Lady Outlaw. Stacy Henrie. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Stacy Henrie
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Исторические любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781408997567
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      The aroma of fried eggs and biscuits greeted him as he stepped into the kitchen. He joined the family at the table, hanging his hat and the lasso on the corner of his chair. “Smells delicious,” he said. He ladled food onto his empty plate and began to eat.

      “Have another.” Grandma Jones pushed the platter of biscuits toward him. “It’s going to be a long day.”

      Caleb heard the snickers and caught the meaningful glance that passed between Jennie and Will. “What’s so funny?” he asked.

      “Look, Will,” Jennie said from behind her cup. “It’s our very own mail-order cowboy.”

      “What’s that?” Caleb stabbed another bite of eggs.

      “A cowboy with all the right getup,” Will volunteered, “but no experience.”

      Caleb wagged his fork at the boy. “I’ve got experience, boy. It just ain’t in cow handling.”

      “Well, that will change in the next few days.” Jennie stood and cleared away her dishes. Instead of a dress, she wore a billowy blouse and breeches. Caleb had never met a woman who liked wearing men’s pants—his mother and sisters had always worn skirts or dresses, even to work around the farm.

      “All right, you two.” Grandma Jones frowned at her grandchildren but she couldn’t keep it up for long. The twinkle in her eyes betrayed how much she enjoyed their bantering. “Go easy on him this week.”

      “Don’t worry, Mrs. Jones.” Caleb leaned back on his chair and crossed his arms, regarding Jennie. “I’m always game for a challenge.”

      After breakfast, lasso over his shoulder, he trailed Jennie outside, trying his best to appear unaffected by his new responsibilities. The apprehension in his stomach grew and he wished he’d declined his third biscuit.

      Jennie easily vaulted the corral fence, dropping to her feet on the other side, and Caleb followed suit. She went to the sawhorse sitting on one side of the corral and dragged it into the center.

      “Let me see your lasso,” she said. He handed her the rope. “It’s really quite simple. The trick is to keep your wrist relaxed as you swing and then extend your arm toward the sawhorse as you release.”

      She held the coils of rope in one hand as she spun the looped end over her head with the other. In one fluid motion, her wrist dropped and she thrust the lasso forward. The loop sailed through the air and around the neck of the sawhorse. She jerked the rope tight.

      “Any questions?”

      Caleb’s jaw went slack with surprise. She made cattle roping appear as easy as walking. Embarrassed to ask her to repeat the lightning-speed lesson, he cleared his throat. “If I do have questions?”

      “I’m going to start work on the fence down by the bunkhouse. You can find me there.”

      Caleb watched her walk away, her long braid swishing against her back, then he straightened his shoulders and marched over to the sawhorse. “I’ve tracked down wanted criminals before, how hard can this be?” he muttered as he unhooked the lasso.

      He backed up a few feet, swung the end of the lasso like Jennie had, and released. The rope flew through the air and landed in the dirt, a good six feet from the sawhorse. His second and third throws landed closer, but the only thing hitting the “cow” square on was the dust.

      Several more attempts had him working up a sweat—but with nothing to show for it. Blowing out his breath, Caleb admitted he’d met his match with cattle ranching. But he’d made a promise to Jennie to work this job for six weeks, and he intended to keep his word. Somehow, he needed to figure this out. And right now, it looked as if the only way was to admit he couldn’t do this one on his own and ask for help.

      He’d paid a heavy price in the past for his pride and vanity, and he wouldn’t do it again. Climbing over the fence, he headed in Jennie’s direction, hoping she wouldn’t gloat too much.

      Chapter Five

      Jennie pushed down on the post in her hands and secured it into the hole she’d dug. Stepping back, she scrutinized her work. Another rail, and the fence would be nearly as good as new.

      Hearing footsteps, she turned to see Caleb approaching. “Have you mastered it already?” she called to him.

      “I came to ask for another lesson,” he said, stopping a few feet from where she stood.

      Jennie stared at him for a moment before deciding she could spare a few minutes. “One more,” she finally said, wiping her grimy hands on her breeches.

      “Show me what you’re doing,” she said when they arrived back at the corral.

      Caleb demonstrated tossing the lasso, but he missed the sawhorse by a foot.

      “You need to rotate your wrist a little more as you’re spinning the rope, and make sure the loop is open to the sawhorse before you release.” She picked up his rope and swung it over her head, feeling the motion, anticipating the release. At the right moment, she dropped her arm and sent the loop around the sawhorse. “Did you see that?”

      Caleb’s brow furrowed, but he dipped his head in answer.

      “Here, we’ll try one together.” Jennie moved behind him and helped him position the coils correctly in his left hand. Stepping to his side, she placed her hand over his right wrist and let her other hand rest at the center of his back.

      “Start to swing the loop,” she directed, her hand moving with his. His gaze darted to hers, and she laughed. “Don’t look at me, cowboy. Keep watching your target. On the range, that calf is going to move fast. You have to train your eye to follow the cow’s moving feet.” She waited for him to relax his wrist, then continued her instructions. “Using the forward momentum, when you’re ready, drop your wrist in line with your shoulder and let go.”

      After a few more swings, Caleb lowered his wrist and released the lasso. Jennie watched with held breath as the rope flew through the air and circled the neck of the sawhorse.

      “Wahoo!” Caleb threw his hat into the air.

      “You’re not done,” Jennie said with a laugh. “You have to pull the rope tight or he’ll get away from you.”

      He returned to her side and together they yanked back on the rope. Peering up at him, Jennie realized how close they stood, close enough to feel his warm breath against her cheek and smell the musky scent of his shaving cream. She tried to step away, but her hands were still holding the rope beneath his. Her heart began thudding loudly in her ears.

      “Thanks for the help,” he said with a grin.

      Jennie managed a nod. She’d never met someone like Caleb Johnson—someone kind and good-looking and irritating all at the same time. She hadn’t socialized with any young men in years—not since the family had stopped attending Sunday services. Occasionally on trips into town, she’d run across some boy she recognized from her time at church or school, but she’d been too embarrassed to strike up a conversation. She felt like an outsider, mostly because of her mother. Maybe that’s why she hadn’t found it hard to talk to Nathan that first time. Here was someone else on the cusp of society.

      Nathan. Thoughts of him brought her traitorous pulse to almost normal speed.

      Jerking her hands free, Jennie stumbled backward. “I think you have it,” she said, her words still coming out shaky. She forced a cleansing breath. “Keep practicing until you can do it with ease. Then come help me with the fence.” Without waiting for his response, she spun on her heel and hurried across the corral.

      She couldn’t like him—she wouldn’t. Her focus had to remain on doing what she must to save her home. No charming, would-be cowboy was worth losing her ranch.

      * * *

      Muscles strained, Caleb held tight to the squirming calf while