Secret Crush of a Chalet Girl:. Lorraine Wilson. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lorraine Wilson
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007558346
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a duty to go with her in case the guy’s a nut job.”

      “Well, hang on, I’m not actually sure I … ” Sophie felt a surge of anxiety at the speed things were moving. Shouldn’t she think this through a bit more?

      “Not that he’s any more likely to be a nut job than any of these guys.” Tash waved a hand to gesture towards the other skiers coming down for the first planned stop of the day. She appeared not to have heard Sophie’s protest.

      Resistance with Tash was useless once she’d got a project to fixate on. Although if she was going to follow this clue it would be nice to have some company.

      “But, don’t you want to carry on with the ski-dating schedule?” Sophie hesitated, brain still trying to make sense of this. She couldn’t really have a secret admirer, could she?

      “Nah, I don’t have problems meeting men. Anyway if there’s anyone interesting here we’ll catch up with them at the drinks later on, eh, Lucy?” Tash’s eyes sparkled with a confidence Sophie envied.

      “Yes of course, I wouldn’t miss this for anything. I’ve never had anyone go to these lengths for me.” Lucy looked wistful.

      At that moment the group dressed as pirates hurtled down the slope towards them, singing “We are pirates on the piste.”

      “On the piss more like.” Tash yelled back and Sophie laughed, relaxing.

      “Hey girls, fancy a shag?” A Johnny Depp wannabe shouted over at them.

      “Oh please, is that really the best you can do?” Lucy’s tone was scathing as she rolled her eyes, turning her back to them.

      Sophie laid a restraining hand on Tash’s forearm, having seen the flash of fight in her eyes. She could really do without the hassle. “Leave it,” she whispered. “Let’s just ignore them and concentrate on the clue. Please?”

      After a moments deliberation Tash nodded her agreement, turning her attention back to the red card. “Amelia is going to be so gutted that she missed this.”

      “I think she’s too busy being loved up with Matt to be bothered,” Sophie replied. “She’ll have met him off the plane at Geneva by now.”

      “So, we’re working out the clue then and going ahead with this?” Lucy practically bounced up and down on the spot, her cheeks pink. “It’s so romantic, you are lucky, Sophie.”

      “Erm, I suppose so.” Sophie still wasn’t sure this wasn’t a giant wind-up and was trying to ignore the tiny flutter of hope battling for her attention. “But we might not be able to work it out. How can you eat a number that sings love songs?”

      They all studied the card, ignoring the mêlée around them.

      “Don’t forget the chairlift bit. Maybe we should start with that?” Tash said.

      “I think I read something in a magazine about chairlifts named after celebs here in Verbier,” Lucy said, frowning, her petite features screwed up in concentration.

      “I just get on the things. I don’t hang about waiting to be introduced.” Tash snorted.

      “You know, I think Lucy is right. I vaguely remember seeing something about that online. We could look it up. I can just about pick up the café’s free wifi from here.” Sophie pulled her iPhone out from the inside pocket of her ski jacket.

      She typed “Verbier chairlifts named after celebrities” into the search engine and positioned herself so both Tash and Lucy could see the screen. While waiting for the results to load she stamped her feet on the snow in an attempt to warm them up. A cloud covered the sun, making it too cold to stand still for long.

      “Well, I don’t think it’s Diana Ross, although she does sing love songs,” Tash said as they scanned the list of results.

      “But she hasn’t got a food connection, has she?” Sophie frowned and clicked on a different link. “Ooh, look, what about James Blunt, he has that restaurant, La Vache, doesn’t he, with a couple of other celebs? And it says here he’s got a chairlift named after him. I’ve never been to the restaurant, have you?”

      “It’s a bit pricy, it’s not like we can afford to be regulars there, is it?” Tash replied. “But maybe we could stretch to sharing a pizza.”

      Tash and Lucy snapped their skis back on, but Sophie hesitated, catching Lucy’s eye. Lucy shrugged as though to say “Why not?”

      Why not? It’s not as though I’ve got anything better to do today.

      “Come on you two,” Tash called out. “We’ve got a chairlift to queue for.”

      Deep down Sophie knew she really wanted to do this but it was as though a part of her refused to believe the excitement, too afraid of the possible crash waiting for her ahead. She was afraid to jump, afraid this run might end in painful disaster and public humiliation.

      But what if this wasn’t a joke? What if her secret Valentine was someone who actually liked her?

      Careful, Soph, this could be a wind-up. Don’t get your hopes up.

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