Snowkissed!: The Midwife's Marriage Proposal. Fiona Harper. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Fiona Harper
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472000484
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she hadn’t been able to see it at the time.

      At first glance she seemed hardly to have changed. Still the same intriguing green eyes that flashed a hint of rebellion and challenge, still the slim legs, the narrow waist and the delicate curves. She looked as though a strong gust of wind would blow her over, but he knew better. Sally was fit and strong, probably the most athletic woman he’d ever met. She was an accomplished rock-climber, an impressive long-distance runner, and her wildness and courage had stolen his heart. In all the years he’d known her, he’d seen her cry only once.

       And that had been the day he’d ended their relationship.

      Looking at her soft, perfectly shaped mouth, Tom suddenly had trouble remembering why he’d done it, and he cursed mentally, wishing that he’d had time to prepare himself for her arrival.

      Why the hell hadn’t someone told him that she was coming?

      Warned him?

      ‘Does Bryony know you’re here?’

      She’d been one of his sister’s closest friends and he knew that they’d kept in touch over the years.

      One delicate eyebrow lifted a fraction and he saw the challenge in her green gaze. ‘Of course.’

      He gritted his teeth. ‘She failed to mention it.’

      ‘She probably didn’t think you’d be interested.’

      It was a less than subtle reminder that he’d been the one to cut her out of his life and Tom ran a hand over the back of his neck, seriously discomfited for the first time in his thirty-four years.

      If he’d known she was coming back, he would have had time to prepare—would have somehow arranged for them to have their first meeting in private. Clearly there were things that needed to be said.

      As if reminding them both that they weren’t alone, Emma gave a little cough.

      ‘You know each other?’ Her tone pulsed with a curiosity that she couldn’t hide and she glanced between them with interest.

      Sally smiled, nothing in her expression suggesting that she was anything other than totally relaxed. ‘It was a long time ago.’

      Her tone suggested a casual acquaintance of long standing, a relationship with no real attachment on either side.

      Remembering the explosive passion they’d shared, Tom wondered how she’d managed to forget the incredible intimacies that had bound them together.

      And then he looked into those cool green eyes and realized that she hadn’t forgotten.

       Neither had she forgiven.

      In those green eyes he saw disdain where there had once been adoration, contempt where that had once been unconditional love.

      He drew breath slowly, shocked by how severely that contempt unsettled him.

      And yet what had he expected?

      Had he known she was coming, how would he have anticipated their reunion?

      Sally Jenner had every reason to hate him.

      ‘I heard you were working in the Himalayas.’ Suddenly he wanted to know everything about her. Where she’d been, what she’d been doing. When she’d stopped crying over him.

      ‘Among other places.’ Her reply was intentionally vague and he saw the flash in those green depths and understood.

      Mind your own business, her eyes said. What do you care, anyway?

      ‘And where are you living now?’

      He needed to know. There were things he had to say to her and they certainly couldn’t be said in public.

      She ignored his question, her gaze turning to Emma who was still watching them in awed silence. ‘Sorry. This must be very boring for you and I’m sure we need to get on with some work.’

      Emma shrugged. ‘Well, if you two want to catch up, I can—’

      ‘Not at all,’ Sally interrupted her smoothly, moving away from the window and making her way towards the door. ‘We’ve said hello. It was nice to see you, Tom.’

      With a few casually spoken words she’d dismissed him as unimportant and Tom wrestled with an inexplicable impulse to power her against the wall and remind her just what they’d shared.

      But that would be a totally illogical response, of course, given that he’d been the one to walk away from their relationship.

      He’d thrown their relationship away. So why was he now questioning that decision?

       Because in thirty-four years he’d never met another woman who stirred his blood like Sally Jenner.

      It was only after she’d left the room that he realized that she hadn’t said where she was living.

      He narrowed his eyes. There was one person who would definitely know where she was living.

      His sister, Bryony.

      ‘I can’t believe you know Tom,’ Emma breathed as they walked back down the corridor. ‘You didn’t mention it when I talked about him.’

      ‘It was a long time ago,’ Sally said smoothly, wishing desperately that she could escape for just five minutes to gather together her scattered emotions. But there was no chance of that.

      Almost as soon as they left the staffroom, one of the other midwives appeared, looking stressed.

      ‘We’ve had two admissions in the last five minutes and one of them is Angela Norris. She’s in a state.’

      Emma gave a sigh and turned to Sally. ‘Do you mind being thrown in at the deep end?’ She gave a rueful smile. ‘Angela isn’t going to be easy to look after. She’s only recently moved to the area and she’s going to need a lot of care and attention. This is her second baby. The first was born by Caesarean section and she was promised a section again in her last hospital, but Tom isn’t keen on sectioning women unless there’s no alternative. He’s told her that he wants her to aim for a normal delivery. She isn’t very happy about the whole thing, to be honest.’

      Sally felt her whole body tense. ‘So …’ She cleared her throat. ‘Tom will be monitoring her?’

      ‘Oh, yes—he’ll keep a very close eye on her, especially if he’s concerned about that scar.’

      Which meant that she’d be working with him right from the start, with no chance to collect herself.

      Sally closed her eyes briefly. What was the matter with her? She’d had seven years to collect herself. How much longer did she need? And she’d always known that taking a job in his department would mean working closely with him. She’d decided that she needed that. If only to prove to herself that she was over him. She’d decided to confront her fears head-on.

      And she was going to be fine, she told herself firmly.

      He was just a colleague, nothing more. A colleague.

      ‘I’ll be very happy to look after Angela,’ she said firmly, smiling at Emma. ‘Let’s go.’

      Angela was sitting on the bed in one of the rooms, her eyes red-rimmed from crying, a small suitcase at her feet. Her husband sat next to her, visibly tense as he held his wife’s hand and tried to calm her down.

      Sally was by her side in an instant, her expression concerned as she slipped an arm around the woman, the need to comfort instinctive in her. ‘Don’t be upset,’ she urged softly, as she quickly introduced herself to the couple. ‘Whatever the problem is, we’ll sort it out together, I promise. This is supposed to be a happy, exciting time.’

      Angela took a shuddering breath but her shoulders remained stiff under Sally’s gentle touch. ‘I really want a Caesarean section. It’s what I had last time. It’s what