His Secretary's Little Secret. Catherine Mann. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Catherine Mann
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: Mills & Boon Desire
Жанр произведения: Контркультура
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474039154
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artist. Nothing seemed to escape her gaze. He liked that about her. He was finding he liked a lot more about her than he’d realized. Apparently before now his absentminded professor ways had made him miss things. His attention to detail wasn’t as fine-tuned as hers.

      Something he intended to rectify.

      “Hmm. I can be... Well, how about you, Doctor Lourdes? What do you do for fun?”

      His formal salutation felt unnatural coming from her. He knew she used it to put distance between them, but he wasn’t allowing it this time. “I’m afraid to confess my favorite downtime activity is fishing.”


      In the corner of his vision, he saw her angle toward him.

      “Really,” he responded without hesitation. “I know some would say that goes against the conservationist, animal lifesaving oath I took, but I’m not a vegetarian and I always eat what I catch.”

      “It’s not bungee jumping or something equally adrenaline inducing?”

      “I know. I’m a letdown. I like fishing because I enjoy the quiet time to think and reflect. And I’m humbled by the way the ecosystem works—how connected everything is.”

      “Now who is full of surprises?” she murmured, more to herself than to him.

      “My turn. What about your dreams? What do you really want to do?”

      “I’m happy to be your assistant.”

      He shook his head. “Not what I asked.”

      They were only a few minutes away from the Hemingway Home and Museum, and the traffic around them increased, taillights glowing all around like a faux fire.

      Portia tugged on her ponytail, thinking.

      “In a perfect world? Like a money-and responsibility-free world?”

      “Yep.” Tall palms stretched above them, casting shadows over her face.

      The bright-colored houses and tropical foliage made the island look more like a movie set than reality. Foot traffic was dense too, but the cruise ship passengers on tour for the day would be pulling out before too long and things would quiet down.

      “I think I’d like to do something with art. Maybe a nonprofit for kids that focused on creativity after school. Especially for kids who don’t have a strong family support system. I’d love to help them see they have the ability to create something beautiful and wonderful.”

      Her words touched him as he turned the corner, traffic heavier as they drew closer to the historic landmark. “That’s a wonderful idea. There isn’t enough of that in the world. Any particular reason you chose this need over others?”

      “When I was younger, I saw a lot of kids bogged down by circumstances out of their control and they had no outlets of support. I hated that.”

      He could hear in her voice a more personal reason for her dream, one he felt like she wanted to share. This woman was more like the one he remembered from the night of the storm, the Portia who’d told him of her need to keep on the lights during storms as a child so her brother and her stuffed animals wouldn’t be afraid. But he’d seen in her eyes that she’d craved that light and comfort then too, but even now was unwilling to admit her own need for support. Even as her standoffish ways frustrated him at times, he also couldn’t help but admire her strength.

      If he could keep her talking, he could win her over. What he’d do once he had her, he wasn’t sure. All he knew was that he wanted her like he’d wanted no one and nothing else.

      But how to tease this information out of her?

      He slowed the car to a halt, the traffic in front of him growing worse.

      And then the unthinkable happened, interrupting his thoughts. A crash echoed in his ears less than an instant before the car jolted forward.

      They’d been rear-ended. Damn. His protective instincts went on high alert and his arm shot across in front of Portia.

      Only keeping her safe mattered.

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