Who Do You Think You Are? Encyclopedia of Genealogy: The definitive reference guide to tracing your family history. Nick Barratt. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Nick Barratt
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Справочная литература: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007372782
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that the parent of your second cousin should be called your ‘parent’s first cousin’, and the grandparent of your third cousin would be your ‘grandparent’s first cousin’. The relationships between cousins is very confusing and you may find that in documents such as wills and census returns people use the word cousin to describe a distant relative without qualifying exactly how they are related. It will be your job to untangle this confusion!

      Extended Family by Marriage

      Families are complicated entities, and as well as direct blood relatives and their extended family you will quickly discover that there are other relationships that are more complicated to define – usually the result of divorce, subsequent remarriage and an associated second family. Here are some of the more useful terms that you may need to incorporate into your family tree.


      When one member of your family marries, they are related to their partner’s family as a result of the wedding. This relationship is said to be ‘in law’ due to the legally binding nature of the union. Thus the mother of the bride is the ‘mother-in-law’ of the groom, just as the father of the groom is the ‘father-in-law’ of the bride. If either the bride or the groom has siblings, then they become the sister- or brother-in-law of the other party.


      The word ‘step’ is used to describe the relationship to a member of your family that occurs through a subsequent marriage by one (or indeed both) of your biological parents. Your stepfather would be your biological mother’s husband from a subsequent marriage, whilst your stepmother would be your biological father’s wife if he married again. If either of your step-parents had children from a relationship prior to marrying your biological parent, these children would be your step-brothers and stepsisters; whilst they would be described as your biological parent’s stepsons and stepdaughters.


      The word ‘half’ is used to describe a relationship between children who share only one biological parent. For example, if your biological father or mother had a child with your step-parent, this child would be your half-brother or half-sister.

      Drawing Your Family Tree

      Using these terms, you should be able to build your initial family tree quite quickly; and it should display all the information you’ve found when you were interviewing relatives and looking through collections of family heirlooms. There are bound to be some things that you don’t know yet – full names and biographical dates of more distant ancestors, for example – and you should add question marks against anything you’re not sure about. This is one of the main purposes of this first family tree – to show at a glance what you need to verify, check or research more fully. Don’t worry if it looks messy at this stage or a bit sparse – you’ll be tidying it up and adding new branches when you start your research away from the family.

      One thing to decide upon is the presentation style of your family tree, bearing in mind there are several recognized ways of doing this and the final choice will be down to you, based on what you find easiest to work with and how much data you wish to include. Some trees will only show the direct line, whereas others are very large and sprawling, and include all the siblings in each generation and distant cousins.

      In the past, genealogy was the preserve of the aristocracy – or those that aspired to higher social rank – who wished to prove their connections to illustrious forebears. They commissioned diagrams, or ‘pedigrees’, that were as much works of art as family trees, with coats of arms, heraldic beasts and key names circled. A pedigree that shows immediate ancestors as far back as the sixteen 2 x great-grandparents is known as a seize quartiers, whilst one that covers all thirty-two 3 x great-grandparents is known as a trent-deux quartiers. These linear trees start with the most recent generation at the bottom of the tree, and continue horizontally upwards, with each entry representing people further away in time from the person at the foot of the tree. However, only key relatives, rather than all 16 or 32 direct ancestors, are often shown as they often focused on connectivity to the great and the good, or key marriages, rather than completeness.

      Today, family trees that only show a direct line are often drawn not from bottom to top, but from left to right, with the most recent person on the left and their ancestors spreading out from them to the right of the page. There are pedigree templates for trees in this format available from the Society of Genealogists and local Family History Societies that simply require you to write the names and relevant dates in the spaces provided on the form.

      While family trees that show just your direct line are a quick and easy way to map your immediate heritage once you have worked back far enough, it makes sense to include your entire extended family to start with as they can provide clues to help you move back further. UK genealogists favour drop-line family trees for this purpose, and these are the most common format you are likely to come across in books. Essentially, they are a diagram that shows how everyone is related to one another; and most people start by placing their own data at the heart of their family tree – sensible really because, after all, they are the ones undertaking the journey and will therefore be describing the people they find in relation to themselves.

      You should write your full name, which should be the name you were registered with at birth, rather than a nickname or surname you took later in life. Therefore married women should always be written onto the tree under their maiden name, not their married name. Underneath your name, write a ‘b.’ to signify ‘birth date’ and then write your date of birth after that. Draw a horizontal line above your name and a small vertical branch coming down from the line to connect your name to it – a bit like a large ‘T’ shape with extended horizontal arms. Any siblings you may have should have their names attached to the horizontal line in the same way, which effectively creates an entire branch for your generation. You should start with the eldest sibling first, whose name should be written to the left of the branch, and work along to the right so that if you were the third child, for example, you would appear third on the branch, and the youngest sibling’s name is positioned at the far right-hand end of the branch. Write every sibling’s date of birth in the same way you did for yourself. If any of them have died you should write a ‘d.’ underneath their birth date, followed by their date of death.

      Above your generation’s branch you need to write your parents’ full names. Traditionally, the man’s name should be written on the left and the woman’s on the right. Leave enough space between them to put either ‘m.’ or ‘=’ to indicate their marriage, and write their date of marriage beneath this. Below the date of marriage you should draw a vertical line that connects their marriage to your generation’s horizontal branch, thus showing that you are all related by blood. You can use the same method to add your own marriage date and spouse’s name, and the marriages of your siblings if you wish. You may want to include subsequent generations after yours, such as your children, nieces and nephews, grandchildren and so on, in which case you will need to leave enough space below your generation to fit them in. Where space permits, each generation of children should be at roughly the same level on the tree – your nephews and nieces roughly alongside your children. However, if you are only creating a tree of your ancestors and not your descendants, then your name should be positioned towards the bottom of the page to allow more space for you to work back in time, up the page.

      You may come across trees that depict relationships between parents and a child using a dotted vertical line rather than a solid one. This can be used for various circumstances. In the past when illegitimacy was deemed to be a problem, particularly for wealthy families for reasons of inheritance, a dotted line might indicate that a child was born out of wedlock or as the result of an affair. It can also be used to highlight a non-blood relationship between parent and child in cases of adoption.

       ‘It is vital to keep updating your tree after every discovery so that you can see at a glance what your next research step should be.’

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