Introduction to Business and Economics. Bettina Fuhrmann. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Bettina Fuhrmann
Издательство: Readbox publishing GmbH
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная деловая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783710046322
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       Introductionto Business and Economics

      E-Book ISBN 978-3-7100-4632-2

      © 2019 Verlag Jugend &Volk GmbH, Hainburger Straße 33, 1030 Wien

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       Foreword and acknowledgements

      [3]It is the aim of this Introduction to Business and Economics to explain important basic concepts of business and economics and their interrelationships to those who have little previous knowledge but are interested to learn more and gain a better understanding of economic issues and business matters. As both business studies and economics are comprehensive, multifaceted and interdisciplinary scientific fields, a 100-page textbook can only cover selected topics. Nevertheless, it is the intention of this short introduction to provide a solid basis on which to build more knowledge as well as to spark an enduring interest in business and economics and motivate readers to learn more.

      Such a textbook – no matter how many pages it has – always profits from feedback from other business teachers who are experts in their respective fields. I consider myself very lucky to have colleagues who have done so and contributed to the development of the text. Therefore, I would like to thank (in alphabetical order)

      Nora Cechovsky, Jesus Crespo Cuaresma, Ingrid Dobrovits, Eva Eberhartinger, Richard Fortmüller, Gerhard Geissler, Edith Littich, Bernhard Löffler, Harald Oberhofer, Christian Riegler, Rupert Sausgruber, Christiane Schopf, Gerhard Speckbacher, Rosanna Steininger, Barbara Stöttinger and Julia Szoncsitz

      for their valuable comments on the manuscript.

      I would also like to thank my family for letting me work on the book not only during countless evenings but also on weekends. As it is my firm belief that economic knowledge is of utmost importance to each and every person regardless of his or her age, gender or personal or professional background, I dedicate the book to all learners, particularly the young ones, who will benefit from understanding – the sooner the better – that we are all an active part of the economy and there is no opting out of economic decisions.

      Bettina Fuhrmann

      Director of the Institute of Business Education

      Vienna University of Economics and Business

      Vienna, 2019


       1. Introduction to business matters

       2. Basic economic concepts

       2.1 Being part of the economy

       2.2 Scarcity of resources and opportunity cost

       2.3 Economics is the study of economic decisions

       2.4 Exchanging goods and services creates a circular flow and division of labour

       2.5 Different economic systems

       2.6 Supply and demand: households, businesses and the government meet in the market

       2.7 Competition in the market

       3. Focus on different types of businesses

       3.1 Businesses combine different factors of production

       3.2 Businesses operate in the primary, secondary and/or tertiary sector

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