Safe in My Arms. Janice Sims. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Janice Sims
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472071781
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night, Mina. Sleep well.”

      “Good night, Jake,” Mina softly said, and went inside.

      * * *

      Once she was on the other side of the door, Mina collapsed against it dramatically, giving way to the girly side of her that wanted to dance and shout that she’d just been kissed.

      She was soon brought back to reality by the sound of her grandfather’s voice. “Mina, is that you?”

      “Yeah, Grandpa, I went for a walk before turning in.”

      “Did you see that fella who fell from the sky while you were out?”

      “Grandpa, have you been spying on me?” Mina asked, as she walked toward the sound of his voice. She found him standing in the middle of the kitchen in his pajamas with a milk carton in one hand and a huge cookie in the other.

      “You’re my granddaughter,” he said shamelessly. “It’s my obligation to look out for you. We haven’t decided whether or not he’s a drug dealer, remember?”

      Mina took the carton of milk from him. She poured some into a glass and handed it to him. Then she put the carton back in the refrigerator. “I don’t know what he does for a living, but I don’t think it’s anything illegal.”

      “Why, because he’s a good kisser?” asked Benjamin, bushy brows arched in a questioning expression. “Be careful with that one. I smell a polecat.”

      Mina laughed. She loved her grandfather’s old-fashioned expressions. “Don’t worry, I will,” she assured him. She kissed his leathery cheek. “Good night, Grandpa.”

      With that, she turned and fairly floated on air down the hall to her bedroom.

      * * *

      The next morning, Mina woke in a great mood. She sang in the shower, ate a hearty breakfast and dressed, and was crossing the lawn to the lodge by seven forty-five. She went straight to the kitchen to collect the box lunches. Mabel Brown, the cook, an amply built African-American woman in her sixties, gave her a warm greeting then nodded in the direction of the two small brown bags on the counter.

      “Where are the other two?” Mina asked.

      “The couple from Florida isn’t going because the husband is experiencing hip pain and his wife’s staying with him, so they canceled their box lunch orders. Just you and the guy with the sexy voice who phoned this morning will be going on the trail ride.”

      Mina harrumphed, and collected the lunches along with a couple of bottles of water from the refrigerator. “These things happen. Thank you, Miss Mabel.”

      “You don’t sound too broken up about it,” Mabel said to her retreating back.

      “Get your mind out of the gutter, Miss Mabel.”

      “Get your mind into the gutter,” Mabel retorted with a lusty laugh.

      Mina laughed as she hurried through the lobby and out the front door of the lodge. Miss Mabel had a wicked sense of humor, equal only to Mina’s grandfather’s, whom Miss Mabel had a major crush on. When she got to the barn, Jake was already there talking to the stable boy, Chad. Chad was a rangy kid of nineteen with dark brown skin and big, soulful brown eyes. He was very fond of Mina, and Mina of him.

      “Good morning, Mina,” he said, grinning at her. “I’ve got Cinnamon ready for you.”

      Cinnamon was Mina’s favorite horse, an aptly named sorrel with a white star on her forehead. Cinnamon knew the trails better than her human riders, Benjamin often said. She was the oldest horse they owned and the most reliable.

      “Thank you, Chad,” said Mina. She smiled at Jake, who was leaning against the railing of the stall that held his mount, a dark-colored three-year-old mare by the name of Midnight. “Good morning, Jake.”

      * * *

      Jake hadn’t been able to tear his eyes off Mina since she’d walked into the barn. He’d awakened in a good mood, and now he knew why—the anticipation of seeing her again. “You look well rested, Ms. Gaines,” he said, smiling.

      His eyes roved appreciatively over her trim body in those tight jeans, being careful not to linger too long because he didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable. He met her eyes, and she smiled at him.

      “So do you,” she said. “Sleep well?”

      “I did, thank you. The cabin’s very comfortable.”

      “I’m glad to hear it,” Mina said lightly.

      “Chad here has been giving me some pointers on Midnight,” Jake said.

      “Then he’s already told you she has a low tolerance for loud noises. Good going, Chad,” said Mina, smiling at him.

      Chad blushed and continued saddling Midnight. Finished, he led the horse out of her stall and handed the reins to Jake.

      “Thank you, Chad,” said Jake.

      “My pleasure,” said Chad. “Have a good ride.”

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