One Night Of Consequences Collection. Annie West. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Annie West
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: Mills & Boon e-Book Collections
Жанр произведения: Контркультура
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474073110
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‘They both very nearly did.’

      ‘For the love of...’ Nadir’s gaze narrowed. ‘You didn’t compromise her, did you?’

      His brother gave a sharp bark of laughter. ‘A wild boar couldn’t compromise that woman and nor would it want to.’ His gaze fell on Nadeena. ‘I take it this is my niece.’

      ‘You’re changing the subject.’

      ‘I am.’ He smiled at Nadeena. ‘She’s beautiful.’

      ‘I know.’ Nadir wanted to ask his brother what the hell had happened but there’d be time for that later. It was enough that he was back and in one piece. ‘I don’t have time to get the details now but you’re okay.’

      ‘No thanks to you,’ he said without rancour.

      ‘Ever heard of the boy who cried wolf? That will teach you for playing so many tricks as a kid.’

      Zach grinned. ‘Come chat while I get cleaned up.’

      ‘I can’t.’

      ‘Why not? The wedding isn’t for hours yet.’

      ‘No, but...’ Nadir shook his head. He wanted to see Imogen and it was all he could think about. ‘Here, take your niece and get acquainted.’

      He handed his daughter over and was surprised when Zach took her so easily.

      ‘Hey, don’t look so surprised. I’m okay with babies. They’re like women and horses. Handle them with the utmost care and don’t do anything to rub them up the wrong way. Isn’t that right, habibti?’

      Waiting just long enough to make sure his daughter wasn’t going to start bellowing in protest, Nadir smiled when a little frown line materialised between her eyebrows as she reached up to touch Zach’s beard. ‘Don’t let her cut herself on that and if she cries take her to Maab.’

      ‘Where will you be?’

      ‘With Imogen.’

      ‘Ah.’ His brother cocked his head and gave a knowing grin and Nadir took the stairs to Imogen’s suite two at a time.

      * * *

      This time Imogen made sure she kept well away from the balcony doors. She shouldn’t have gone out there before but the time since she had woken until now had been interminable. And she still had another four hours until the wedding.

      Butterflies danced in her stomach and her lips felt dry again. At this rate she would go through the whole tube of Rose Delight Tasnim had given her before the ceremony even started.

      She wasn’t in her dress yet, just a silk robe that was part of a dowry Nadir had ordered for her. It was gorgeous Parisian silk, as was the underwear she had on. The dress too was beautiful. It had been sewn by twenty local ladies and Tasnim had told her they had worked around the clock to create a dress fit for a queen. Which reminded her that she wanted to pay for her own dowry and she headed back inside and wrote a quick note to herself. It was only a small thing but she had started to wear the clothes Nadir had bought for her and she didn’t want him providing everything she needed.

      She sighed and tried to find something else to distract herself with because none of her old performance tricks seemed to do anything to settle her pesky nerves.

      Or was it anxiety? Was it because everything had turned out so perfectly in the end? Or nearly perfectly. Nadir had not told her that he loved her but he cared for her and she believed that he would always do the right thing by her and their children.

      Imogen pressed her hand to her belly. Could they have created another life together this week?

      A knock on the door startled her and she knew it was Nadir. She hadn’t missed that searing look he had given her from the courtyard or what it had meant. The butterflies in her stomach flexed their wings. He wanted her, that much was obvious, but still a little gremlin of doubt managed to insinuate itself into her mind. What if he’d changed his mind...? What if?

      Mentally slapping the negative thoughts away, she marched over to the door. Even though she knew she shouldn’t see him again before the ceremony, she didn’t care. She needed the reassurance of his touch.


      Imogen burst into tears the minute she opened the door and saw her friend standing on the threshold dressed in a bespoke suit and tie, which he’d always said he would never wear.

      ‘Imogen—’ Minh stopped smiling and strode inside ‘—what’s wrong?’

      All the pent-up emotion of the last week spilled over and, even though she told herself not to cry because it would ruin her make-up, she couldn’t seem to stop.

      ‘Imogen, tell me what’s wrong. If that bastard hurt you I’ll deck him.’ Minh took her into his arms and she shook her head to say that she was fine and buried her face against his chest. It was stupid to cry like this and she gave a hiccup and lifted her head, her smile tremulous. ‘I’m sorry...I don’t know what came over me. I’ve been waiting for you to get here and...oh, Minh, I’m just so—’


      Hearing Nadir’s deep voice behind her, Imogen reared back from Minh and stared at Nadir. His face was closed. Hard. He raised an eyebrow. ‘Ecstatic, even?’

      Well, yes. She wiped beneath her eyes and her fingertips came away black. Oh, she must look a fright! ‘I didn’t hear you knock.’ It was a stupid thing to say but the tone of his voice had thrown her mind into a spin.

      ‘You left the door open.’ His steely gaze scared her and then he cut his eyes to Minh. ‘I need to speak with Imogen. Alone.’

      ‘What have you done to her now?’

      ‘Minh, don’t.’ Imogen had a sense of déjà vu but she knew by the expression on Nadir’s face that something was very wrong. Had he received bad news about Zachim?

      ‘I don’t like this, Im. I told you—’

      ‘Please, Minh. I’m sure this won’t take a minute.’

      Minh’s reluctance to leave was as palpable as it had been back in London.

      He threw Nadir a warning glare. ‘I’ll be right outside.’

      Imogen breathed out when he closed the door behind him. She turned back to find Nadir by the arched windows, staring out. ‘Nadir, what’s wrong? Has something happened? Nadeena—’

      ‘She’s fine. I left her with Zach.’

      ‘Oh, then he’s back!’


      ‘That’s wonderful news. I thought maybe, but...’ She took a deep breath. Started again. ‘Is he okay?’

      ‘He’s fine.’

      She hesitated. ‘So that’s good. Isn’t it?’

      ‘It’s very good.’

      He turned and stuck his hands in the pockets of his jeans and stared at her.

      ‘You’re starting to scare me, Nadir.’ She gave a soft laugh as if to alleviate the tension in the room but it just ratcheted it up even more.

      ‘I’m sorry. I don’t mean to.’ He cleared his throat. ‘But we need to clarify some things before the wedding.’

      His voice was so devoid of emotion it made Imogen’s stomach roil. ‘Like?’

      ‘Like the fact that you wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for Nadeena.’

      Her lashes came down to shield the hurt in her eyes. They both knew that was why he had brought her here. It wasn’t news. So why was he mentioning it? Was he afraid she had twisted the reasons for their marriage into something it wasn’t? Was he afraid she had fallen in love with him? Taking a deep