Expecting the Sheikh's Baby. KRISTI GOLD. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472037022
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sold it to a friend of the family.”

      “Then I guess that’s out.”

      Karen thought a moment and considered another option. The perfect place for a sabbatical. “I have two dear friends in Silver Valley, the Calderones. They have a wonderful ranch and I’m sure they would love to have you as a guest for as long as you’d like.”

      Maria’s expression brightened. “Do you really think so?”

      “I’m almost positive but I’ll give them a call in the morning and run it past them.”

      Maria grasped Karen’s hand. “You’re a lifesaver, Karen. I’m so happy to have you in the family.”

      “I’m happy to be in the family.” And Karen was. Only a few months before she had felt totally alone. Now she had her understanding cousin to lean on as well as other new friends. She also had…Ash? The sneaky sheikh once again had wriggled his way into her psyche.

      Coming to her feet, Maria stretched with her hands on the small of her back. “Lately every muscle in my body protests if I stand or sit too long.”

      Karen rose. “You need to try and get some rest.”

      “I haven’t been able to sleep well.”

      Karen doubted she would sleep all that well tonight either with so much weighing on her mind. “Take a hot bath and relax. Works for me. I’ll let you know what the Calderones say, but you can probably consider it a done deal.”

      Maria gave Karen a quick, heartfelt hug. “Thanks for making the arrangements. I owe you one.”

      “Just come back soon. I’m going to miss you.”

      “I’ll miss you, too. But you have to promise me that no matter what, you can’t tell Steven anything. Or the family. I don’t want anyone to know why I’ve left.”

      “Won’t everyone be worried about you?”

      “I’ll leave the family a note explaining I need some time away. Steven, too. And now that that’s settled, what are you going to do about Ash’s offer?”

      “I have no idea. I have a lot to consider.”

      Maria walked to the door then faced Karen. “No matter what you decide, you know I’ll support you. But I do hope you give the proposal some serious consideration. It would be so wonderful for your baby to have a relationship with its father.”

      Karen’s heart ached for Maria who hadn’t been able to openly share her joy with the father of her child or her family. Recalling the missing links to her own family chain, Karen could no longer deny the importance of having both parents actively involved. She also couldn’t deny that Sheikh Ashraf Saalem would probably be a prime candidate for producing top-notch offspring. And she definitely couldn’t deny that he would be the prime candidate for providing the utmost in pleasure, either. Annoyingly, that thought excited her.

      Too much to think about, too little time.

      “I’ve always known you to be a man of few words, Ash, but today you’re quieter than usual.”

      Ash looked up from his half-eaten room service fare to find Daniel Barone scrutinizing him with unconcealed curiosity. “I have much on my mind at present.” So much that food had lost all appeal.

      “This mood of yours doesn’t have anything to do with my investments, does it?”

      His current state had nothing to do with monetary measures and everything to do with one particular woman. “I asked you here today solely for the sake of camaraderie, not business.”

      “Good. I was beginning to assume you were about to tell me I’m destined for poverty, the reason why we’re eating in privacy instead of a restaurant.”

      Ash had asked Daniel to join him for lunch in his penthouse suite to make certain he was accessible should Karen call. To this point, it had yet to happen. The later the hour, the more concerned Ash had become that perhaps Karen had decided to utilize the fertility clinic. For all he knew, she could be there now, becoming impregnated by some stranger.

      “As always, your investments are thriving,” Ash assured his friend. “You will continue to be a very wealthy man.”

      Pushing back from the dining table, Daniel tossed his napkin aside, looking pleased. “That’s great to know even though I have everything a man could need with my new wife.”

      Ash felt a little twinge of envy over his friend’s good fortune in finding a suitable mate. “Then I can presume your honeymoon went well?”

      Daniel presented a roguish grin. “Oh, yeah. Very well. But it’s far from over. Just ask Phoebe. For such a quiet lady, she’s certainly full of surprises.”

      Ash predicted that the not-so-quiet Karen could be full of pleasant surprises as well. If only he would be afforded the opportunity to find out. “I’m happy that you are pleased with your choice.”

      “And to think I tried to fix you and Phoebe up at Karen’s party,” Daniel said. “Good thing you didn’t hit it off.”

      A very good thing, Ash decided, not that Phoebe wasn’t an attractive woman. But that night Karen had garnered his complete attention. Admittedly, he had wanted her in a very elemental way. He still wanted her. Yet with each passing moment he saw his opportunity to have her dwindling.

      “I am still surprised that you’ve married, considering your former habits,” Ash said.

      Daniel frowned. “If you’re referring to previous women, you’re a fine one to talk. You’ve had more than your share.”

      “True, but I have met someone who could possibly put that to an end.”

      “Someone special?”

      “Your cousin Karen.”

      Daniel slapped his palm on the table, effectively rattling the silverware. “You know, Phoebe swore this was going to happen but I never thought it would go beyond the night you met. Karen didn’t seem too happy when you kissed her in the reception line.”

      “It was a simple show of welcome.”

      “It was a simple come-on, if you ask me. So how long have you and Karen been an item?”

      “I’m not certain I understand your meaning.”

      “How long have you been seeing each other?”

      Ash was unsure how to respond. “We’ve been negotiating.”

      “Negotiating? That’s a weird term for dating.”

      “Actually, we have gone beyond the dating phase.”

      Daniel released a wry chuckle. “I have to hand it to you, Ash. You work fast.”

      “I’ve asked her to be my wife.”

      “Make that from zero to sixty in a matter of seconds. When did this all come about?”

      “I’ve intended to marry for some time now. Karen is the perfect prospect.”

      “Yeah, Karen’s a nice woman. Not too shabby in the looks department, either.”

      “I beg your pardon?”

      “She’s very attractive.”

      “I would have to agree with you in that respect.”

      “So when’s the wedding?”

      As far as Ash was concerned, today would not be soon enough. “Unfortunately she has yet to give me her answer. I’m not certain that she sees the mutual benefits that marriage will bring.”

      Daniel scowled. “Well, hell, Ash, if that’s the way you proposed, it’s not surprising she hasn’t bothered to answer you.”

      “It’s a bit more complex than a simple proposal.