BOSH! Healthy Vegan. Henry Firth. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Henry Firth
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Кулинария
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780008352967
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help you get healthy in other areas of your life as well – sleep, exercise, routine and lifestyle – so you feel more able to to start making positive, lasting changes.

      We’re going to show you how to eat and live healthily. You’ll soon see just how good you can feel eating plants. Most importantly, this is still BOSH! food: hearty, comforting food that you want to eat – but with fewer calories, less sugar, and less fat.

      We’re going to share with you everything we’ve learned and help you find the best you. These changes could last a lifetime. And along the way we’ll share some of the tastiest and most vibrant recipes we’ve ever created.

      We’re delighted you’ve decided to join us on our healthy vegan journey.

      Henry and Ian x

Why Eat Plants?


      In this book, you’re going to discover delicious, moreish, comforting food that is good for your body, will nourish your soul and help you stay healthy. And moreover, everything is easy and you won’t be spending ages in the kitchen.

      You’ve probably heard that a plant-based diet is good for you. There’s a reason many of the world’s top athletes are adopting plant-based diets. It’s the new buzzword in fitness. And it’s being recommended increasingly by doctors as a lifestyle promoting long life, weight loss and health.

      We have found that it has loads of other benefits, too, like better sleep, improved recovery after exercising, and more consistent energy levels. It’s better for the planet too. We felt like we’d discovered a superpower when we first made the switch. We are now fitter, happier and healthier than we’ve ever been.


      Your parents always told you to eat your greens, and they were right! Eating more plants is a sure-fire way to turbocharge your wellness: most plants are absolutely jam-packed with phytochemicals which have various positive benefits for the body, from offering anti-oxidising properties, to providing vital vitamins and minerals, and supporting good gut health.

      You may also find, as we did, that the higher fibre intake and a reduction of what are thought to be inflammatory foods characterised by eating vegan leaves you with better digestion and a healthier gut.

      The easiest way to maximise nutrition on a plant-based diet is to remember to ‘eat the rainbow’ (we talk more about this on here). It’s also best to avoid over-processed foods as much as possible. Get a variety of colours, flavours, textures and spices into your diet on a daily basis: aim for your plates of food to be beautifully colourful.


      ‘Surely a vegan diet just means eating loads of salads and rabbit food? Lettuce and carrots, right?’ We beg to differ! A good vegan diet, packed with health-giving properties and general planty goodness, can still be hearty and comforting.

      We started BOSH! to show the world just how delicious plant-based food can be. We created our videos to prove that you can still have all your favourite foods, but without the meat and dairy. And with our new, healthy recipes, nothing’s changed.

      Incredible-looking burgers, luscious roast dinners, wonderful stews and curries and even pizza can still be on the menu! And we’re not talking about processed burgers or cauliflower-base pizzas either. We’re talking about proper hearty meals made as you like them, with just a few small tweaks to nudge the meal in a healthy direction.

Still Eat All Your Favourite Foods

      ‘Going vegan made me stronger than I’ve ever been… I feel better than ever, I look and feel younger.’

      David Haye – British Professional Boxer


      We all know about those best-selling ‘healthy’ or ‘fat-loss’ cookbooks that contain meals packed with meats, fish and cheese. Many are based on the same principles of the ketogenic or Atkins diets, which encourage your body to burn fat instead of glucose. These books and their exercise plans may result in weight loss in the short term, but chances are it will be short-lived. They may also be very high in fat and saturated fat.

      And, if you aren’t doing the exercise plans associated with these diets, then you may not even see the benefits. You could even end up putting on weight rather than losing it, due to the high calorific content of the food.

      Crashing in and out of different diets with different approaches to weight loss, by eating less, or eating more fats and proteins, you could end up affecting your body’s metabolism. Your body has an optimum balance, and it may adjust how it operates so it can remain there.

      Unlike those diets, our approach to nutrition, healthy eating and fitness is flexible. You don’t have to be doing complicated aerobics routines every day. We’re not saying you should avoid exercise – we are big advocates of it! – but our approach to eating works independently, with you moving and getting your body active in your own way. Perhaps a brisk walk to work or cycle to and from the shops is enough to get your heart beating faster. That’s fine – you’ll still feel the benefits from eating our meals. Or, if you are a regular gym-bunny, then this book will work for you too, and later on we’ll show you how to tailor your meals to achieve your fitness goals (see here).


      This book will help you work through a few small changes to your lifestyle (and when we say small, we mean small), to steer yourself towards a happier, healthier you: one, two, three years from now. We hope this book will help you take control of your health, your body, your food, your energy levels, for once and for all.

      By learning a few simple rules on how to nourish yourself on a plant-based diet, you can take the stress out of mealtimes for good. We certainly won’t tell you what you should or shouldn’t look like either. Loving your body as it is, right now, is more important than anything else.


      Until recently, concerns about nutrition put some people off a plant-based diet, and the word ‘vegan’ was almost seen as a dirty word. Now, many doctors are moving towards recommending plant-based eating, and more health professionals are recommending plant-based – or as some people call it, ‘plant-slant’ – diets to patients for promoting long life, fitness, weight loss and better recovery from illness. Eating only plants – or a lot more plants – is now seen as the optimal way to eat. And it’s better for the planet and all its inhabitants, too.

      ‘I am a firm believer in eating a full plant-based, wholefood diet that can expand your life length and make you an all-round happier person.’

      Ariana Grande – Pop Star


      Vegetables are easy to cook and don’t require long cooking times: you just need to learn how to make flavours work. We design our recipes with easy-to-find foods, so you can get most things from your local stores. And eating more plants can save you money, too. You don’t need to worry about splashing out on expensive high-welfare meat. You just want fresh veg. And if you buy seasonal or discount items (plants stay good for longer) then your shopping can be ever cheaper.
