Tucker's Claim. Sarah McCarty. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Sarah McCarty
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: Mills & Boon Spice
Жанр произведения: Эротическая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781408917749
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      The waistband gave way and his fingers met the cotton of her pantaloons. “That would be a matter of opinion.”

      His mouth crooked in that small smile that always sent her heart to pitter-pattering. Tonight was no different. Lit by the moon, hidden by shadow, his expression was visible only in bits and pieces, but what she saw sent shivers down her spine. The white flash of his smile, the shine of his eyes.

       Oh, I could love him.

      The thought had just popped into her mind. Forbidden. Scary. Intriguing.

      “Tucker…” Her whisper, full of longing, filled the space between them.

      “Right here, Sally Mae.”

      Another shiver snaked down her spine. He never called her by her name. That he did so now made it just that much more intimate. Wrapping her arms around his neck she let him draw her against the hard muscles of his big body. Her skirt rustled as it slid down her thighs. She didn’t care. She’d waited her whole life for this moment, this man, to take her in his arms. She could feel magic waiting just beyond the next second. It was a sin, but it couldn’t be wrong. Nothing between them could be wrong. The knowledge slid into her soul in a swell of enlightenment. Her confidence grew right alongside. Whatever this was, it was meant to be. And it was right. She lifted her mouth, stealing Tucker’s smile for herself.

      His satisfaction rumbled in his chest.


      The gruff question set her to shivering again.


      Another of those sexy growls before Tucker slanted his mouth over hers. The passion in the move rippled across her desire, sparking it higher.


      She wasn’t aware that she’d even spoken the word aloud until he reflected it back in his deep baritone.


      Yes, this was what she’d needed. The thrust of his tongue, the power of his embrace, the shudder of his big body against hers as she straddled his thighs and settled gently over his groin.

      “Goddamn it, Sally.”

      She shook her head as anticipation blended with pleasure.

      She fitted her groin to his, rocking on the hard ridge of his cock, breathing deeply of the humid night air. She spread her fingers across his magnificent chest, touching the tips of her pinkies to the tips of his flat nipples.

      Never would she delude herself that this between them wasn’t magic.

      His hands slid under her thighs, the backs brushing her pussy and he went to work on the buttons of his pants. “Lift up.”

      Lifting up was the best thing she ever did. Lifting up allowed Tucker the opportunity to free his penis. Lifting up allowed the slick slide of her pussy over his thick cock. His very thick cock.

      Instinct had her pulling back from the potent threat. “Oh my.”

      His big hands settled on her hips, guiding her back into the motion. His cock pressed eagerly. Her breath caught in her lungs. Tension coiled in her stomach, spreading outward. There was the slightest shift in his grip, and then he pressed up. Delicious shivers radiated up from her pussy in hot pulses. Her fingers curled. Something like a growl rumbled in his chest. Her body, still primed from their previous encounter, ignited in a storm of passion.


      He lifted her, but this time when she came back down, he was waiting for her. His cock wedged into the well of her pussy and her breath exploded from her in a gasp.

      “Relax, Sally.”

      Yes, she needed to relax, otherwise she’d never be able to take him. Biting her lip, she tried again.

      “Shh, baby.” His hand touched her cheek. “I know it’s been a while. We’ll take it slow and easy.”

      It had been more than a while. Jonah had never been this big, stretched her to this point, challenged her so.

      “Tucker,” she whispered as she took that first little bit.

      “Damn, I knew you’d feel like this.”

      “Like what?”

      His eyes narrowed. “Like a fist coated in liquid fire.”

      She blinked and bit her lips. He wasn’t the only one who was burning. “Perfect.”

      “Perfect,” he agreed, thrusting up in tiny pulses, testing, stretching until her tight pussy spread over the head of his cock. Only one pulse of his hips kept her from the shining knowledge of what it would be like to be his. “It’s perfect.”

      He was perfect and she needed him to…“Hurry.”

      “Some things aren’t meant to be hurried, moonbeam, and this is one.”

      This was the continuation of the tiny pulses of his hips that teased and retreated, promised and denied. She dug her nails into his chest. “Tucker!”

      Another not-quite-there nudge. His thumb swept down, slipped between the wet folds of her pussy and found the hard nub of her clitoris. She almost jumped out of her skin. Fire whipped through her womb, spread outward in a sweep of bliss. His cock slid easier, the erotic burn increased. She wanted more. Needed more.


      His gaze held hers. The silver was darkened by the same desire that was coursing through her. She tangled her fingers in his hair, holding on. “Thinking you can give orders now that you’re on top?”

      Was she? The answer came to her as he gave her that ghost of possession. “Yes.”

      He laughed, a deep rumbling sound that was a velvet caress down her spine. Oh, how she loved to hear him laugh. In one smooth move, he rolled them over, his big hands cushioning her from the ground while his hair fell about her face, shielding them in an intimate cocoon. His cock settled between her thighs with the same easy glide that his smile settled across his lips.

      With his broad shoulders filling her vision and his big body dominating hers, she took a deep breath, shivering as the bullet he wore around his neck settled between her breasts. It was warm from his skin. Not for the first time she wondered where he’d gotten it, how it’d come to have so much importance to him.

      Propping himself on his elbows, he kissed her hard, hot and…sweet? Oh heavens, so sweet. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. The heat from his skin sank into hers, sealing them together. His fingers trailed up her side then along the length of her arm until he’d captured her wrist. She was still shivering when he repeated the procedure on the other side. His eyes crinkled at the corners as he brought both her hands up beside her head, effectively pinning her. A shiver took her from head to toe.

      Everything within her melted, but she held onto her fight. The hot cry of pleasure broke past her control.

      His lips brushed her cheek, her jaw. “Ah, moonbeam, that was a very sweet sound.”

      Not nearly as sweet as the buss of his lips against hers. There was so much emotion contained there. So much held back, so much she wanted to unleash. She forced her eyes open. His face was so close she could make out the fine scar on his upper lip, the tightness of his jaw, the need in his eyes. Another shudder shook her. She was going to fulfill that need tonight.

      “Love me, Tucker.”

      Had she really said that aloud?

      “I will, Sally Mae. Better than you’ve ever been loved.”

      He was talking physical love. She didn’t care. She lifted her hips up, begging.

      Again that burst of laughter followed by the hot press of his body into hers. His lips nuzzled hers, parted hers, took possession of hers. And this time his cock didn’t stop, just kept forging