Вскоре, я обучился на бортпроводника, летал по внутренним рейсам. Далее переквалифицировался на бортоператора, летал уже по заграницам. Нас "погоняли"по разным институтам, "впихивая" в наши головы куски информации, включая "английский язык" и "принятия родов в экстренной ситуации у женщин".
Я пролетал около пяти лет, жил полгода в Африке.
Потом решил открыть свои два магазина, один для мамы и сестры, второй для себя, поэтому и другим причинам, уволился из авиакомпании "Utair".
Около года содержал магазины, но в городе началось их массовое закрытие, я так до конца не понял что произошло, в итоге, два моих магазина "погорели"и соответственно деньги с ними. Аренду уже не чем было платить, пришлось закрыть магазины и остаться с долгами перед налоговой и другими юридическими лицами.
Вскоре мне предложили стать председателем гаражного кооператива"Газовик", я согласился. Не ожидано для меня, проработал там пять лет.
Сейчас, сдав все дела, по нему, решил немного "отдохнуть" и заняться духовным творчеством.
Ну, вот я рассказал тебе кратко основной мой жизненный, уже прожитый путь. Понравилось, тогда, мы встретимся во второй главе.
English translation
Dear guest, I want to tell You a little about myself and my interesting life. This is not my first book, and once you come here and read it, or maybe watch my album, maybe I think You already know and like my works and you want to become my invaluable reader.
For this reason, and also to make it easier to communicate, let's immediately agree that we will switch to-you.
So, my new friend and wonderful reader, I will tell you my little stories!!!
My name is Vladislav, as you remember, and my name, masculine, Russian and Slavic, was formed from two words: "own" and "glory". My father's name is Pavel, so my middle name is Pavlovich. Well, the last name, I took from my mother and grandfather, Kazantsev, that is, I get Kazantsev.
At the moment, I am just over forty years old and my life is just beginning.
I like, as you know, to write poems, novels and stories, as well as write sometimes, beautiful, in my opinion, drawings and pictures. I love taking pictures of wildlife, birds and animals. Especially to catch the moments that no one sees and then does not know, because everything in the world happens only once. And if something is repeated, it is not a repetition, but only a semblance of the case.
I have been collecting coins since my time at school, number thirty-one, located in the city of Tyumen , naturally in Russia. How I started, I will describe further in the text, since we are just getting acquainted now.
Before the army, I entered the evening, self-supporting Department, in vocational school-7 of the city of Tyumen, for the profession of cook of the fourth category and pastry chef of the third category. Six months later, I received a certificate of"horoshist", with four grades in both professions. In secret, I was preparing to become a chef, not for spiritual reasons, but then, before, many were afraid to go to the army because of "hazing" and thought that the profession of cook in the army kitchen, "closer to food" would save them from it. Which, of course, was not the case.
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