‘I said, get off me!’
This time the cold command was accompanied by a threatening movement of one leg, her knee coming up with such obviously ominous intent that any man would very rapidly think twice about remaining in the danger zone.
Not being prepared to take the risk, he moved swiftly, jackknifing off the bed. The bite of the denim shirt into his arms reminded him of the way Ellie had pushed it down from his shoulders, imprisoning him. With an angry movement he shrugged it back into position again just as Ellie twisted herself off the bed, frantically pushing at the bunched and crumpled skirt to cover herself.
‘Just what the hell is going on here?’ he demanded, matching her fury with his own, an aggrieved sense of injustice combining with a hard ache of frustration with explosive results. ‘When I show consideration for the possible consequences of my—our—actions, I don’t expect to be turned on as if I’ve tried to force myself on you.’
When he’d shown consideration! Ellie’s mind nearly blew a fuse at the thought. She knew damn well that he was not considering her in the slightest!
All he wanted was to avoid the encumbrance of a child. If she needed any further evidence that her decision not to tell him about Rosie had been the right one, it was staring her in the face. In fact her grandmother had been the only person she had told the truth about Rosie’s father, and that was the way she wanted it to stay.
‘Or were you just leading me on, playing some nasty little game?’
‘No! Oh, no!’
But she had to say something to explain her behaviour. To distract him from the dangerous path his thoughts were taking.
‘You’re forgetting something,’ she blustered nervously, backing away from the glare he turned on her.
‘And what, precisely, am I forgetting, my angel?’
‘Not what—who. You’re forgetting about Pete.’
He spat the name out as if it were an obscenity. To her horror all the fire seemed to have died out of his eyes, replaced by an icy cold that seemed to flay a layer of skin from her body, leaving her agonisingly exposed and desperately vulnerable.
Suddenly terribly aware of the fact that she was only half dressed, the crumpled skirt all that covered her, she turned wide desperate eyes to hunt for her missing clothing. Her bra seemed to have disappeared completely and her white blouse lay just inches from Morgan’s feet. No matter how urgently she longed to pick it up and pull it on, she didn’t dare risk moving to retrieve it. Not while he was in this mood. So instead she had to content herself with crossing her arms across her exposed breasts in order to provide an inadequate form of protection.
‘Pete Bedford,’ Morgan repeated with ominous quietness. ‘And just what has he to do with this?’
Something was wrong here. He’d been told that Pete Bedford was no longer in the picture. The realisation that the other man was still part of Ellie’s life was like a kick in the teeth, combining with the savage nag of a frustrated libido to leave him incapable of thinking straight.
‘Isn’t it obvious? I—couldn’t possibly sleep with you b-because of Pete…’ she managed clumsily.
Something in what she’d said had surprised him. His dark head went back sharply, blue eyes narrowing in swift appraisal.
‘But I thought that you two were no longer an item.’
There it was again. The suggestion—more than a suggestion—that Morgan was not here by chance but that he had somehow found out exactly where she was and had come here forewarned—and forearmed—by knowledge about her circumstances.
‘Of course he’s in the picture! He’s headmaster of a school in Truro.’
Morgan took a moment to absorb that fact.
‘I see,’ he said at last. ‘And I presume that you suddenly had a belated attack of conscience because it would mean being unfaithful to dear Pete.’
‘It wasn’t belated! And I’ll tell you this whether you believe it or not—I have never—never—been unfaithful to any man while we were still officially together.’
‘You came pretty close to it a moment ago. I’d say your second thoughts came just that bit too late to leave you totally innocent of all charges. Or are you trying to claim that I forced you?’
‘I wouldn’t dare.’
Morgan nodded his grim satisfaction.
‘At least you have the honesty to admit to the truth. I’ve never forced a woman in my life.’
‘Of course not!’
It was impossible to hide her pain, though she tried to mask it behind a show of scorn that she hoped was convincing.
‘I suppose you believe you’re so totally irresistible that no woman can resist you!’
Images she didn’t want to face were filling her mind. Images of a string of newspaper reports that she had seen in the time they had been apart.
‘But then of course you have the evidence of all those starlets and models to support you. Who was it last month, Morgan? Kitty Spencer? And the month before that? Macy Renton?’
A dangerous scowl creased Morgan’s straight black brows and he pulled the sides of his gaping shirt together, fastening it swiftly with brusque, aggressive movements that spoke eloquently of the feelings he was holding back.
‘You shouldn’t believe everything you read in the papers,’ he snarled.
‘Oh, so nothing of what was reported is true?’ Her eyebrows shot up in cynical query and scepticism dripped from her voice.
The scowl darkened, his strong jaw tightening aggressively.
‘Not nothing,’ he snarled.
He wasn’t proud of the way he’d behaved during the first month or so after Ellie had left him. Wasn’t proud of the lengths he’d gone to to fill the emptiness she’d left behind, the women with whom he’d tried to forget her. He’d tried to go back to the sort of life he’d lived before Ellie only to find that he had moved further away from it than he’d ever dreamed.
None of it had worked. All that had happened was that he’d managed a few hours of oblivion, but the morning had always come. He’d always had to face reality again, and reality had meant the dreadful irony of knowing that now he’d been free to do whatever he wanted with his future—but that freedom and that future had meant nothing without this one woman. A woman who had turned his life upside down, changed his perspective on everything, and then walked out, leaving behind an empty hole he’d found impossible to fill.
‘But at least any women I had a relationship with were free to be with me. They weren’t committed to anyone else, emotionally or otherwise.’
He was pushing his shirt into the waistband of his jeans as he spoke, the brisk efficiency of his movements as he fastened the zip, buckled his belt, expressing forcefully the distance that had now come between them.
‘Unlike you and your precious Pete. So what is it, my angel? Are you and your headmaster a couple or not? Or is your new man not the lover you thought he was?’
‘How dare you?’ Ellie threw the words into his cold face, amber eyes burning gold with fury. ‘Pete has been very kind to me.’
‘Oh, yes, and we both know how “kind” he’s been. But perhaps that’s the problem. Perhaps you don’t want “kind” any more. Perhaps it doesn’t satisfy you, and you’re looking for something a little different—something more exciting?’
‘Well, if I was, then it wouldn’t be with you!’