Rags To Riches: At His Bidding: A Home for Nobody's Princess / The Rancher's Housekeeper / Prince Daddy & the Nanny. Rebecca Winters. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Rebecca Winters
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474068956
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them their father was a ruling prince?”

      “True,” she said. “I’ll work on it. Which bedroom do you want?”

      “Any room where my dear daughter is not sleeping,” he said.

      She laughed. “The good news is she can have her own bedroom and I brought monitors so we know if she’s crying.”

      “Works for me. I could use a beer. You could use some wine. Let me see if I can find something for both of us,” he said and opened the refrigerator. “We’re in luck. German beer,” he said with a snicker. “White wine?” he asked her.

      “I’m good with water. The flight was exhausting,” she said. “I need to be ready when Emma wakes up after we put her to bed.”

      “You could call the nanny they offered,” Benjamin said.

      “Not tonight. Maybe another time,” Coco said.

      Moments later, sandwiches were delivered and Coco devoured hers. She diapered Emma, put her in the crib and fell asleep in the bedroom next to the nursery. With her clothes on.

      Dead to the world, Coco awakened to the sound of a baby screaming. Blindly, she scrambled out of bed and rushed out of her bedroom toward the screaming. She bumped into a large, strong frame.

      “Benjamin?” she murmured.

      “Yeah,” he muttered in return.

      She stumbled into the nursery and pulled Emma up into her arms. “You’re okay,” Coco cooed.

      Emma screamed in protest and Coco cuddled the baby closer. “You’re okay,” Coco said.

      In short order, Emma calmed down. “Bet you need a diaper change,” Coco said. “I can do that in no time.” Finding a flat surface, Coco set the baby down. Emma fussed, but Coco quickly changed her wet diaper and picked her up.

      “Good girl,” Coco said.

      “That was fast,” Benjamin said.

      “It’s all instinct when you do it every day,” she said. “She’s awake now. It may take a while for her to go back to sleep.”

      “I can stay up,” he offered.

      She shook her head. “I want you awake when I’m not,” she said. “I’ll take this shift.”

      “You’re sure?” he asked.

      “More than,” she said. “Besides, you’re due the rest since you walked her up and down the aisle while she was screaming on the plane,” she said, lightly mocking him.

      He chuckled. “Yeah. Well, let me know if you need me,” he said and gently touched the tip of her nose. “Tomorrow’s going to be a busy day for you.”

      Her stomach danced with nerves. “We’ll see.”

      * * *

      The next morning, a staff member from the kitchen delivered a basket of bread, butter and jellies along with coffee and hot tea. “This is breakfast?” Benjamin said, biting into a roll. “At least there’s coffee,” he said and poured a cup.

      “Maybe this is all they eat for breakfast,” she said as she gave Emma her bottle. “Or they’re hoping they can starve us into leaving early.”

      He tossed her a sly look, and it occurred to her that the man was too good-looking for her own good anytime day or night. “No need for paranoia yet. You haven’t even met them,” he said. “You look tired. Did Emma go back to sleep?” he asked.

      “After about an hour, but then I was wound up and couldn’t. I think my internal clock is messed up.”

      He nodded. “Plus you’re meeting your royal relations today.”

      “True,” she said and the phone rang.

      “I’ll get it,” he said and picked it up. “Benjamin Garner,” he said. “Yes, Miss Jordan is here.” He nodded. “Afternoon tea,” he said, waggling his eyebrows in Coco’s direction. “And this morning, a royal representative would like to take Miss Jordan for a tour of the palace grounds.”

      “What time?” she asked because she hadn’t showered yet and knew she looked like something the cat dragged in.

      “What time?” he repeated and waited for the answer. “In an hour?”

      She nodded. “Yes,” she said and put Emma on her shoulder to burp her.

      Promptly one hour later, a knock sounded on the front door of the villa. With Emma in one arm, Benjamin opened the door to a slim, middle-aged, balding man wearing a suit.

      “Hello,” the man said, his gaze sweeping the small foyer. “I’m Peter Bernard for Miss Coco Jordan. I presume you are Mr. Garner,” Peter said. “You and the baby are more than welcome to join us.”

      “I’d like for her not to be distracted by the baby during the tour,” Benjamin said, towering over the man as he extended his hand. “Miss Jordan is very important to me. I trust you’ll take good care of her.”

      Coco grabbed her jacket and walked toward the door. Benjamin caught her arm before she could leave and she met his gaze. “Have fun, sweetheart. Emma and I will be waiting for you,” he said and lowered his head to kiss her.

      Coco stared at him for a long moment, stunned that he’d kissed her, then she reminded herself that this was part of their ruse. She finally managed to take a breath and nodded. “Thanks. I hope she’ll take a little nap. I’ll see you later, um, honey.” She nearly choked on the word. This was going to be more difficult than she’d anticipated.

      “Miss Jordan,” the man at the door prompted.

      “Yes,” she said, relieved to have her attention diverted from Benjamin. “Mr. Bernard.”

      He nodded and escorted her to a car parked in front of the villa. “We shall tour the grounds first and I’ll provide you with a history of the Devereau family,” he said as the driver opened the door for her and Mr. Bernard.

      “Although our gardens and vegetation are always lovely here in Chantaine, unfortunately, due to the time of the year, most of our flowers are not in full bloom. As you can see, however, we have several green courtyards that provide the royal family with opportunities for moments to ponder and escape the pressures of their responsibilities.”

      Coco drank in the sight of the lush, green palace grounds. She could only imagine how stunning they would be with colorful flowers and foliage. As Mr. Bernard continued to give her a running commentary on the various buildings, including guest cottages, staff quarters and stables, she wondered what it would be like to grow up in a place like this. She thought of her own childhood home in a rural town in Texas and smiled.

      “Do you have fishing ponds?” she asked.

      Mr. Bernard blinked at her. “Fishing ponds?”

      “Yes. Large ponds where you can swim and fish,” she said.

      Mr. Bernard gave a slight smile. “We have a pool and ocean for swimming. Likewise, the royal yacht can be used for fishing expeditions. There are a few stocked ponds on the property that feature mostly garibaldi fish and carp. Do you have more questions?”

      She shook her head. “Not right now.”

      “Very well, we shall now proceed to the palace,” he said.

      Mr. Bernard began to share the history of the Deveraux family and Chantaine. The family, of course, went back centuries and representatives of the crown had conducted a series of negotiations with both France and Italy in order for the royal family to remain in power and for Chantaine to maintain its independence.

      “Some men are born to rule and some are