His After-Hours Mistress: The Rich Man's Reluctant Mistress. Trish Wylie. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Trish Wylie
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эротика, Секс
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474004114
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They’d want something more.’

      ‘I’m not most women.’

      ‘And, as I said, it’s because of Simon.’

      Their eyes met and held and Lucinda felt the disturbing power of him. ‘If all you want to talk to me about is my ex-fiancé then I’m going to bed,’ she declared crossly, jumping to her feet.

      Lucinda stuck her nose in the air, spun on her heel and walked away. To her relief, Zane let her go. But later, as she lay in bed, she couldn’t help wondering why he had asked all those questions. And it made her think about Simon, to wonder how much she had really enjoyed his lovemaking.

      Would it be better with Zane? He certainly made her feel different. Even that one kiss had stirred emotions she had never felt before. What sort of a lover would Zane be? The answer was simple. Exciting! Innovative! Passionate! Considerate! All of these things and more.

      And why was she even thinking about it when she had no intention of ever letting him touch her again? Because, answered an inner voice, you want to know what it feels like to be made love to by an expert in the art of seduction. His kiss has given you a taste of what a powerful lover he can be and you want more. Admit it!

      She couldn’t get to sleep and even when Zane went to bed over an hour later she still lay there thinking about him. When finally she did drop off to sleep she was woken what seemed like mere seconds later by a loud noise. She shot up in bed and listened. There it was again. It sounded like someone trying to break into the house. Goosebumps rose on her skin. Had Zane heard? She couldn’t hear him moving.

      Thoroughly scared but knowing that she needed to do something, Lucinda left her room and pushed open Zane’s door. Instantly he was awake. ‘Lucinda, what’s wrong?’

      ‘I heard a noise, like someone breaking in,’ she said in a loud whisper.

      Zane sprang out of bed—and, to Lucinda’s horror, he was naked. Quickly she averted her eyes, even though the room was lit only by moonlight. And he didn’t even bother to put anything on before he raced out of the room.

      Lucinda stayed where she was, fearful of the feelings he had aroused in her—feelings which were much more intense than those of fear she had felt earlier. It was wrong, all wrong, and she didn’t know what to do about it. If Zane should continue to demand her company, if he should attempt to kiss her again, would she be weak and foolish? Or would she find an inner strength?

      When he returned she was still standing in the dark in his bedroom. ‘Panic over!’ he said quietly. ‘It was a mongoose. Nothing to worry about.’

      Zane touched his hand to Lucinda’s arm and when he felt her trembling he pulled her hard against him. She felt soft and warm and vulnerable and a whole host of sensations rushed through his body. This woman was so different from any other he had known. She might own her own business—was indeed very successful, according to all that he’d heard—but beneath her veneer was a hurt woman. And he wanted to do something about it; he wanted to help her through her pain, to protect her, help her to see that there were men in the world who would treat her as she deserved to be treated.

      Why he should feel angry that her fiancé had let her down he didn’t know, but he did. Very much so. And if he ever met him…His thoughts ended there. He wasn’t sure what he would do, but it wouldn’t be gentlemanly, that was certain. And why he was associating her fear now with Simon, he wasn’t sure about either. But somehow he felt the two were intermingled.

      ‘It’s all right,’ he said softly in her ear. ‘There’s nothing more to worry about. I’ll take care of you.’ And when she didn’t struggle, when she didn’t attempt to move away from him, his arms tightened about her.

      ‘It’s because I’m in a strange place,’ Lucinda excused herself. ‘I’m not normally scared of the slightest sound.’ And she lifted her face to his.

      There was nothing he could do about it. His lips came down on hers almost of their own volition. He tasted sweetness and hunger as well as faint fear. And when she didn’t resist he guided her over to the bed.

      They lay down together, mouths still clinging, and when Lucinda’s arms wrapped around him he drew in a deep shuddering breath. He wanted to make love to her but knew that he daren’t. Not yet. There was much ground to cover first; it was too soon—she was only just starting to put her trust in him.

      Was she really doing that? Trusting him not to take advantage? Simply to kiss her and comfort her and make her feel better? It couldn’t be. She wanted him to make love to her, otherwise why would she have remained in his room? Why would she have let him kiss her? Why would she have put up no resistance when he led her to the bed?

      Once he had followed those thoughts through, Zane no longer stemmed the tide of passion that filled him.

      Lucinda knew that what she was doing was crazy but there was something inside her that refused to let go. She wanted his kisses; she wanted him to make love to her. She wanted everything he had to give. Something exciting had happened to her out here on this tropical island and all she wanted now was Zane.

      Her job was forgotten; it was as though she was here with this man for a very different purpose—the cleansing of Simon from her system! Zane was the only person who could do it, who could make her forget. She would let him bury himself in her, let him transport her to a world where only senses mattered—and what happened after that—well, she would take care of that when the time came. For now she would lose herself in an affair that she would remember for the rest of her life. It was totally unlike her, went against every principle she held, but strangely it felt right.

      Thumb and forefinger played with her nipple through the thin cotton of her nightdress, sending spirals of pleasure through every inch of her body. ‘Take my nightie off,’ she urged him, lying back with her arms above her head.

      Zane needed no second bidding and this time it was his mouth that pleasured her, closing over her nipples, playing one against the other, making her squirm and wriggle and cry out in deepest pleasure. She threaded her fingers through the thick springiness of his hair and held him against her, not wanting him to ever stop.

      ‘This is all right for you?’ He paused and lifted his head slightly to look at her, his eyes dark and seductive in the moonlight. In fact the whole of him felt seductive, his body shining as though cast in pewter—except that it didn’t feel like hard metal at all; it felt warm and firm and infinitely touchable.

      She traced her fingers over his back, feeling muscle and sinew and warm, intoxicating man, and she felt as if she wanted to keep him close to her for ever more. Of course she knew that wasn’t possible, but she could dream, couldn’t she? She could take a few moments in the time span of life to let her hair down and enjoy herself. Since the death of her father she had taken life very seriously—it was time for a change.

      ‘Yes,’ she whispered, unaware of how brightly her eyes were shining, how beautiful they looked in the light from the moon. It was a night made for love and she intended to take the challenge.

      In response he took her mouth again, kissing deeply and excitingly, setting alight fires, and then slowly and seductively his mouth moved down her body, nibbling the soft column of her neck, touching his tongue to the strongly beating pulse at the base of her throat, seeking yet again her all too sensitive nipples, making her squirm and cry out and hold him against her.

      The excitement was almost too much. She had never experienced such intense feelings. They filled her body, making her feel that she would explode at any minute—and he had hardly started!

      She had been right in thinking that he would know exactly what to do to send a woman wild, to spin her out of this world and into the next. She felt faintly cheated when he moved away from her breasts to leave a trail of kisses over her stomach—and she wondered where he was going next!

      Without even realising what she was doing Lucinda wriggled invitingly. But it wasn’t his tongue that found the hot core of her. He touched her with gentle fingers.
