Gray smiled, anticipating her surprise when she discovered where they were. “Come on.”
He walked around the Lexus while Amy belted her coat and gathered her purse. When she swung her legs out of the car, he again admired her long, shapely calves and narrow feet, set off by high heels and pale, glittery hose.
“Gray, where are we?”
He placed his hand under her elbow. The gravel crunched under their impractical shoes as they walked to the porch. Overhead, a billion stars competed with the half moon to light the crisp night air.
“I know you were probably expecting a restaurant, but in all honesty, I make the best breakfast you’ll find anywhere.”
Amy stopped, her eyes showing some lingering, sleep-induced confusion. “Where are we?”
“At my cabin on Lake Buchanan,” he said carefully.
She looked around at the rural setting. “I thought we’d be going to something like a diner in Austin.”
“My omelettes are much better.”
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath of the crisp, clear air. “This is much nicer. No rowdy teenagers. No smokers in the next booth.”
“I’m glad you like it. The view is beautiful during the day.” Not that he’d bring her back here to see it, he reminded himself. Again, he felt a hollow ache when he realized he and Amy wouldn’t be dating. “My uncle used to bring me here when I was a kid. I bought it from him when he couldn’t keep it up any longer.”
“You’re a very nice man,” she said, her voice soft and throaty in the quiet, cold night.
Chills ran up his spine, but had nothing to do with the weather and everything to do with the woman standing before him. “Thank you, but my motives were also selfish. I love coming here to relax.”
Amy shrugged, hugging her arms around her. “Well, since I need to find another compliment you’ll accept, I could also mention that you’re a good dancer.”
“That one I’ll take, on the condition I have an equally talented partner,” he said, slipping his hand beneath her elbow as he guided her toward the cabin. “I’m also a damn good cook.”
“I’ll be the judge of that,” she said just before her tummy rumbled again.
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