Engaging Brooke. Dara Girard. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Dara Girard
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472071767
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into action without him asking her or telling her what needed to be done. It had felt good to have her at his side...too good. He couldn’t afford to feel this way. He had to think business. He called his lawyer. “I need you to do something for me. Fast.”

      The next day Jameson sat in Brooke’s front room with a legal prenuptial agreement and a pen ready. It was two days before their wedding, and he wanted to get something settled. “I need you to read this agreement, then sign,” he said more brusquely than he meant to.

      Brooke lifted the papers. “What is it?”

      “A business agreement. This will protect you as much as it does me.”

      She set the papers down. “I don’t need to sign.”

      “If you want this marriage to go through, you will.”

      “I don’t want anything from you except to save my legacy.”

      “Then sign and there won’t be a problem.” He knew that people’s intentions could change. He was sure she meant well now, but he’d been burned before, and he wouldn’t make the same mistake of trusting a woman twice. “This is strictly business. As your father stipulated in his will, we have to stay married for at least a year. After that we’ll part ways and you’ll get your ranch.”

      “You certainly know how to make a girl feel wanted. I’ll sign, but you can’t keep treating our relationship this way.”

      “What way?”

      “Like we’re business colleagues.”

      Jameson nodded, pleased with the description. “That’s essentially what we are.”

      Brooke lowered her voice, although no one was around to overhear. “Only we know that, but others can’t think so. If I sign this, I need you to play the part of my husband. A devoted husband.”

      Jameson shrugged with nonchalance. “I can do that.”

      “Prove it.”

      “I did. In the saloon—”

      “You treated me like your kid sister,” Brooke interrupted. “Not your fiancée. Mitch is already laughing about how fake this engagement looks and he’s sharing his opinions. What does your family think?”

      “I guess you have a point,” Jameson agreed with reluctance. “Okay. I promise I’ll play the role so you get to keep your family homestead.” He held the pen out.

      Brooke shook her head. “I said prove it.”

      Jameson looked around. “Why? Nobody’s watching.”

      “Then it’s a good time to practice, don’t you think?”

      “Practice what?”

      “Being a husband.”

      Jameson waved the pen. “And you won’t sign until I do?”

      Brooke crossed her legs and sat back with a satisfied grin. “That’s right.”

      “Quite a negotiation tactic, but you have a lot more to lose than I do.”

      “I grew up with a rancher, I know that most things in life are a gamble. One just needs to weigh his or her options.”

      “When you gamble you should make sure the odds are in your favor. What makes you think I’ll do what you ask? What will you do if I say no?”

      Her grin widened. “You won’t.”

      “You sound sure about that.”

      “I am because I know you like a challenge as much as I do.”

      Jameson raised his brows. “You think you know me well?”

      “Am I right?”

      He folded his arms. “Okay, so you want me to act like your husband?”

      “Devoted,” Brooke added with emphasis. “Convince me that I’m yours.”

      “That shouldn’t be hard.”

      “Let me see you try.”

      “I don’t ‘try.’ I succeed.”

      “So far you’re all talk.”

      “You’re right.”

      Jameson didn’t move. His arms remained folded. He didn’t move closer, but the air suddenly became still and charged with an electric heat like the coming of lightning. Brooke felt her throat grow dry as his gaze lazily appraised her in a way that was both intimate and naughty. His eyes undressed her. She suddenly felt lightheaded. But just as quickly as the expression came it disappeared and his face turned into a bland mask.

      “Did you find that convincing?” he said in a flat tone.

      Brooke could only nod, her mind spinning. She wanted to “practice” some more, but she wasn’t bold enough to ask him to. She’d been surprised she’d been able to get him to show false affection even once.

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