Mills and Boon Christmas Joy Collection. Liz Fielding. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Liz Fielding
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: Mills & Boon e-Book Collections
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474077132
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stared out of the window as the plane came into land. Her first sight of Euronia. A stunning, winding coastline overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. A population of two hundred thousand people over an area of only seventy kilometres. The rich and famous flocked here because of the tax benefits. The press loved Euronia because it seemed to host every celebrity wedding that had ever existed.

      The plane landed quickly and glided to a halt on the Tarmac. She hadn’t spoken to Alex since she’d seen him at the hospital. The number he’d given her had been for his secretary—a chirpy little man who’d been delighted when she’d said she would come to Euronia and had spoken with great fondness about Annabelle. He’d arranged everything. Even advising on what kind of clothing to bring and asking her for her dress and shoe size so he could provide some extra items if required.

      The pilot and the stewardess had both been polite but formal. She wondered if they were used to fading into the background.

      A black limousine was waiting for her.

      ‘Welcome to Euronia, Ms Wetherspoon. It will only take ten minutes to reach the palace. Please make yourself comfortable and help yourself to refreshments.’

      Another man in black. She hid her smile. Any minute now she would hear the theme tune to that movie in her head. It was the same garb that the men in Paris had been wearing all those years ago. Those men had made her uncomfortable. This man was a little different. His eyes were scanning the horizon constantly. Was he a chauffeur or security?

      She settled into the comfortable leather seats. The ‘refreshments’ in front of her were wine, champagne and beer. It was ten-thirty in the morning. What she’d actually like was a cup of tea.

      She watched the scenery speed past.

      Polly’s words echoed in her ears. ‘This isn’t a movie. He’s using you, Ruby. Don’t get any ideas about this at all.’

      Her disdain had been apparent as soon as she’d heard what had happened. Polly had long since abandoned any romantic notions of her prince. She’d been the one to see exactly how devastated Ruby had been. But it was all right for Polly. She’d got her happy-ever-after—a doting husband and a baby in her arms.

      ‘How long will you be gone?’ she’d asked Ruby moodily.

      ‘I have no idea.’ And she really didn’t. She couldn’t plan anything until she’d assessed Annabelle.

      The car swept through some regal gates, past armed guards and down a long pale yellow sweeping drive. The view over the Mediterranean was breathtaking.

      No turning back. She was here now. She tugged at her pale green dress. It was a little more formal than what she normally wore, but at least it didn’t crumple.

      The palace came into view. Nicknamed the Pink Palace, the Palace Principale was built from pink and red sandstone. She’d seen pictures on the internet, but seeing it in reality was entirely different.

      Ruby took a deep breath. There must be a million little girls’ birthday cakes all over the world based on this palace. Four square turrets and it seemed like hundreds of slim windows looked down on her. The palace doors were enormous, with wide sweeping steps leading up to them.

      Intimidating. Definitely intimidating.

      She would be lying if she claimed she’d never thought about this. Of course she had. Every girl had.

      But every girl hadn’t kissed a prince.

      Oh, boy. She squeezed her eyes shut for a second. This was harder than she’d thought.

      Actually being here in Euronia was much harder than she’d imagined it to be.

      In her head this was a job. This was professional. So why was her heart fluttering so much? And why did she want to run back along that yellow driveway?

      A man was standing at the top of the steps to greet her. It wasn’t Alex. Of course it wasn’t Alex. He hadn’t even spoken to her on the phone.

      She climbed the steps and looked out over the Mediterranean Sea. Lots of little white boats bobbed up and down on the beautiful blue water. Little boats? They probably cost more than she would earn in her lifetime. This was a whole other world.

      But she was here to do a job, not to admire the scenery—no matter how beautiful it was.

      The sooner she got started the better.

      * * *

      He watched her step from the car. She was picture-perfect. Her elegant legs were the first hint of what was to come as her slim figure emerged in a pale green dress that fluttered around her in the strong sea winds. It was an occupational hazard of having a palace on the sea.

      His mother had always joked that one day a press photographer would get a picture of something they shouldn’t. She’d been born before her time, and had been taken much too soon. She would have known exactly what to do with Annabelle.

      He watched as Rufus, his private secretary, bustled around about Ruby. He would probably give her a headache in the first five minutes, but his heart was in the right place.

      Rufus had organised everything once he’d known Ruby would be coming. From her favourite foods and TV shows to her clothes—everything would be taken care of. The only thing he’d asked for some input with was where to put her in the palace.

      Alex hadn’t been quite sure, but had finally decided she should be in the West Wing, overlooking the sea. The rooms there had always been his mother’s favourites.

      It only took a few moments before his phone rang.

      ‘Your Majesty? I’m afraid there’s a problem with our guest. Her accommodation is unsuitable. She’s requesting rooms next to Princess Annabelle.’ Rufus was so overwrought he was practically squeaking.

      ‘Take her to the library. I’ll be along directly.’

      Five minutes. That was all it had taken for Ruby to cause turmoil in his life. He just hoped this wasn’t a decision he’d live to regret.

      He strode down the stairs and along the corridor towards the library. Rufus was flapping around the doorway. He wasn’t used to people not going along with his plans.

      ‘Where is she?’ Alex looked around the empty room.

      ‘She went upstairs to Princess Annabelle’s quarters. She knows Annabelle isn’t there but she said she wanted to make herself familiar with the place.’

      Rufus cringed. The whole thing was probably giving him palpitations. It didn’t take much these days.

      Alex waved his hand. ‘Leave this to me.’

      He didn’t need Rufus getting over-excited. What on earth was Ruby doing? She’d barely put her feet across the front door.

      He bit his lip as he climbed the stairs at a rapid pace. She wasn’t used to things like this. Maybe he should try and exercise a little patience. Ruby wasn’t used to royal palaces and protocols. She was here because he’d asked her to be. She might have a job to do, but she was also his guest.

      He reached Annabelle’s rooms quickly. The door was open wide, giving a clear view of the palace gardens and the sea. Ruby was sitting on one of the window seats, but she wasn’t admiring the view. One of Annabelle’s stuffed toys was in her hands. It was a koala left by the Australian ambassador after his last visit. Ruby was looking around the room carefully.

      He stood behind her, looking at her outline, seeing every curve of her body. It sent a rush of blood around his own body.

      He hadn’t quite imagined how this would feel. Ruby, sitting in his palace, with the backdrop he’d looked at every day for years behind her. It almost seemed unreal.

      ‘Ruby, what are you doing in here?’

      She sighed and turned to face him. The first thing that struck him was her big brown eyes. So dark, so deep, so inviting... He really