The Greek's Nine-Month Surprise. Jennifer Faye. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jennifer Faye
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474041188
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having to tell him. And as much as she hated to admit it, he was right. They had to finish their discussion, and perhaps it’d be easier in person. But he wouldn’t change her mind—she was going home. She’d just heard about an opening at the hotel in New York, and she’d jumped on it. It would make it possible for her to make a future for her and the baby near her family.

      MaidintheShade347 (Sofia): Can you give me a little time?

      NikoStravosIII: Hurry.

      MaidintheShade347 (Sofia): I will.

      Sofia leaped up from the couch. After tossing her leftover pizza back in the fridge, she hurried to her small bedroom. A glance in the mirror told her that she would benefit from jumping in the shower and starting all over again, but she knew Niko wouldn’t have the patience to wait that long. So she’d have to do her best to quickly paste herself back together.

      At last she settled for a short summer dress that had a sleeveless denim blouse that tied at the waist and a white flowered skirt. It looked good on her without letting on that she’d tried too hard. After all, this wasn’t a date or anything.

      She texted Niko when she was ready. He wanted to meet on the beach. It was evening now, and the resort’s guests would be having dinner. For the most part, they’d have the beach to themselves.

      She rushed out the door, all the while wondering what he’d decided. As she rode down the elevator by herself, she pressed a protective hand to her abdomen and whispered, “Don’t worry, little one. Everything will be all right.” If only she could convince herself of that. “Your daddy will see that I’m doing what’s best for all concerned.”

      Sofia made her way from the small employee complex on the outskirts of the resort to the hotel. It wasn’t until then that she realized Niko hadn’t been explicit in his instructions. The beach was huge. But she didn’t have to wonder for long as he waved to her.

      She joined him on the overlook that gave a stunning view of the private cove. The setting sun splashed streaks of pink and purple over the darkening water. But it wasn’t the horizon that made the breath catch in Sofia’s throat.

      Her gaze settled on Niko. His wavy hair was finger-combed back off his face. Talk about hitting the jackpot in the gene department. If their baby took after him, it’d be adorable.

      Niko was wearing dark slacks and a blue dress shirt. Didn’t the man ever go casual? She was starting to wonder if his wardrobe contained anything but designer suits. Although tonight he’d dispensed with his jacket and tie. The sleeves of his shirt were rolled up, and the top buttons were undone, giving a hint of the few dark curls on his chest. Her fingers longed to reach out to him as she had on that unforgettable night.

      Her gaze rose, meeting his. A frown pulled at his lips as he glanced down at himself. “Is there something wrong with my clothes?”

      Realizing that she’d been caught staring, she shook her head. “”

      “Are you sure? Did I spill something on myself?”

      She shook her head again. “I was just wondering if you ever wear anything but suits.”

      “Really? That’s what you were thinking?” When she nodded, he added, “And what’s wrong with a suit?”

      She waved her hand around at the beach. “You do realize this is a resort. People come here to relax and unwind. You look like you’re ready to close a billion-dollar deal.”

      “Ah, but in my case I came to the Blue Tide Resort to do exactly that.” He smiled, sending her stomach dipping. “Well, not the billion-dollar part, but it’s a substantial deal. Therefore, my attire is quite appropriate.”

      “Are you always so uptight? Do you ever kick back? Relax?”

      “Of course.”

      She didn’t believe him. “I think you focus on business 24/7.”

      “Did you ever consider I might find it relaxing?”

      “And the suits?”

      “To quote my grandfather, a man must dress properly to do business. But if you hadn’t noticed, I did dispense with my jacket and tie.”

      She shook her head in disbelief. Inside, her stomach shivered with nervous tension. Critiquing his attire wasn’t why he’d invited her here, but she welcomed the diversion. “How about some jean shorts and a T-shirt? Or in your case, perhaps dress shorts and a polo shirt?”

      He glanced away. “I’m more comfortable like this.”

      “Do you even own any casual clothes?”

      “Of course.” He responded much too quickly, making her wonder whether he really did own anything she would classify as casual. “But I just returned from a meeting.”

      Was it really his clothes that bothered her? Or was it the thought that if she dressed him down, then his attitude might not be so serious? She wasn’t quite sure. “Did you pack any of these casual clothes?”

      “As a matter of fact, I did.”

      “Good. I’ll wait here while you go change.”

      “Change? Why would I do that?”

      “So we can go for a walk on the beach.”

      His hesitant gaze moved to the deserted beach and then back at her. “Wouldn’t you be more comfortable talking here? We could order dinner and eat on the terrace.”

      He wanted to talk and eat? Her stomach lurched. There was no way. Walking and talking was much more appealing. “I’m not hungry.” She didn’t even want to smell food at this point. “I’d really like to walk.”

      He looked at her closely. “Are you feeling all right?”

      She nodded.

      “You’re sure? You look a little pale.”

      She frowned. “Well, thank you. That’s always what a woman wants to hear.”

      “I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant... Oh, never mind. Wait here. I’ll be right back.”

      She nodded, but still he hesitated. “I’ll wait. I promise.”

      His eyes said that he didn’t trust her. At all. “Good. We have important issues to discuss.”

      She couldn’t tell by the tone of his voice if she was going to like what he had to say or not. At this point, she wasn’t even sure what she wanted him to say. The push and pull of her conflicting emotions made her temples start to throb.

      It will all work out. It will all work out.

      She turned back to the view of the cove. All the while, she kept repeating those five words like some sort of mantra. It helped calm her nerves. Or so she wanted to believe.

      She took in the colorful sky and the gentle lapping of the water. This was the kind of setting for a romantic movie where the hero and heroine walk off into the sunset. She inwardly groaned. That would never be her and Niko.

      About to admit her mistake, she spun around to tell Niko that she’d changed her mind, but he was already gone. Whatever she did this evening, she had to keep her wits about her. Nothing good would come of repeating that toe-curling kiss. Nothing at all.

      Still, her mind dwelled on that moment at his bungalow when he’d held her in his arms. Her heart picked up its pace. She’d never been kissed with such passion. No one had ever made her feel as if she was the only woman in the world for him—

      No! No! No! she scolded herself. It didn’t help when she recalled how delicious it was having his lips pressed to hers. She had to resist the temptation. She had to.
