Out of Hours...His Feisty Assistant: The Tycoon's Very Personal Assistant / Caught on Camera with the CEO / Her Not-So-Secret Diary. Heidi Rice. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Heidi Rice
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472082961
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eyes devoured the magnificent erection. Her gaze lifted back to his face. ‘I hope your condoms are extra large,’ she said, only half joking.

      He laughed, pulled her against him and tumbled them both onto the bed. ‘Don’t worry,’ he whispered next to her ear, one powerful leg pinning her to the bed. ‘I’m practically a boy scout.’ His teeth tugged on the lobe. ‘I’m always prepared.’

      He fastened his lips on hers, his tongue insistent, tangling deliciously with hers as his hand swept down her curves, kneading her breasts, caressing her hip. He moved away for a moment to pull the thong down her legs. As his lips came back to hers insistent fingers slipped into the swollen folds at her core.

      She shuddered viciously as he probed, pushing his finger into the liquid heat. His thumb circled the burning nub of her clitoris and then stroked hard. She jerked and cried out, flooding into his hand.

      ‘That was amazing,’ he said, his voice thick with urgency. ‘You’re amazing.’ He leaned over her, fumbled in the bedside drawer and held up the foil package. ‘You want to do the honours?’

      She took the condom from him with trembling fingers. ‘It would be my pleasure.’ She rolled the latex down the length of him, his penis twitching at her touch.

      The intimacy of the gesture and the feel of him, so smooth, so strong, made the heat build again. She’d never felt so aroused, so desirable or so bold before in her life.

      He cupped her face in his palms, his sensual smile as devastating as the fire in his eyes. ‘Thanks,’ he muttered and nudged her legs apart with his knee.

      ‘You’re welcome,’ she said on a shaky sigh.

      His hands held her hips, angling her pelvis and forcing her thighs wider still.

      The head of his penis probed gently and then in one long, slow thrust he lodged inside her. She moaned, the fullness bringing a surge of pleasure so overwhelming it was almost pain.

      He began to move, the sure solid thrusts taking him even deeper.

      She sobbed, gasped, unable to control the waves of ecstasy crashing over her as he touched a place inside she had never known existed.

      He stopped. ‘Are you okay?’ he asked, his voice strained but tender, his whole body shaking with the effort to hold back.

      ‘Yes, it’s just it feels so incredible.’She choked the words out. She’d never climaxed so quickly before or with such intensity.

      ‘You’re telling me.’ He groaned. ‘Hang on,’ he said. ‘It’s about to get better.’

      She didn’t believe that could be true, but as he began to move in an exquisite, unstoppable rhythm she realised she was wrong. The orgasm gripped her in a fevered fist and hurled her over the edge, only to pull her up and hurl her again.

      He stiffened above her and shouted out her name as the final shuddering wave seized her and flung her over into the abyss.

      ‘Kate, are you all right?’ Zack’s heart stuttered as he watched her eyelids flutter open.

      Thank God—he’d thought she’d passed out there for a minute. Hell, he’d almost passed out himself. He’d never felt anything so incredible. He rested his palm against the damp skin of her cheek. ‘I’m sorry,’ he said, brushing his thumb across the crest of her cheekbone.

      He ought to be, he thought, he’d just taken her like a man possessed.

      Her small hand came up and covered his. The sweet smile that curled her lips made his heart rate slow. ‘What are you apologising for, you dope?’

      He rested his forehead against hers. ‘That was kind of fast and furious.’ He lifted his head, looked down at her. He’d never taken a woman with so little sophistication before in his life, even as a teenager. It was embarrassing. ‘You didn’t get much in the way of foreplay.’

      She pressed a fingertip against his lips, silencing him. ‘Well, now, Boudreaux.’ Her eyes twinkled and her smile became more than a little smug. ‘I like foreplay as much as the next girl. But a guy should never have to apologise for giving a woman her first multiple orgasm.’

      He laughed, relief washing over him. ‘How many did you have?’


      He nodded, the surge of pride surprising him.

      ‘I lost count.’ She sat up suddenly, holding the sheet to her breasts as she beamed down at him. ‘Zack, I think you found my G-spot.’ Her voice bubbled with excitement. ‘And to think, I always thought that was an urban myth.’

      ‘You did, huh?’ He slipped a hand under the sheet, found the soft swell of her butt. ‘Well, I nearly blacked out, and that’s a first for me, so I guess we’re even.’

      ‘No, we’re not.’She laughed. ‘I’m pretty sure I did black out.’ She pursed her lips and held her finger against them in a deliberately comical pout. ‘Oh, dear, does that mean I owe you one?’

      ‘You know what,’ he said, incredulous at the renewed rush of blood to his groin. ‘Seeing as you lost count, I figure you owe me more than one.’ He whipped the sheet out of her hand, grabbed her wrist and hauled her out of the bed with him. ‘And I know a great way to make you pay up,’ he said, dragging her giggling and squirming towards the bathroom.

      Forget the thrill of the chase, he thought, the thrill of the catch was going to be a whole lot better.


      ‘YOU’RE AN EARLY RISER. I guess I didn’t tire you out enough last night.’

      Kate’s fingers slipped on the package of Pop Tarts at the sound of the deep, sleep-roughened voice. She turned slowly to see the man she’d had the wildest night of her life with leaning against the kitchen doorway, a cocky smile on his face. He’d pulled on a pair of sweatpants, but otherwise he was gloriously naked. All tanned, leanly muscled male rumpled from the bedroom, his short hair sticking up in sexy tufts.

      Her mouth watered and her stomach clenched at one and the same time.

      Kate was no expert in morning-after etiquette. Contrary to her wanton behaviour all through the night, she’d never slept with a guy on a first date. Until now. What exactly did you say to a man who’d brought you to unspeakable pleasure too many times to count but whom you hardly knew? She had no idea.

      ‘It’s the jet lag,’ she said, brandishing the box of breakfast treats. ‘I found these in your cupboard. How do you feel about coffee and a sugar rush for breakfast?’

      He yawned and stretched long arms above his head, arching his back. The play of muscles across his torso drew Kate’s eyes. His arms dropped to his side. The bottom dropped out of Kate’s stomach.

      ‘Those are Joey’s.’ He nodded at the package as he scraped his fingers through his hair bringing his hand to rest briefly on the back of his neck. ‘He’ll be mad if we finish them.’ He walked towards her, his bare feet padding against the smooth granite tiles of the cavernous and luxuriously appointed kitchen. He smiled, a dimple appearing that Kate hadn’t noticed yesterday.

      The cold marble work surface pressed into the small of her back as he stopped a few inches from her. His big body radiated heat. He lifted the Pop Tarts out of her hand and leaned across her to put them down on the surface. ‘Anyway,’ he said, his hands resting on her hips. ‘I’m sure we can do better than that.’ He pulled her against him, his thumbs stroking the silk of her dress. The light caress sizzled through her, making her toes curl.

      ‘I could cook, or we could call room service,’ he murmured, dipping his head to lick the pulse point in her neck. The sizzle flared into her breasts and her nipples hardened. ‘They do great maple pecan waffles, if you’re in the mood for something