Sparks. Dara Girard. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Dara Girard
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474026864
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then listened. She hit the mute button then turned to Dawn. “You’d better answer this.”


      “It’s him. That Taylor guy.”

      Dawn lunged for the phone and hit her knee against the desk. She swore and answered in a breathless rush. “Dawn Ajani speaking. How may I help you?”

      “Is this a bad time?”

      Her heart raced. Yes, it was definitely him, bourbon and hot southern nights. She frowned. Where had that come from? “No, not at all.”

      “Hello. My name is Jordan Taylor. I saw your ad and would be interested in using your services.”

      She felt heady from his voice and the relief that followed. She fell into her chair. “Oh, I’m so glad you called back. I am terribly sorry for the mix up before. I guess I’m still recuperating from a bad meeting with a man who took up four hours of my time yesterday and I took my frustration out on you.”

      “Ms. Ajani—”

      “When you hung up I thought, Oh great, I’ve lost a fantastic opportunity. Should I call back?”

      “Ms. Ajani—”

      “But that would be difficult because he probably has an unlisted number. So you can imagine how—”

      “Ms. Ajani!”

      She halted. “Yes?”

      “I thought the point of my calling back was to pretend that the previous conversation didn’t happen.”

      “Yes, of course.”

      “I would like to schedule a meeting,” he said with exaggerated patience.

      She looked at her empty calendar. “Okay. When would be convenient?”

      “We can meet outside my house. There’s a restaurant that is within walking distance. Parking is difficult so it’s easier to walk.”

      “About my fee—”

      “Just send me your invoice.”

      She pumped the air with her fist. Money was no object. “Okay, also—”

      “I’ll see you at seven tomorrow. I’ll give your assistant the directions. Goodbye.”

      “Bye.” She transferred the call to Simone. “Simone, can you please get directions from Mr. Taylor,” she said then hung up. She sagged against her chair. A possible client. Time to treat herself! She looked in the trash bin and pulled out the box of croissants.

      “What are you doing?”

      Dawn glanced up and saw Simone staring at her with a knowing grin. She grinned back, feeling a little guilty. “We really shouldn’t let good food go to waste.”

      Simone eagerly pulled up a side chair and sat. “So what happened?”

      Dawn dropped the box back in the garbage. “I think we might have a new client. Find out all you can on The Medical Institute.”

      Jordan Taylor stared at the phone. Perhaps working with Ajani Consulting wasn’t such a good idea. The company was small and hungry. Something he could control. He liked being in control, but based on the phone conversation he had just had, he was having second thoughts. The owner might prove difficult. He’d find out more at the meeting. Maybe even call another company to keep his options open.

      His assistant Marlene Dobson knocked on the door then entered. The bracelets on her wrists and ankles clinked as she walked. He didn’t think it professional to wear so much jewelry, but she’d been with the business from the beginning and he didn’t want to change what worked and Marlene certainly did.

      She held up a package, the gold bracelets on her brown arm clanking together. “This is for you.”

      “Just put it on the desk, thanks.”

      He looked at the second name on the list. Franklin Enterprises, a renowned consulting firm might have more experience. The phone rang. He hit the speakerphone. “Taylor.”

      A female voice came on the line. “Hey, baby. Guess what I plan to do to you tonight.”

      Jordan grabbed the phone and sent Marlene a smile. She pretended not to notice as she put the packet in his in-box. She left and closed the door.

      “I’m at work, Gail,” he warned in a low voice.

      “So? You didn’t mind my messages before.”

      “I wasn’t in this position before.”

      He glanced around the large office both proud and scared of his new responsibility. Only three weeks ago he was snorkeling in Barbados until his father decided to semiretire, because of a diagnosed heart condition, and made him head of the Institute.

      “What should I wear tonight?”

      Jordan put a big question mark against Ajani Consulting. “What’s happening tonight?”

      Her tone sharpened. “Nothing if you keep up that attitude.”

      “Gail, I have a lot on my mind. What are you talking about?”

      “I’ve decided that we should make up. I know you’re under a lot of pressure and need space so I think—”

      “Gail. I like you. You deserve better. Honey, you know you do. Any time you want to talk, you know how to reach me.”

      “Somehow this still feels like you’re dumping me.”

      “No. Remember you’re dumping me, your absentminded, single-focused boyfriend.”

      She hesitated. “But you’re so sincere and sweet.”

      “I’m not sweet and you think I’m heartless, remember?”

      She sighed. “That’s what I tell myself, but I know better. I wish I could hate you.”

      “I could come up with a reason if you give me a chance.”

      Gail sighed again, this time resigned. “Bye, Jordan.”

      “Bye, honey.” He absently replaced the receiver and placed another question mark on the paper next to Ajani Consulting. The owner really sounded ditzy. Perhaps he should cancel.

      Someone knocked on the door. Jordan glanced up. “Come in.”

      His half brother Ray entered the room with a sense of entitlement Jordan was trying to achieve. Ray had been with the company since his midteens. “Have you looked at the document Revis Technologies sent?”

      Jordan glanced at the package. “No, not yet.”

      Ray lifted the packet Marlene had placed in the in-box. “Here it is.”

      “Marlene just put it there.”

      Ray tucked it under his arm and turned to the door. “I’ll take care of it.”

      “No, you won’t.”

      Ray spun around and laughed as though Jordan had made a joke. “Trust me. I’ll take care of it. I doubt you’d understand it.”

      Jordan held out his hand. “Here’s a news flash. I know how to read.”

      “But there’s nothing in here about water temperature.”

      “Put it back, Ray.”

      “You don’t belong here, Jordan. No matter how much you try to play the game. You’ve never belonged because—” He stopped.

      “Because I’m the bastard and you’re not? Yeah. I can be a bastard in more ways than one so I suggest you put that package back and go on your lunch break.”

      Ray tossed the file down, causing papers to fall to the ground, then left.

      Jordan watched the door close then sighed