Blame It on the Bachelor. Karen Kendall. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Karen Kendall
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781408969090
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that was what the lady wanted or needed right now.

      What she required at the moment was care and finesse and seduction, so he told his inner gorilla to back the hell off and not even think about it.

      Dev slipped out of his jacket and tossed it over a convenient chair. Then he unbuttoned his cuffs.

      Kylie stood watching him, as if she were unsure what to do next.

      “Take off those panties, honey,” he drawled. “Will you do that for me?”

      She nodded.

      “Will you slide them down your thighs real slow?”

      She hooked her thumbs under the lacy edges and shimmied out of them, her gorgeous breasts falling forward. He could see between them down to the line of her flat stomach, and as she straightened a little, all the way to the blond patch between her legs—a glimpse of heaven.

      He sucked in a breath at the sight of the pink folds there, almost but not quite hidden. As Kylie brought the panties to her knees and raised one leg to step out of them, the view got even more erotic. He couldn’t look away from the dark, forbidden crevices and the generous curve of her bottom.

      Dev fumbled with the buttons on his shirt and ripped it off. Then he walked toward her, toeing off his shoes while he did. He removed his socks and then stood looking at those unbelievable breasts for a moment before he took them into his hands. Her soft inhalation of pleasure encouraged him, and he bent to kiss her.

      Her mouth was hot, inviting and lush. Dev stayed there for a while, exploring the taste of her, enjoying her response. But he wanted to head south and taste something more taboo. He eased her into a sitting position at the edge of the bed, loving the sight of her in nothing but the silver heels.

      “Spread your legs for me, sweetheart,” he said. “Yeah … just … like … that.”

      She opened for him, quivering with tension, all pink and pretty. Dev sank to his knees and ran his hands up and down her thighs, loving her clear desire to be touched between them, but not indulging her yet.

      When he did, it was with the very tip of his tongue. The delicate flesh there jumped, her pelvis jerked and she made a little noise in her throat.

      He chuckled and touched her again while she gasped. Then he took a long lick, from low down to up high—and she let out a soft, strangled scream, her hips moving involuntarily.

      He teased her mercilessly for a little longer before he went to work in earnest, but it didn’t take long before she came utterly apart, crying out and thrashing and clutching at his head. He loved every second of it … bringing this beautiful, high-strung girl with the secrets in her eyes to passion and release.

      When she opened her eyes, he unbuckled his belt, unzipped and slid out of his pants and then right into her, sheathing himself fully and groaning with the pleasure of it.

      “Dev,” she said. “That was incredible … Oh, Dev …”

      He was a slave to his own pleasure, lost inside her body.

      “Condom,” she said. “We need a condom.”

      Noooooooooo. His cock protested. He didn’t want to leave the hot friction of her body. But he knew he was being selfish. “Sorry. Damn it, I’m sorry.” He had no right to take the risks with her health that he had taken with his own.

      He pulled out and rolled off the bed to find his pants, his wallet. It seemed to take an eternity to locate the packet, open it, pull out the condom.

      “Give it to me,” Kylie said.

      So he did. She crouched on the bed, leaning forward with her back arched and her breasts almost touching his cock while she rolled it on. He almost came in her hands at the sight.

      He pushed her back down onto the bed, bringing one silver clad foot up and onto his shoulder. And then he slid back into her tight, hot body and gave her everything he had left.

      KYLIE HADN’T THOUGHT it was possible for her to come again, but when Dev grasped her other ankle in his big warm hand and put it over his shoulder, too; when he pulsed in and out of her like some kind of human oiled piston; when he caught his bottom lip between his teeth and drove home with his hair falling into those sultry dark eyes and an expression of male exultation—well, she didn’t have a choice.

      The orgasm started low and tightly coiled in her belly. It stole all perception or thought from her and trampled them underfoot as tension built within her, spawning heat. Almost unbearable heat. Her consciousness spiraled into it and all focus went to sensation and friction in one spot—not the eager tip of her he’d teased and licked before, but some erogenous zone inside that exploded without warning and left her convulsing around Dev.

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