He was busy unpacking something from one of his bags.
‘Hey, how cute – you travel with your own toaster,’ exclaimed Sabina.
‘Well,’ said Hitch, placing it on the countertop. ‘It’s a good one, and who doesn’t love toast?’
There it was again, the little flash of pain, vivid just for a second when he lifted his right arm.
‘I can’t argue with you there,’ nodded Sabina.
‘That’s some butler,’ said Ruby’s father, impressed.
Ruby made a face. ‘Because he carries a little toaster every place he goes?’ Had the body snatchers broken in and removed her parents’ brains?
She went up to her room and pulled out her yellow notebook – she was thinking about what Hitch had said about his previous employers. Who are these people who can just up and tour India for several years on elephants? And why at such short notice? Ruby couldn’t help feeling this Hitch guy wasn’t telling the whole truth about the Wellingfords, if indeed the Wellingfords ever existed. And what if they did?
Probably cast them adrift in the middle of the North Sea and stole all their money. No, there was something about the timing of his arrival which made the hairs stand up on the back of Ruby’s neck. It reminded her of Mary Poppins – the way he had just arrived out of thin air.
Only thing was, Hitch was no Mary Poppins.
All evening Ruby waited to hear again from the mystery caller – but the phone didn’t ring and that night Ruby lay on her makeshift bed running over the conversation again and again in her mind.
Why did the caller hang up? You want a person to crack a code – why not give them the code? Geez! There were some strange folks out there.
But then, when the hands of her watch reached 4.43am, Ruby sat bolt upright.
Of course! How could she have been so dumb – the mystery caller had given her the code! The whole conversation was code!
Fifteen dollars and forty-nine cents
DESPITE THE UNPLEASANT PROSPECT OF having to wear yesterday’s socks, Ruby was in a good mood and was eager to get up and dressed, long before her school day began. She was surprised to see her morning drink (one third grapefruit, one third cranberry, one third peach – with a straw) sitting waiting for her. How did that Hitch guy know what she drank for breakfast? What’s more, where did he get the straws from?
So mind reading is what they teach them in butler school.
The morning paper was lying on the countertop and Ruby glanced at the headlines.
Mayor wages war on garbage: ‘Litter bugs are trash’ says Mayor Abrahams
Good as Gold: five tons of gold bullion to be deposited in Twinford City Bank vaults
Heaven Scent: Twinford National Blossom Day set to be the most spectacular since records began
Hitch had obviously been to some all night supermarket because the countertop was covered in a vast array of breakfast possibilities.
‘That’s some butler,’ muttered Ruby, as she set about pouring Choco Puffles into a paper bowl. Out of habit she rummaged in the pack to find the free gift : it was a brain teaser puzzle consisting of five shapes which when arranged correctly would make a perfect square. Ruby did it in six and a half seconds. She threw the paper bowl into the trash bag and stood listening for sounds of life. There was no sign of Hitch, and her parents weren’t up yet, so she gave Bug his breakfast and went out to patch her bike tyre – but miraculously it was already fixed.
‘Boy! That’s some butler,’ muttered Ruby again.
Ruby looked up to see the amused face of Hitch. He looked kind of pleased with himself, which irritated her.
‘So what’s wrong with your arm?’ said Ruby
‘I’m sorry?’
‘What’s wrong with your arm?’
‘I’m surprised you noticed.’ And he was surprised too; he thought he had concealed his arm injury well.
‘I notice things, I’m good at that.’
‘I guess you are,’ he said.
‘So what happened?’
‘Just a touch of housemaid’s elbow – I need to lay off the dusting.’
‘Oh yeah, housemaid’s elbow, that well known complaint.’
Stuffing her notebook into her bag, Ruby whistled to Bug, got on her bike and cycled off towards the centre of Twinford, her dog running along side. All the way there she tried to remember exactly what the mystery caller had said.
‘…Do you notice everything Ruby Red?’
‘…A little bird told me… that you are capable of noticing the smallest things, the tiny details… I bet you can see when something is plum square in the wrong place, while everyone else just walks on by.’
Bug had no trouble keeping up with her and in no time they had reached Chatter-Bird Square. She was pretty sure she was right about Chatter-Bird Square – there wasn’t a Plum Square in Twinford, at least not one that Ruby knew about and in any case Chatter-Bird fitted with the clue, ‘a little bird told me’. She looked around her. There was nothing obvious to be noticed – but then that was the point wasn’t it?
‘The smallest things…’
Look for something tiny, Ruby. That could take all day. The square, in fact a park, was big and would soon be teeming with people on their way to work.
‘…people walking on by…’
Bug had wandered off. He was busy going from tree to tree sniffing and doing what dogs do. Ruby watched him snuffling along the ground, making his way over to the tree in the middle where the footpaths met. He had spotted a brown paper bag on the ground under the tree and was busy trying to get whatever was inside it, out.
‘Geez Bug, do you have to eat everything? You just had breakfast a half hour ago.’
Ruby went over and picked up the bag and out fell three squishy plums.
Kinda weird to find plums at this time of year, thought Ruby. And then she looked up at the tree and down at the fruit and she remembered what the voice had said. This was a plum tree and it was in the middle of the square.
Plum in the middle of the square…
…where… everyone just walks on by…
She walked right up to the tree and then walked around it and then she saw it, something red.
‘Do you notice everything ruby red?’
The voice had not been saying her name, it had been telling her to look for something red. The something red was a price sticker – it had Joe’s Supermart printed across the top and a price, $15.49, printed in the middle.
Is this the clue or is this just a price sticker?
She looked at it some more.
If it’s a clue then I guess I’m meant to go to Joe’s