Ultimate Romance Collection. Rebecca Winters. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Rebecca Winters
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: Mills & Boon e-Book Collections
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474096959
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his fingers and hit her dead center between the thighs. And when she stared into his eyes and saw the dark heat in his pupils, she knew he’d felt something, as well.

      “Are you married, Laramie?”

      “No. I’ve never been married. What about you? I approached you because I didn’t see a ring on your finger.”

      At least he didn’t hit on married women. Some men didn’t care. “No, I’m not married, either, and never have been.”

      “So, Bristol Lockett, do I have your permission?”

      She licked her lips. “For what?”

      That sexy smile widened. “To be here when you get off.”

      Then what? she wondered but decided not to ask. “Sure, if that’s what you want.”

      His chuckle made desire claw at her but it was his next words that sealed her fate. “There are a lot of things I want when it comes to you, Bristol.”

      Jeez. If he wasn’t standing there she would close her eyes and moan. This man presented a temptation she shouldn’t even think about yielding to. Too bad her best friend, Dionne, was out of town for the holidays and not around to talk some sense into her.

      “What about if we share a drink at one of the pubs first?” she asked, and then frowned. Why had she made it sound as if she would be willing to move to the next stage once they shared a drink?

      “That’s fine. I’ll be back in four hours.”

      When he walked off she glanced at her watch. Her break was officially over but she knew her encounter with this military man was just beginning.

      She hurried behind the counter to put on her apron while watching Mary-Ann, another waitress, head over to the table to serve the five guys. More people entered the café, and Bristol was about to cross the room to serve a couple with a little girl when Mary-Ann stopped her.

      “They asked for you,” Mary-Ann said, smiling.


      “Those soldiers. I’ve given them menus but they want you to serve their table. That’s fine with me. Then I don’t have to commit a sin by forgetting I’ve been married to Joel almost twenty years. Those five are too much temptation,” she said, fanning herself. “I hope you can handle it.”

      Bristol hoped she could handle it as well, as she made her way to the table where all five men sat. Hot and heavy testosterone was thick in the air surrounding them. Drawing in a deep breath she approached them with her notepad in hand. “Have you guys decided what you’re having?”

      “Apparently, Coop has,” one of the men said, grinning at her. “We’re still deciding.”

      She nodded. “Okay, and who is Coop?”

      “I am,” the guy who had introduced himself to her earlier said.

      She met his gaze. “I thought your name was Laramie.”

      He smiled again and she tried not to feel weak in the knees. “It is. My real name is Laramie Cooper. They call me Coop.”


      “Let me introduce everyone,” Laramie said. “First off, guys, this is Bristol,” he said to his friends.

      “Hello, Bristol,” they all said simultaneously as they stood to their feet, showing they had manners.


      “I’m Bane,” one of the men said, extending his hand to her.

      She smiled at the very handsome military man as she shook his hand. “Hi, Bane.”

      “Is that a New York accent?” Bane asked.

      “Yes, you would think after being in France for almost four years it would not be so easily detected.”

      Bane’s smile widened. “Some things you can’t get rid of.”

      “Apparently,” she said, chuckling.

      “I’m Flipper,” another one of the guys said, offering his hand. He was definitely a hottie, with blond hair and the bluest eyes she’d ever seen. The color reminded her of the ocean and she wondered if that was why his nickname was Flipper.

      “Nice meeting you, Flipper,” she said, shaking his hand, as well.

      “Same here, Bristol.”

      “I’m Mac,” another one of the men said, leaning across to take her hand. This man appeared older than the others by at least three or four years.

      “Hi, Mac.”

      “And I’m Viper.”

      She glanced at the man who introduced himself as Viper. He was taller than the others and just as handsome. His eyes seemed sharp and penetrating. “Hi, Viper,” she said, shaking his hand.

      “Hi, Bristol,” Viper returned, smiling.

      “And you know me,” Laramie said, taking her hand.

      And just like before, a spike of heat hit her. “Yes, I know you.” She quickly pulled her hand away. “It’s nice meeting all of you and I like all your nicknames,” she said as the men all sat back down.

      Bane chuckled. “They aren’t nicknames. They’re our military code names.”

      “Oh. And what branch of the military?”

      “We’re navy SEALs,” the one named Flipper said, grinning proudly.

      He had every right to feel that way. She’d heard about navy SEALs. Some considered them the American government’s secret weapon against any enemy force.

      “So, Laramie, I’ll start with you. What will you have?” she asked, getting ready to write on her notepad.

      “For now I’ll take a juicy hamburger, a large order of French fries and a huge malted strawberry shake.”

      For now? She wondered what he planned to have later. From the way he was looking at her, she had an idea. And why didn’t realizing this guy evidently thought she was on his menu bother her?

      Bristol went around the table and took everyone’s order. Apparently all five were big eaters and she wondered where they would put all that food and how they stayed in such great physical shape. After turning their orders in to the cook, she began waiting on other tables, but felt the heat of Laramie’s gaze on her the entire time. Every time she glanced over in his direction, he was staring at her. Blatantly so.

      Maybe it hadn’t been a good idea for her to agree to have a drink with him when she got off work. She knew nothing about him, other than his name was Laramie Cooper, his military code name was Coop, he loved juicy hamburgers and he was a navy SEAL.

      She delivered their food a short while later and watched them eat all of it. She could tell that the five were more than just members of the same military team. They shared a close friendship. That much was obvious from the way they joked around with each other.

      Mac was married and had no problem showing her pictures of his wife and kids. It was evident he was proud of them. Bane, she’d discovered, was also married, but from the way the others teased him she could only assume he hadn’t seen his wife in a while, which meant the two were separated. Like Laramie, Viper and Flipper were single and from the sound of things they intended to stay that way.

      At the end of the meal when they paid their bill, she was shocked at the tip they left her. She would not normally have earned that much tip money in a week. “Thanks, guys.”

      “No, we want to thank you,” Flipper said standing, like the others. “It was nice meeting you, Bristol, and the food was great.”

      The others shared the same sentiments as they moved to leave the café. Laramie hung back. “I’ll be here when you get off work.”
