Collins Taak of the Toon: How to Speak Geordie. Sid Waddell. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Sid Waddell
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Юмор: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007282005
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Engage brain before speaking.

      agyen adverb again

      ahad noun 1 a hold | adjective, adverb 2 on fire [From Geordie pronunciation of hold]

      Tyek ahad of me hand and ah’ll lead yer to the land of your dreams. TRANSLATION: Come with me to the deeper parts of Jesmond Dene.

      Ah’ve hoyed matches and paraffin on this bliddy fire but it winnit tyek ahad. TRANSLATION: We have to put on woollies because I cannot get the fire to light.

      aheyt adverb, adjective in the air [Probably from Geordie pronunciation of height]

      In pitch and toss yee hoy two coins up aheyt and cross yer fingers. TRANSLATION: Gambling is not a reliable form of occupation.

      ahint preposition, adverb behind [From Old English aethindan]

      amang preposition among

      Aladdin must have been reet dim to faal amang them gadgies. TRANSLATION: Aah the innocence of youth.

      argie verb to argue

      Yee would argie yer way through the Hobs of Hell. TRANSLATION: Your disputative nature will bring you to a very sad end.

      arly adjective early

       arn verb to earn

      atween preposition between

      Ah feel ah’m atween a rock and a hard place. TRANSLATION: The wife and the mother-in-law are in cahoots against me.

      aye1 sentence substitute yes [Old English a always]. Compare aye2

      aye2 adverb always; ever [Old Norse ei ever]

      Yer aye deein that! TRANSLATION: Why not try to introduce some variety into proceedings?

      ayont preposition beyond

      Hey bonny lad, that’s weel ayont a joke. TRANSLATION: Your attempt to flatter me with humour is an insult.


      So, before pointing your painted pony at our heartlands, here are a few key words and expressions to ease your entry into Geordie society.

      Having satisfied the inner man or woman you may now proceed bravely and merrily among the locals.



      baary adjective lovely [From Romany. Compare Scots barry]

      We had a baary time at Whitley Bay even though we lost aal wor lowey at the shows. TRANSLATION: Our visit to the coast was fun even though we got skint at the funfair.

      babby noun a baby, infant, or toddler