Arthritis: Over 60 Recipes and a Self-Treatment Plan to Transform Your Life. Marguerite O.B.E. Patten. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Marguerite O.B.E. Patten
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Кулинария
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007381807
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those foods that provide the unique blend of nutrients your body needs for healing. You will also learn how the right foods can help you combat damaging and painful inflammation. Also highlighted is the importance of identifying foods to which you may be sensitive. Once you know what are the right foods for you, you can then go on to prepare delicious dishes using these ingredients. Best of all, you can read Marguerite Patten’s excellent advice on using and living with this diet. When you know what suits your body best, and you have experienced the rewards from changing your eating habits to improve your arthritis, you will find that you can relax from time to time and allow yourself some flexibility in what you eat. Marguerite explains how she balances her lifestyle with the diet and allows herself the occasional treat. The trick is just to enjoy yourself, then reinstate the Eat to Beat Arthritis Diet as soon as you can afterwards and you’ll soon be back to your best.

      A schedule for success

      Once you begin this diet you will probably experience an improvement in your condition during the first week: but there is more to come! Give yourself at least six weeks before you judge its total benefits to you. Eating plans that promise much faster results are not really being fair. It takes time for your body to heal. The full programme is explained in the next section, but here is a brief week-by-week summary of the diet, followed by an explanation of how it works:

      Week zero – Listening to your body


Learn about yourself by keeping records of what you eat and when your symptoms appear.


As the first step towards controlling pain, eliminate coffee, cola drinks, tea and other sources of caffeine from your diet.


If you smoke cigarettes, this is the time to stop.

      Week one – Cleansing and detoxifying your body


After a one-day fast, begin a diet of foods that help heal and rebuild the body.


Eliminate all foods containing wheat, rye, oats, and all sources of gluten from your diet.


Eliminate alcohol from your diet.


Supplements containing fish oil and vitamin E are added to your healing routine, as is a Health Drink that you make at home.

      Week two – Stabilizing your body


The routine of foods and supplements started during Week One continues. (By this time, many people experience significant relief from the pain and inflammation of arthritis.)

      Weeks three through six – The elimination diet


During these four weeks, you will introduce various foods and food groups into your diet to test their effect on your arthritis.


Up to now you have enjoyed a diet based on a limited number of ingredients. To live in the real world of work and family, that list of foods needs to be expanded.


The benefits of the diet by now include a greater sense of wellbeing, and improved skin and hair texture.

      Week seven and forever – Enjoy life


      This period is a preparation for the life-changes to come. By keeping a daily chart of when and where you experience pain, what you eat, how well you sleep, and when and how you exercise, you will have a snapshot of how well you are taking care of your body. Make no changes during this week (with the exception of giving up caffeine). Just listen to your body. You will continue to keep these charts throughout the first six weeks of the diet, because they will provide information about how your body is reacting to change.

      It may be tempting to skip this week’s activities. Forget any such ideas. This may be the most valuable week of the diet, because it provides the information you need to monitor your progress towards a life of less pain and greater mobility. Keeping notes for anything shorter than a week will give you a false picture, because your life activities have a pattern – and they run from Sunday through to Saturday.

      If you smoke, use this time to consider how you plan to remove this pollutant from your body. As you will learn in the next chapter, smoking adds to the problems that increase the pain of arthritis.


      Work begins here. During these seven days you will lower the level of harmful substances in the body through fasting, avoiding specific foods, and drinking adequate amounts of fluids. The charts you keep will begin to show early benefits of the diet.


      By the end of Week One you will be eating a very healthy, although somewhat restricted diet. This is the Basic Arthritis Diet. By following the same eating plan during the second week of the diet, you will stabilize your metabolism and remove any traces of reaction from foods you have eaten in the past. You are allowing your body to rest. (Do not worry about having to eat bland and uninteresting food – the recipes Marguerite Patten provides further on in the book are full of flavour.)


      Now is the time to expand the variety of foods you eat. In this section, guidance is provided on how to test specific foods for their effect on your level of joint pain and discomfort. You may be surprised by the results. Foods you have enjoyed for years – and that you have been told are good for you – may be just the ones that stimulate an inflammatory reaction in your joints.


      Once you know which foods present problems, and how to detoxify your body on the Basic Arthritis Diet, you can try breaking the rules. But remember: once you break the rules you must return to them as quickly as possible.

       Chapter 4 Changing your lifestyle

      As you change your diet, and learn about yourself by using a self-assessment chart, you should consider other ways to improve your health. In addition to changing your diet and giving up smoking (see here), there are other ways you can change your lifestyle and help control the painful and crippling effects of arthritis:

      1 Control your weight

      2 Enjoy gentle exercise

      3 Get adequate sleep

      4 Learn to relax

      5 Have a good laugh