Full Court Seduction. Synithia Williams. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Synithia Williams
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474065641
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excited when a famous basketball player comes into the office.”

      “You have softened up,” Jacobe said. “The Danielle I knew was always on task and never took a break.”

      She lifted her chin and met his eye. “That was the Danielle I allowed you to know.”

      “I think I got a glimpse of the more laid-back Danielle once.” The corner of his mouth lifted in a smile full of the sinful secrets of that more laid-back Danielle.

      She ignored the butterflies crashing around her stomach like drunken seagulls. “You said you wanted to see me—well, I’m here. Let’s go to my office.” She looked at everyone in the room. “You all can get back to work.”

      Jacobe grinned and strolled over to her. “That’s the Danielle I know and love.”

      She snorted. “Love had nothing to do with our relationship.” She spun away and marched from the kitchen. One of the interns winked at her as Danielle passed. She could only imagine the thoughts going through her mind.

      She made her way down the hall to the last door on the right. Jacobe’s footsteps followed.

      “You’re wrong,” Jacobe said. “There were a lot of things I loved about you.”

      “What, my badgering you to come to our study sessions on time, or my endless lectures about what you could be contributing to make the world a better place?”

      She stepped over the threshold into her office, but a tug on the back of her sweater kept her from taking another step. She faltered, then quickly turned. Jacobe let go.

      “These little sweaters you wear. I loved those.”

      Danielle looked down at her rather unremarkable outfit: gray slacks, a black-and-yellow polka-dot blouse and a bright yellow cardigan, then back up at him. “My cardigans?”

      “Yes, you’re just as sexy in those now as you were then.” He lifted a hand and reached for her face. Danielle jerked back before he touched her. He grinned. “I was only going to compliment you on the glasses. I like these better than the ones you used to wear.” When he reached forward this time, she didn’t pull away. Jacobe ran a finger over the hinges and lightly brushed her face. “Between the glasses and the sweaters you’ve got the sexy, good-girl vibe going on. I always knew there was passion in you for more than just class work.”

      Her body went up in flames. Taking a step back, Danielle inhaled a deep, shaky breath. “If you’re here to repeat your request from Saturday night, then you’ve wasted your time.”

      She wished her office was big enough to stalk to the other side and put a decent enough space between them. Instead, there was little extra space in the small room. Between her desk, file cabinets and plastic tubs filled with materials they used for various functions, she barely had a clear path from the door to her seat behind the desk.

      Jacobe followed her farther into the office. His huge, muscled form soaked up all the remaining space in the room. He pushed the door closed. When he faced her again, thankfully, he didn’t step closer and leaned against the door, instead.

      “That’s not why I’m here. One of the reasons I came by is to apologize for the other night.”

      She’d opened her mouth in preparation for a rebuff. She snapped it closed. “Come again? You’re apologizing?”

      “Don’t sound so surprised. I am capable of admitting when I’m wrong. You remember that much about me.”

      She did, actually. He may have given her a hard time when she fussed about him keeping her waiting and always had a reason for why he was late, but he never tried to blame his inability to keep to their schedule on anyone but himself. She would have had a much easier time not lusting after him if he’d blamed others for his problems.

      “I do.”

      “I am sorry about approaching you like that. I had a bad game, as you saw. When I spotted you, nothing but good memories of that night popped up. I can’t lie. I wanted you again.”

      Her knees went weak. She sat on the edge of her desk to hide the effect. “Oh. Well, good memories or not, I wasn’t there to relive that one night.”

      “I guessed as much when you stalked out mad as hell. I still want you, but I’m willing to earn my way into your bed. Not assume you’ll automatically let me there.”

      Awareness—no, anticipation buzzed through her body. “You’re here to let me know you’re planning to seduce me?”

      He straightened from the door and shook his head. “I do think you should know that I’m perfectly willing to pick up where we left off, but that’s not why I’m here. The other reason for this visit is because I need a favor that involves the River Watchers.”

      Her brain fought to keep up. He wanted a repeat of that night? That shouldn’t make her so giddy. Pushing the giddiness firmly aside, she focused on the second statement. “A favor? Really?”


      “What kind of favor?”

      He rubbed his hands together and examined the various framed awards and news clippings on her office wall. “I’d like to volunteer, do some things to improve my image by helping the environment.” He focused back on her.

      “Why?” She crossed her arms and studied him.

      “Out of the goodness of my heart.”

      She shook her head. “Not buying it. Try again.”

      He grinned, completely unperturbed by her reply. “You’re still a hard-ass.”

      “I still know when you’re avoiding getting to the point. Why do you suddenly want to help an organization you hadn’t heard of before Saturday?”

      “I’ve got a five-game suspension. It’s going to be announced later today. I need something to boost my image in my free time.” He said “free time” as if it were a bad word. For him, she guessed it was. She could imagine how frustrated she’d be if someone took her work away from her.

      “What do you have in mind?”

      “I checked your website and saw that you have a few things coming up. A cleanup and silent auction. I’ll come help, invite the media, and show everyone that I’m more than just a distraction for the team.”

      “You’ve got it all figured out.”

      “Those were just my thoughts. You’re the head of this thing. You tell me where you need me to be and I’ll be there.”

      She frowned, not sure if she liked the idea. The part of her that needed ticket sales for the gala knew having the star of the Gators attend her events would bring much needed attention, ticket sales and donations the River Watchers desperately needed.

      The skeptical part thought this was an offer too good to be true. In her memory, those types of situations always ended with her left behind and forgotten.

      “I can tell you’re not convinced,” he said. “I know having me around might cause a headache for you guys. I don’t want to cause you too much trouble. If you’d like, we can go out to dinner and discuss the arrangements.”

      Skeptical, Danielle smirked. “We don’t need to go to dinner to discuss you volunteering here.”

      “I know that. The dinner is my way of getting you out on a date.” He held up two fingers. “Two birds with one stone.”

      Danielle stood and placed her hands on her hips. “Volunteering isn’t how you earn your way into my bed.”

      Jacobe stepped away from the door. With one long stride, he stood before her in the pitifully small office. “Volunteering is only about my basketball image. I came here straight from a meeting with my agent, coach, PR and one of the owners. My suspension right before play-offs is making them question resigning me next year.”
