FIG. 8. Number of cereal grains eaten per minute by wood-pigeons depending on grain density. Note that the scale on the abscissa and the actual graph are broken to save space. (From Murton 1968).
Any numerical responses shown by bird predators to changes in the density of their prey can most rapidly be achieved by emigration or immigration; more permanent changes dependent on reproduction must necessarily be slow and delayed, because birds have restricted breeding seasons. Figure 10, based on Mook (1963), shows how the numbers of bay-breasted warblers which settled to breed in certain Canadian conifer forests, after they had returned from migration, varied according to the density of the third instar larvae of the spruce budworm Choristoneura fumiferana. The response did not depend on the reproductive rate of the warblers: it resembles the behaviour of certain arctic birds of prey, like the snowy owl, which settle to breed in the Canadian arctic and in Scandinavia in those years when lemmings are abundant, and is similar to the behaviour of the short-eared owls already mentioned. There are, however, many cases in which a bird predator shows no numerical response to a specific prey component. An example is discussed below (see here) where it was found that numbers of wintering oystercatchers showed little variation over several seasons, although their preferred prey, second year cockles, fluctuated widely in numbers. This was because in seasons when second year cockles were scarce the birds fed on cockle spat and the older age groups, so that while oystercatcher numbers may have been related to the total cockle population they were not related to this one specific age group.
FIG. 9. Functional response of a predator to changes in prey density. The horizontal line C represents the total food of the predator equal to 100%. The proportion of a specific prey, either A or B, eaten by the predator is also shown, depending on changing density of A or B. Consider a predator eating B. At density 1 none is found and the predator’s diet is composed of 100% of C (this could be many different items considered in toto). At density 3, 80% of the diet is composed of B and 20%, i.e. C—B, of other things again making a total of 100%C. (Based on Holling 1965).
The synthesis of the numerical and functional responses shown by a predator determines the nature of predation and its significance for the prey concerned, the main possibilities being represented in Fig. 11. Because bird predators must in most cases take time to respond to changes in prey density, any interaction must usually be delayed. The classical predator–prey relationship is shown at A in Fig. 11. Here the predator increases when prey is abundant, causing the prey to decrease. This results in a decrease of the predator, followed again by an increase of the prey. This ideal balance was first demonstrated in laboratory cultures of the protozoan Paramecium by Gause (1934), and was derived theoretically by Lotka (1925) and Volterra (1926). It is rare to find such perfect examples in wild populations, usually because predators have other prey which they turn to when their major source becomes scarce. An apparent case is shown in Fig. 12 which refers to the number of barn owls and kestrels ringed each year, and which may be taken as an index of their actual abundance. Snow (1968) has shown that most of the peaks of kestrels depend on high numbers being ringed in the north of England and south Scotland and they reflect fluctuations in the number of families ringed, not differences in the size of broods. There is no evidence for similar periodic fluctuations in southern England. Moreover, there is good evidence that the vole Microtus agrestis has been particularly abundant in the north of England in the same years that large numbers of kestrels have been found for ringing. But the curves seem to represent a numerical response of the predator, more kestrels settling to breed when vole numbers are high. There is no evidence that the survival rate of nestling or adult kestrels has varied in the different years in a way that would be expected in a classical predator–prey situation.
FIG. 10. Numerical response of predator to changes in prey density as shown by the number of nesting pairs of bay-breasted warblers per 100 acres of forest in relation to the number of third-instar larvae of the spruce budworm per 10 sq. ft. of foliage. (From Mook 1963).
FIG. 11. Three possible interactions between a predator and its prey. On the left the numbers of predator are plotted against numbers of prey and successive points on the time scale chosen (months, years, etc.) joined in chronological order. In the right hand graphs the numbers of prey (solid line) or predator (dotted line) are plotted against time.
A. An increase in prey numbers if followed by an increase of predators which eat the prey, causing a decline in the prey which is followed by a decline in the predator so that with time a steady balance is maintained.
B. Predator density increases relative to prey density so that the regular oscillations shown at A become damped.
C. Prey density increases relative to predator numbers and the system become unstable with violent oscillations.