Good grades are not the basis for success
The biographies of many successful people prove that intelligence is not the basis for success in the sense of good school notes.
In the 80 years of the last century, psychology has become very intense in the investigation of classical intelligence tests and has found that intelligence is much more complex than IQ tests make us believe.
Talent and multiple intelligence
Howard Gardener, Professor in Educational Science and Psychology at the Harvard University, 1983 developed the theory that each of these exceptional people has some form of intelligence that is not usually thought of as one-dimensional intelligence, but as a talent.
Gardener derived the theory of multiple intelligences from the observation of talented and talented people. In fact, we are more often in the way of our own success than we think.
Text comes from: Selbstwirksamkeit: Innen klar, nach außen stark (2015) by Jens Korz, published by BusinessVillage Verlag, Reprints by friendly permission of the publisher.
Aufschieberitis in 3 points: What is actually procrastination?
// By Simone Janson
According to Wikipedia, procrastination, colloquially as "defermentitis", is the bad habit of postponing necessary but unpleasant work again and again instead of doing it. What does that mean exactly?
Why cervicalitis is irrational
A habit that seems quite irrational - because of course it makes sense to chop off unpleasant things as quickly as possible. And yet, just about everyone knows the behavior of his everyday life:
The phone call with the customer, who wants to complain and ask for a call back - tomorrow. And the tax declaration has also until next week time. I can also write about the difficult text. Only: Meanwhile the bad conscience is getting bigger.
Procrastination: More than a short-term unpleasure
Undoubtedly, things do not always have to be done immediately, also has advantages: sometimes it is in this way, to avoid unpleasant things, because these are done by themselves. In some cases, it is better to gather more information before you become active. And occasionally, it is even better not to make certain decisions because it turns out to be wrong afterwards.
However: not always the tendency to postpone unsightly things is just a short-term discomfort that will pass again - sometimes there is more behind it. Procrastination can become a serious problem: Anyone who pushes unpleasant tasks ahead of them, instead of getting them done, is soon considered unreliable. Bad for your career and your own self-confidence.
3 groups of reasons
The reasons for the delay are quite different: There are three groups:
1 The one is actually lacking motivation, because the work is stupid and boring. Or because the associated success is too far away. But it also happens that they do not understand the meaning of a task, for example because they lack important information.
2 Other people simply can not organize well: they can not separate important things from unimportant things and can be deterred from their work by every little thing. Or they always keep their deadline too short, because they think they're going to make it.
3 And finally, a third group is afraid of their task, because they have far too high demands on themselves. Perfectionistically, these people expect themselves to always achieve top performance and equate success with self-worth. As a result, the work gradually becomes an insurmountable mountain which grows with every postponement.
Disadvantages of procrastination
But defermentitis has many disadvantages: "I couldn't finish because I didn't have enough time" is not a particularly good excuse if you preferred to put something in front of you instead of doing it right away. People who prefer to avoid rather than act quickly are seen by managers and colleagues as unreliable and disorganized. And the procrastinator himself will soon no longer be able to achieve what he intends to do, and will therefore lose confidence. Not a good basis for a career.
Many “postponers” are well aware that their behavior has a long-term negative effect. Most of the time, however, is the power of habit: behaviors that you have been accustomed to for years cannot be changed overnight.
Caution chronic procrastination
And there is already a technical term for this phenomenon: procrastination. Every fifth person is affected worldwide, as German and American psychologists have discovered.
Chronic procrastination can even become a serious problem: one always takes the time to do the unpleasant tasks at a certain point in time and then lets this moment pass again. This increases anxiety, shame and pressure, and prevents you from becoming active. A vicious circle! If self-conquest, routine, and good tricks are no longer enough to get out of it, you should look for psychological support.
7 Tips against Procrastination
But what helps against procrastination? Please read the article 7 tips against Aufschieberitis, In a nutshell, these 7 tips, which you should heed against procrastination. In more detail you will find this in the linked post.
1 Ask yourself
2 Just start
3 Talk to your boss (eg because you lack important information)
4 Set priorities
5 Do not be distracted
6 Way with perfectionism
7 Reward yourself for divisional succession
Working in flow: 5 tips against the burnout spiral
// By Stefan Dudas
More and more people "burn out". Does this mean that you have previously burned for your company? Not necessarily. Rather, they are caught in a spiral of “don't want to make mistakes”, “finally get ahead”, “meet expectations” and “want to be liked”.
Just a game?
Because the big business world is a game. The rules of the game are well known and you often know what to do or what to say (or not) to whom.
If you are always at the ready and thinks you have to say “yes” everywhere and always and have to meet the high expectations of others at any time, you may soon find yourself in a burnout. This is how the game works.
Terribly “busy”
In the past, every manager who kept something on himself carried a “time system” around with him. A paper scheduling system. The incredible advantage over a smartphone? At one session you could have the weekly overview open and everyone saw how terribly busy you were.
"But we can't change the game," said one coaching client. "You're right," I replied. “But you can decide whether you want to participate in this game at all and if so, what role you want to play in the game. Or - and that's not the worst option: you create new rules. ”
Tip 1: Which field are you on at the moment?
Consider your current life situation with a little distance. Are you