Turn Me On. Dylan Rose. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Dylan Rose
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: Mills & Boon Dare
Жанр произведения: Контркультура
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474087230
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having it all out there made her feel powerful and sexy. It also didn’t hurt that Gregor was looking at her with the most intense, lustful stare she’d ever witnessed.

      As he began kissing the insides of her thighs, she grasped the edge of the counter to steady herself. What was this man doing to her—and why was he so good at it? she wondered. She admitted to herself that as soon as she heard she was interviewing Gregor, she had hoped there would be a spark between them. But if anyone had told her he would be pleasuring her on his kitchen counter, she definitely would not have believed it.

      It was the same place he had probably prepared countless meals for dignitaries and celebrity friends, and now he was making a meal of her, hungrily biting at the soft flesh of her thighs, his fingers only lightly grazing across her most intimate area. It was this withholding that made her want his touch even more.

      Faye groaned—it was an animalistic noise, begging for Gregor to put her out of her misery and give her the warm, tingly feeling she had gone without for too long. Gregor responded by pressing his mouth over her honeypot and flicking his tongue persistently over her clitoris. Faye threw back her head, her long hair trailing down her back as she closed her eyes and gave in to the feeling Gregor was bestowing upon her.

      Coming in front of your interview subject seemed like the wrong thing to do, but Faye couldn’t stop herself. As Faye felt herself begin to tremble, she raked her fingers through Gregor’s hair, which she’d been wanting to touch ever since they had met and cried out, making a sound that came from somewhere deep in her belly. Pulling him toward her, she reached her climax and then teetered there for a few moments, her body quivering against his mouth. When she finally came down, he looked up at her with a satisfied smile.

      Faye wasn’t sure what she expected to happen next—was he going to fuck her right there on the kitchen counter? Or maybe bring her back to his bedroom and make love to her for the rest of the night? She had no idea.

      But instead of taking off his own pants, which Faye would have been highly curious to see, Gregor simply reached up and planted a sweet kiss on her forehead.

      “Sleep well,” he said before turning and retreating to his own bedroom.

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