A Texan Returns. Victoria Chancellor. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Victoria Chancellor
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781408958711
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intact. No big incidents. Nothing embarrassing. Just some nice Christmas decorations and smiles all around.

      Yep, that’s what he was going to do.

      Chapter Four

      Toni looked out her front windows on Thursday morning to see a police car, two large panel trucks, a half-dozen pickups and at least a dozen people in front of the community center. Onlookers stood on the sidewalks, sipping their morning coffee and gazing at the activity. Off to the side, Wyatt conferred with Chief Montoya and community center director, Martha Chase. She was, as usual, animated and energetic about whatever they were discussing. As Toni watched, more citizens joined the onlookers. Soon they would have a sizable crowd lining Elm Street.

      “This doesn’t look good,” Toni whispered as she let the curtain fall. She rushed to her bedroom and pulled on jeans and an old Dallas Stars sweatshirt, stuffed her feet into shoes and headed for the front door.

      She completed a fast walk across the street in seconds, eavesdropping on the conversation as she went. Wyatt was up to something, that was for sure.

      “This could be a safety issue,” Chief Montoya was saying, pointing to tall poles that circled the wooded lawn of the center. Apparently they were erecting some type of fence.

      “If you’re worried, I’ll provide security,” Wyatt said.

      “We want the surprise factor!” Martha insisted.

      “What’s going on?” Toni asked, slightly out of breath as she approached the group.

      “Chief Montoya is being unreasonable,” Martha said to Toni. “Mr. McCall has arranged for a truly spectacular Christmas display as a surprise to the town, but for some reason the police want to stop us.”

      “I’m not trying to stop the display. Just do it out in the open, where we can protect the citizens and also the decorations. If everything is concealed, we can’t see if anyone breaks in to steal or damage the items, whatever they are.”

      “Then it won’t be a surprise!” Martha said, throwing up her arms. She was obviously strongly on Wyatt’s side. No shocker there. He could sweet-talk anyone, from toddler to grandmother, as long as the person was female.

      “Are you building a fence?” Toni asked Wyatt.

      “Yes, for privacy, just until the chili supper.” The annual event, usually held the next weekend, was taking place on Saturday evening in honor of Wyatt’s return to town. “I’d like for everyone to get their first glimpse as they arrive at the center. Besides, the unveiling should increase attendance and make more money for the food bank and clothing closet.”

      He had a point. The local charities raised much of their annual budget and received useful merchandise through the chili supper proceeds and donations. “Can you provide security?”

      Wyatt shrugged. “Sure. I’m certain we can hire some off-duty police from Brody’s Crossing or Graham, or even recruit some Young County deputies. Everyone needs extra cash at Christmastime, right?”

      Another good point. “Chief, would that be acceptable to you?”

      “As long as the area is patrolled. We can send cars by, but if the fence is opaque, as Mr. McCall has said, we can’t see what’s going on inside without doing a search. And also from what he’s said, there will be some pretty big items there, which perps could hide behind.”

      “Oh, for heaven’s sake, it’s a Christmas display!” Martha exclaimed. “Who in this town is going to try to harm it or steal it or whatever?”

      Everyone except Martha turned to look at Wyatt. This type of situation was just the sort of thing that would have tempted him when he was around fourteen.

      “Don’t look at me. I’m all grown up and responsible now. Are there any young versions of me running around town these days?”

      “No, thank God,” Toni said.

      Wyatt narrowed his eyes and frowned at her.

      “An off-duty officer or even a rent-a-cop would be fine with me,” Chief Montoya said. “We’ll do drive-bys also.”

      “Okay, then. We need to get back to work,” Wyatt stated. He waved at two men who were waiting by the panel trucks. “Go ahead with the fencing.”

      “I’m sure this will work out just fine,” Toni told Martha. “We have to be careful of anything that will be on public display.”

      “I just want the citizens to have something spectacular—not that the reindeer and such aren’t wonderful, too. Mr. McCall has promised a winter wonderland, and I can’t wait to see the result.” She hugged her arms over her heavy sweater. “Come in for some coffee or tea before you leave if you’d like,” she told Wyatt, then turned and went back into the building.

      “So,” Toni said, folding her arms on her chest against the chill, and also because she was slightly miffed at Wyatt’s secrecy. Especially after their conversation yesterday. And what happened while they were talking. “What do you have planned?”

      “It’s a secret,” he said, smiling down at her. “You’ll have to wait for the unveiling just like everyone else.”

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