Baby on Board. Lisa Ruff. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lisa Ruff
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781408958421
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lifted another hatch board out of the entrance down to the cabin. “The companionway stairs are steep, so turn around and treat them like a ladder.”

      Kate followed his instructions and cautiously made her way down the steps. She was glad she was barefoot. The wood was varnished and felt slippery, even with the ridges carved into each step for traction. Once down below, she turned around and gasped. “It’s so short.”

      Patrick laughed, his hands resting on his knees as he bent over in the low-ceilinged cabin. “It’s a day-sailer. No one’s expected to spend too much time down here.”

      She looked around. Despite the low headroom, the boat looked like someone’s living room—a very wealthy, very short, someone’s living room. Everywhere she looked, varnished teak gleamed golden warmth. Matching sofas ran along either side of the cabin. The cushions were covered in pale cream leather, plump and inviting. Behind the settees were built-in cabinets, each with a louvered door and gold-plated knob. Patrick flipped a switch on a panel next to the steps and recessed lighting brought the interior to life.

      “Some toy,” Kate murmured.

      Patrick chuckled. “It’s only used for afternoons on the Bay, maybe evening sails. If you go somewhere overnight, you get a hotel. Though it has a cozy V-berth in the bow.”

      “But it’s such a big boat.”

      “Forty-two feet of glorious perfection.” At her look of incredulity, he shrugged. “Fitzgerald was right. The rich are different than you and I.”

      “Different meaning they’re crazier.”

      “Something like that. I know the owner. He’s a good guy. He’s just got more money than sense.”

      “So what are you doing with it?”

      “It’s new and he wants all the systems checked over before he takes her out.”

      Kate frowned. “But, if it’s new, shouldn’t it be ready to go?”

      Patrick snorted. “That’ll be the day. A boat like this usually has a fathom-long punch list of things that don’t work. And that’s better than most. I’ve seen some boats that practically had to be rebuilt after they left the factory.”

      “So you test things, sail it, then fix what’s wrong?”

      Patrick nodded. “Let’s go up topside.” He gestured her to precede him, and turned the lights off.

      Once back in the sunshine, Kate slipped on her sunglasses. Patrick joined her and sat down on the bench in the cockpit. He seemed in no hurry to leave.

      “Don’t you need to do something here?”

      “I did it when we first went down below. I checked the hydraulic fluid, made sure it wasn’t leaking.”

      “So, we can go?”

      “Or we can talk here. It’s a nice morning for enjoying the water.”

      Kate sighed and sat opposite him. Nestled in the protection of the comfortable cockpit, she felt less afraid of the water all around her. She opened her mouth to speak and the boat shifted, startling her.

      “Hey, Patty,” Ian said as he stepped onto the cushion beside Kate and sat down next to her. “And hello, Kate,” he added, dropping a kiss on her cheek.

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