A Christmas Temptation. Karen Booth. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Karen Booth
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: Mills & Boon Desire
Жанр произведения: Контркультура
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474076937
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was all there was to it.

      By the time he reached his office, Jake knew that flowers and fruit baskets had been the wrong approach. He needed to go with reason. She and her sister were sitting on a fortune. All they needed to do was cash in their golden ticket. He needed to show Sophie on paper, in hard numbers, why it was in her best interest to sell. Eden’s future was indeed grim. He was certain of it.

      “Unless I get a call from Sophie or Mindy Eden, I’m in a meeting,” he said to Audrey as he strode past her desk.

      “Yes, sir, Mr. Wheeler.”

      He sat at his desk, pulled out a fresh legal pad, grabbed the folder of background materials Audrey had pulled together on Eden’s and opened up a new browser window on his laptop. “Time to figure out just how bad things look for Eden’s Department Store.”

      Hours later, Jake had pages and pages of numbers and notes. He’d read two dozen articles about the future of retail, made estimates as to how much space Eden’s was using and wasting with some of their departments. Unfortunately for Jake, the most profitable department, women’s shoes, only stirred up thoughts of Sophie in the ones she’d been wearing today. They were some of the sexiest shoes he’d ever seen. For a moment, he had a vision of them on his shoulders and Sophie at his mercy, an idea he immediately wrenched from his mind, although he might be forced to revisit it later.

      He moved on to analyzing Eden’s online presence and the amount of company resources they were devoting to everything from marketing and advertising to store security and, yes, decorating executive offices like the inside of a snow globe.

      This was a bit like reading tea leaves, but he had to make do with what he had, and there was a great deal of satisfaction to take from the knowledge that no other money guy or investor was putting in this kind of work. Sophie would see that he was just looking out for her. He had her best interests at heart.

      And himself, of course. This deal would be the talk of developer circles for years. Decades even. And he’d grow his bank account considerably.

      But first, he had to call the one person who was on his side—Mindy Eden.

      “Jake, I told you the last time we talked, I’m not the one you need to convince. It’s all Sophie. I have zero interest in anything having to do with Eden’s. I have more than enough on my plate.”

      Jake tapped his pen on his planner and looked out his office window. The holiday market down in the park was again bustling with people. He’d never understand some people’s obsession with Christmas. “Okay. So then tell me how I get through to her. She’s not only digging in her heels about the store, she refuses to have a conversation with me.”

      Mindy laughed. “You do know you broke her heart, right?”

      Jake froze as Mindy’s words worked their way through his head. “I did not break her heart. Sophie and I had a little too much to drink one night, we had some fun, and I ended it the next day so she didn’t have to. Believe me, I was looking out for your sister. Any other guy would’ve strung her along for months.” Did Sophie truly feel as though he’d broken her heart? He’d only tried to protect her.

      “Or he might have fallen in love with my perfectly smart and beautiful sister and lived happily ever after.”

      Not this guy. Jake swallowed hard to stuff those words back inside him. It was one thing to get personal with Sophie, and quite another to talk about subjects like this with Mindy. “Something tells me she would’ve gotten tired of me real quick.”

      “Hmm. I don’t know about that.”

      “Do you think it would help to try to talk to her outside of the office? Maybe catch up with her on the weekend when she’s more relaxed?”

      “You must know that Sophie doesn’t relax. I’m not sure a weekend will help you. Plus, she’s gone this weekend.”

      “To where?”

      “Our grandmother’s house in Upstate, near Scarsdale. It’s where the family spends Christmas. She’s heading up tomorrow morning.”

      The wheels in Jake’s head were turning. Opportunity was in the air. “Is that the house where you and Sophie spent your summers?”

      “That’s the one. Eden House.”

      “Sophie used to talk about it all the time. She seemed to have a lot of great memories from being there.”

      “We both do, but yes, Sophie loves it. She goes every chance she gets.”

      “Are you going up this weekend, too?”

      “I told her I’d drive up Saturday night. The weather’s not looking good, but I think she’ll kill me if I don’t show up.”

      This might be perfect—drive up Friday and convince Sophie, Mindy arrives Saturday and they would work out the rest of the deal. The commotion of Eden’s wouldn’t be a distraction, and hopefully Sophie would be more relaxed and open to the things he had to say to her.

      Also, it was clearly time to smooth her ruffled feathers. He hated that she might have been harboring ill will toward him all these years. He’d truly had her best interests in mind when he’d called off their romance before it had a chance to start. He wasn’t about to delve into specifics or dig up his own past. There were too many unhappy memories to be found. But he could at least remind Sophie that they had once been very close. He could at least show her that they could, in fact, get along and find a way to help each other.

      “So, Mindy. I’m wondering if you can help me with something.”

      “Sure. What?”

      “I’m going to need the address for Eden House.”

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