideal.

      Her entire life since Ethan approached her on the beach had been a series of firsts—the red bikini, the one-night stand, the continuation of that one night into an ongoing fling with a virtual stranger, the shower sex, the balcony sex in the middle of the night and now the two blue lines.

      She’d had one serious relationship, but that had ended just before her sister died. Harper wasn’t looking for any other commitment that would inevitably bring on more pain. But the fear of this situation settled heavy between them.

      “Say something,” she demanded after the yawning silence only added to her ever growing worry.

      Ethan’s bright eyes locked onto her. “You’re serious.”

      Harper let out a mock laugh. “Do you think this is something I’d joke about?”

      After another moment of awkward, tension-filled silence, Ethan muttered a curse and shook his head.

      “No, but I don’t know what to think.” He raked a hand through his messy hair before shifting his attention back to her. “I won’t ask how you know it’s mine. I may not know much about you, but I know you haven’t shared anyone else’s bed.”

      “You’re the first man I’ve been with in nearly a year.”

      Harper smoothed a hand over her queasy belly. She was more nervous about this conversation than she was nauseated from the pregnancy. But she hadn’t been with a man in so long, which would explain part of the reason why she’d found Ethan so charming and irresistible. The other reason was because she was still trying to find her footing with her late sister’s company, and Harper had used sex with Ethan as a much-needed means of escape.

      She also kept hearing her sister’s nagging in the back of her mind. Her fun-loving, life-of-the-party sister who always had encouraged Harper to step out of her comfort zone. Coming to this resort alone, wearing that bikini in a size fourteen, faking a confidence she didn’t feel...all of these things were firsts for her.

      “I didn’t want to keep this from you,” she went on, then paced to the double doors leading to the balcony. “I just found out this morning. I realize we barely know each other, but I’m not the type of person to lie or mislead anyone.”

      Life was too short, her goals too big to play games with anyone. She’d seen him, wondered what a fling would be like since she’d never had one, then decided to take charge of her life and seize the moment. She’d been trying to do more living in the moment since Carmen passed.

      She’d brought the red bikini with her because her sister had always accused her of being too boring, too vanilla, and Harper had wanted to put herself out there with a bold confidence.

      Now look where that landed her.

      “You seem calm.”

      Harper glanced over her shoulder and collected her thoughts. “Calm? I’m scared to death, I’m stunned, I’m worried how I’ll juggle it all. Getting hysterical won’t change a thing or help me sort out these feelings. So, maybe I am calm, but it’s not because I’m comfortable, it’s because I’m shocked.”

      Those piercing eyes usually held so much desire and passion, but now...

      Harper turned her attention back to the breathtaking view of the turquoise water and white sand. She didn’t want to witness his worry, his doubts... She had her own to deal with. This was the last thing she wanted to confront him about, but he deserved to know. This temporary fling had now resulted in a lifetime connection to Ethan Michaels. As if she didn’t have enough going on in her life already.

      Coming to Mirage had been the first step she’d taken in moving her and her sister’s design business into the next phase. Harper had every intention of making Two Sisters Design the go-to for every business, every home owner, everyone who wanted a change in their office or house or hotel.

      Carmen had always had a grand vision of their business. Harper had been reluctant at first when Carmen asked for her help, worried she wouldn’t measure up to her sister’s amazing talents, despite Carmen’s high praise on small projects.

      But after her sister was killed in a robbery six months ago, Harper knew she had to step up and take over. It’s what her sister would’ve wanted. Carmen would’ve had faith in Harper. Harper just needed to have faith in herself...which was how she landed at Mirage.

      She’d decided to start here because her father owned the adults-only resort. He wanted to do an overhaul and, though she’d first met the man when she was twenty, she was trying to have a relationship with him. Trying...and somewhat succeeding.

      Robert Anderson was a man who traveled and worked all over the world. Seemed business was more important to him than family,