Double Trouble: Newborn Twins. Rebecca Winters. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Rebecca Winters
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: Mills & Boon M&B
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472073822
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just wanted to say that I think Leon is very lucky to have a brother like you. Would that the twins develop that kind of love for each other. Goodnight.”

      “We’re coming up on the little fishing village of Apollonia, named after the god Apollo.” Andreas had been giving Gabi an insider’s tour of the Cyclades from his position in the copilot’s seat.

      She’d never been to Milos. As the pilot swung the helicopter toward the beautiful island sparkling like a gem in the blue Aegean Gabi’s breath caught. She’d once visited the islands of Mykonos and Kea on the ferry, not by air. To see all the fantastic volcanic formations and colorful beaches from this height robbed her of words.

      During the flight from Heraklion, her awestruck gaze had met his many times. Maybe it was a trick of light from being at this altitude in a cloudless sky, but when he looked at her the gray of his irises seemed to turn crystalline, almost like a glowing silver fire.

      The twins were strapped down in their carry-cots opposite her so she could watch them. They’d stayed awake during the flight, good as gold.

      “Is that Apollonia down there hugging the bay?” she questioned as they drew closer.

      Andreas chuckled. “No. That’s the home of the Simonides clan. Apollonia is just beyond it.”

      Gabi was staggered. She stared at the twins. Little did they know the lineage they came from included a kingdom as magical as anything she’d seen in a fairy tale. But instead of towers and turrets and drawbridges, it was a gleaming white cluster of cubical beauty set against an impossibly turquoise-blue sea found only in this part of the world.

      Further on lay the picturesque little town where she’d be staying. It was built in the typical royal blue and white motif along a sandy beach, the kind you saw in videos and on postcards advertising the charm of the Greek islands. Before the helicopter landed, she knew she was going to love it here.

      She picked out the boats at the village pier. There appeared to be myriad shops and restaurants close by, an idyllic vacation spot if there ever was one. As soon as they landed and the blades stopped rotating, Andreas helped her and the twins into a car waiting by the helipad.

      The pilot loaded her luggage and the stroller into the trunk. There was a considerable amount of stuff. She poked her head out the window. “Thank you!” she called to him. “When you travel with babies, there’s no such thing as packing light.”

      Both men flashed each other a grin before Andreas took his place behind the wheel and started the motor. Seated across from his hard-muscled body, Gabi felt an excitement out of all proportion to the reason why she and the twins had been whisked to this heavenly place.

      He drove them past tavernas and bars, pointing out a supermarket and a bakery where she could buy anything she needed. In a few minutes they turned onto a private road that wound beneath a cluster of trees and ended at a perfectly charming blue and white house with its own shaded garden and stone walkways.

      Gabi let out a sound of pleasure. “This is an adorable place, Andreas.”

      “I’m glad you like it. From the front door you step right out onto the beach. The house is fully air-conditioned, another reason why I chose it.”

      “The babies and I will be happy as clams here.”

      He darted her a curious look. “That’s an odd American expression. Do you think clams are happy?”

      She burst into laughter. “I have no idea, but I know we will be.”

      His low chuckle followed her as she got out of the car to open the back door. By now the twins were so awake they were eager to escape their confinement. While she released Kris’s carry-cot from the strap, Andreas removed Nikos. Together they walked toward the door where a pretty, dark-haired woman who looked to be in her mid-twenties held it open for them.

      “Kalimera, Kyrie Simonides.”

      “Kalimera, Lena. This is Gabi Turner.” The two women smiled. “Lena and her husband manage this resort. They have a son, Basil, who’s five months old.”

      “Oh—I’d love to see him.”

      “He’s with my husband right now, but I’ll bring him out to the garden later in the day. How old are your children?”

      “Three months.”

      “They are very beautiful.” Lena’s glance slid to Andreas, no doubt trying to figure out their relationship when the wiggling babies looked like him, not Gabi. “We have maid service. If you need anything, pick up the phone and the office will answer.”

      “Thank you. This is delightful.”

      “I think so, too. Enjoy your stay.”

      After she walked off, they moved through to the living room whose white interior was accented with dark wood furniture and blue accessories. “What a charming house!” she cried.

      “I’m glad you like it.” Andreas sounded pleased as she followed him through to one of the bedrooms down the hall where two cribs and a set of dresser drawers had been set up. Everything was impeccably clean.

      Andreas helped her lift the boys out of their carry-cots and lay them down in their cribs. “I’ll bring in your things.”

      “That would be wonderful.” She kissed Kris. “The babies have been awake for a long time and are getting impatient for their lunch, but first they’re going to need a diaper change.”

      “Afterward I’ll help you feed them.”

      “That won’t be necessary.”

      “What if I want to?”

      His playful teasing didn’t fool her. “You’ve done more than enough, Andreas. I can just picture your exceptional receptionist wondering where on earth you’ve disappeared to.”

      She watched him kiss Nikos. “Didn’t I tell you I’m on vacation? The whole family’s here for the next two weeks.”

      This time her heart really did get a major workout. “As I recall, you were going to give me an appointment at three o’clock yesterday afternoon.”

      “If you recall,” he murmured, coming to stand next to her, bringing his warmth and enticing male scent with him, “a life and death situation altered the scheme of our lives.”

      Gabi gripped the railing of the crib tighter. Our lives was right. When she’d gone to his office in Athens on Friday, the idea that days later she’d be alone with him on Milos would have stretched the limits of her imagination. Yet here she was…

      “For the time being, my first priority is to lend Leon moral support.” On that succinct note he left the bedroom.

      While he was gone she gave herself another lecture about remembering why she’d been temporarily ensconced in this corner of paradise. Leon was blessed to have his brother’s backing. As Gabi’s father had said, Andreas was a good man. How good no one would ever know who hadn’t walked in her footsteps since last Friday evening when she’d first confronted him.

      In a few minutes he’d returned with the diaper bag and bottles of formula already prepared. They changed the babies before going into the living room to feed them. He was as confident and efficient as any seasoned father. Whether Leon ended up raising them or not, Andreas had claimed his nephews. She had an idea he would be an intrinsic part of their lives from now on.

      After they put the twins down for their nap, Andreas announced he was leaving for his villa. “I’ll be back with food before they’re awake.” He flicked her a heavy-lidded glance before disappearing from the house.

      While she was taking clothes out of the suitcase to hang up and put in drawers, she heard the car drive off. He’d told her the Simonides compound was only ten minutes away by car, but already she missed him. To keep herself busy she acquainted herself with the rest of the house.
