Vibrational Healing: The only introduction you’ll ever need. Amanda Cochrane. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Amanda Cochrane
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780008249342
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‘vis medicatrix naturae’. Around 500 BC the Pythagoreans were the first to record the aura as a luminous body.

      Asklepios was the personification of divine healing powers and the guardian of patients. He gave and preserved health and relieved disease, by wiping away illness with his hands or just touching the patient. He built temples in places of extraordinary natural beauty so that patients would be nurtured by the harmonious energies of their surroundings. These sanctuaries were safe, tranquil places in which the individual could explore the centre of his being: those who wished to be healed were expected to rectify their way of life and ultimately take responsibility for their own wellbeing.

      Music played an important part in healing rituals. Both Plato and Aristotle tell us that the Ancient Greeks developed the theory that sound in the form of music or tone can have a healing effect. There are tales of Greek musicians who could recognize a person by their unique note or sound, and of great healers who could tune into the inner harmony of a patient, then play one note on a lyre which totally healed him or her.

      Pythagoras established that there is a strong connection between the senses and music, and that sound contributes ‘greatly to health if used in an appropriate manner’. He combined and composed ‘diatonic, chromatic and enharmonic melodies’ with particular rhythms, and the positive vibrations of these melodies alleviated negative emotions, especially sorrow, rage, pity, pride and anger. Unfortunately we have no idea what this music sounded like.

      Aristotle reported that flute music could stimulate the emotions and release pent-up tension. Casiodorus believed that Aeolian music could treat mental disorders and help to induce sleep, while Lydian music was suitable for children and could ‘soothe the soul when oppressed with excessive care’.


      Scattered across the globe are tribespeople who believe that everything in nature possesses a spirit or kind of energy.


      Shamanism dates back thousands of years and embraces this notion. The principles of shamanism are common to many cultures including the Native Indians of North and South America, the people of Tibet and Indonesia, the Australian Aborigines, the Laplanders of the Arctic Circle, the Altai of Siberia, and many tribes throughout Africa.

      These people share the belief that it is important to establish good relationships with the nature spirits if you wish to be healthy in mind, body and spirit. The shaman, or medicine man or woman, is a highly revered member of the community blessed with the special gift of being able to communicate with the nature spirits and call upon their help to heal the sick. Traditionally, through rhythmic dancing and drumming, the shaman enters a trance in which he is able to contact these spirits. Typically the medicines he uses are energetically charged stones and energy-purifying plants. By working with the subtle energies of nature the shaman is practising a form of vibrational healing.

      Whilst the shamanic ideal of living in harmony with nature is shared by different cultures, each has evolved their own way of doing this.

      In many South American cultures the planet Earth is given the name pachamama, meaning sacred Earth mother. Pachamama is a living being with physical, astral and spiritual bodies, which interconnect. She is a nurturer, and a spiritual mother who holds the secrets of the Universe within her.

      The Ancient Incas of Peru referred to the Earth energies as the Apus. The Apus guard the Earth and when a person is born they take responsibility for his or her development. They are the intermediaries between humans and the Earth. The Inca shamans worked with these energies or spirits for guidance, resolution of disputes and all healing.

      The Q’ueros are a Quechua speaking people living in the mist-shrouded mountains of south central Peru. They are the descendants of Incan high priests or shaman and the keepers of ancient mystical traditions. They have managed to keep their cultural and spiritual beliefs alive, untainted by the influences of the outside world, for over 400 years. One of these traditions is the despacho ceremony, where offerings are made to pachamama, in thanks and honour of her energies.

      The Q’ueros speak of two realities: the panya and the yoqe. Panya is everything associated with the ordinary world or physical reality; yoqe is all that belongs to the extraordinary world or the invisible reality – the enigma of the energies that are present in all beings: people, animals, plants and stones. They refer to the subtle energy that exists in all people as animu. At birth this energy, which comes from pachamama, enters the body through the top of the head.

      All the skills that the Q’ueros priests or shamans (known as pago) learn are to do with the harmonious interplay of energies. The shaman’s gift is the ability to heal his people’s relationship with the cosmic forces in ways that bring harmony and balance into their lives.

      Q’uyas are power stones are used by the Pag’o shamans for healing. Each stone holds energies placed there by nature, and the most powerful come from areas very high in the Andes where lightning strikes the Earth. As well as having their own energies, each stone is endowed with a healing function by the shaman. They can be used to cleanse heavy energetic vibrations from the body arising from negative thoughts and feelings.


      The South American Indians regard contact with animal guardians as especially important for healing and restoring harmonious relationships with Father Sky, Mother Earth and all the elements. Guidance, strength and knowledge is gained from tuning in to animal spirits or subtle energies.

      In the jungles of eastern Peru there are shamans who use a mind-expanding jungle vine called ayahuasca in their ceremonies. This visionary plant expands awareness in such a way that it enables the shamans to see and hear animal spirits in their visions. The spirits of snakes, tigers, jaguars, eagles, condors, crocodiles or dolphins usually present themselves: these animals are believed to possess special energies that can cure the sick. Ayahuasca also helps to release negative vibrations held in the body as a result of destructive thought processes and all forms of trauma.


      In shamanic traditions there is much reference to evil spirits which prey on mental, emotional and vital energy. These energy parasites are often nothing more sinister than our own negative thought patterns.

      An ancient Tibetan myth (originating from the Bon religion) recounts the origin of negativity and the causes of illness. It tells of five demons which manifest five poisons (actually referred to in this religion as the five passions): ignorance, jealousy, pride, attachment and hatred. The Tibetan shamans communicate with the disturbed spirits, especially the five great demons, to persuade them not to create problems and confusion.

      The Tibetan shamans see illness as an energy imbalance that humans create between themselves and all existence. Humans disturb the spirits of the five elements – space, air, fire, water and earth – the four seasons, and the spirits of nature – sky, sun, moon, mountains, rocks, rivers and plants. We do this by digging up the earth, polluting the air, rivers and lakes, and so forth.

      The shaman determines whether a person has an energetic imbalance or is being provoked by negative energy (or a demonic spirit). He then performs purification rituals: he summons powerful life force energy from all over the universe and condenses it into syllables which he speaks, and introduces into the disturbed person’s heart through her crown chakra (located on the crown of the head), to strengthen her life force. The life force may also be revived by recanting a mantra (words of natural power) of the life deity, which calls upon the blessings of the buddhas, the magic power of all the spirit protectors and guardians.

      The shamans of the Altai people living in Siberia refer to vital energy or life force as chula. They see chula as one of nine souls, and as important for health and normal development. It is thought that a person with a predisposition to openness is vulnerable to evil spirits or negative energies which may ‘steal their chula’. When this happens the life force is weakened and the person becomes sick. The shaman can perform soul retrieval rites which rekindle the life force and restore the patient’s health and wellbeing.


      Over 5,000 years ago wise men