Myth of Motivation. New Ways to Reach Goals. Simone Janson. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Simone Janson
Издательство: Readbox publishing GmbH
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная деловая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783965961975
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typical statements of this dominance in the brain:

       … What's new?

       ... is that really innovative?

       ... No details

       ... What is your vision?

       ... Let's get it!

       ... Let's go to action

       ... do not look back, but look forward

      Typical activities of future-oriented decision-makers

      Here are a few examples from the large number of research results: In principle, everything is preferred, which in some way leads to changes or changes.

      Developing or shaping new things provides for a high motivation dimension and creates enough energy to take even the highest hurdles. This is where the action is at the forefront and, therefore, the change.

      Fast decisions, energetic implementations

      People with this character are characterized by quick decisions and energy in the implementation - one could say they are the makers. The changes are often approached creatively and innovatively and less planning.

      The conception is in the foreground, the detailed implementation is more boring. Thus, the future-orientated wants to push the change, but is less interested in a concrete implementation, which he likes to leave to others. Thus the future-oriented coinage is an impetus for a change, but not a guarantee for a successful implementation.

      Too fast decisions lead to chaos

      It is especially important in management positions that this impulse is followed by a series of converters, since otherwise, apart from an idea or a concept, nothing will happen.

      The future-oriented dominance has already led to chaos or even loss in some companies, because too many ideas are harmful and not every quick decision is a good decision.

      Best practice in coping with life tasks

      Therefore, evolution has ensured that 90 decides and acts as a percentage of people with two dominances. Thus, a certain degree of balance is always ensured.

      Of course, everyone has all the imprints within them, but in the course of their life history, two of them have mostly proven to be particularly useful and dominant - quasi best practices for accomplishing life tasks. Ned Herrmann describes this as an “expression of individuality” for each individual.

       Text comes from: Warum es uns so schwerfällt, das Richtige zu tun.: Die Psychologie des Entscheidens, Loslassens und Veränderns (2011) by Winfried Neun, published by BusinessVillage Verlag, Reprints by friendly permission of the publisher.

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