Under The Tuscan Sun...: A Bride for the Italian Boss / Return of the Italian Tycoon / Reunited by a Baby Secret. SUSAN MEIER. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474081429
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arm when she turned to walk away. “Of course, I’m prepared for that! Good God, woman, I drove to Rome to bring you back.”

      She shook her head with an enigmatic laugh. “Okay. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

      He rolled his eyes heavenward. Women. Who could figure them out? “I am warned.” He motioned to the door. “Come. I’ll drive you back to Louisa’s.”

      But by the time they reached Louisa’s villa and he drove back to his condo to change for work, her strange statement had rattled around in his head and made him crazy. Was he prepared for her staying? Idiocy. He’d all but made her a partner in his business. He wanted her to stay.

      He changed his clothes and headed to Mancini’s. Walking into the kitchen, he tried to shove her words out of his head but they wouldn’t go—until he found the staff in unexpectedly good spirits. Then his focus fell to their silly grins.

      “What’s going on?”

      Emory turned from the prep table. “Have you seen today’s issue of Tuscany Review?”

      In all the confusion over Daniella, he’d forgotten that today was the day the tourist magazine came out. He snatched it from Emory’s hands.

      “Page twenty-nine.”

      He flicked through the pages, getting to the one he wanted, and there was a picture of Dani. So many tourists had snapped pictures that someone from the magazine could have come in and taken this one without anyone in the restaurant paying any mind.

      He read the headline. “Mancini’s gets a fresh start.”

      “Read the whole article. It’s fantastic.”

      As he began to skim the words, Emory said, “There’s mention of the new hostess being pretty and personable.”

      Rafe inclined his head. “She is both.”

      “And mention of your food without mention of your temper.”

      His gaze jerked up to Emory. “No kidding.”

      “No kidding. It’s as if your temper didn’t exist.”

      He pressed the magazine to his chest. “Thank God I went to Rome and brought her back.”

      Daniella pushed open the door. Dressed in a sheath the color of ripe apricots, she smiled as she walked toward Rafe and Emory. “I heard something about a magazine.”

      Rafe silently handed it to her.

      She glanced down and laughed. “Well, look at me.”

      “Yes. Look at you.” He wanted to pull her close and hug her, but he crossed his arms on his chest. The very fact that he wanted to hug her was proof he needed to keep his distance. Even forgetting about the fiancé she had back home, she needed security enough that he wouldn’t tempt her away from finding it. Her staying had to be about Mancini’s and her desire for a place, a home. He had to make sure she got what she wanted out of this deal—without breaking her heart. Because if he broke her heart, she’d leave. And everything they’d accomplished up to now would have been for nothing.

      “You realize that even if every chef and busboy cycles out, and every waitress quits after university, Emory and I will always be here.”

      Emory grinned at Daniella. Rafe nudged him. “Stop behaving like one of the Three Stooges. This is serious for her.”

      She looked up from the magazine with a smile for Rafe. “Yes. I know you will always be here.” Her smile grew. “Did you ever stop to think that maybe that’s part of the problem?”

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