Mills & Boon Introduces: What Lies Beneath / Soldier, Father, Husband? / The Seven-Day Target. Soraya Lane. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Soraya Lane
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781408997888
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should, too. Where are we going?”

      “It’s a surprise,” he called out.

      “Then how will I know what to wear?”

      Will stepped back into the hallway and eyed her outfit. She had on low-ride jeans and a T-shirt, her hair down and loose around her shoulders. For what he had in mind, it was perfect. He was about to tell her as much when her mouth dropped open and a gasp of surprise escaped her throat. He looked down at his bare chest in confusion and then back to her red cheeks. They’d slept together only two nights ago, but apparently seeing him in full daylight was a whole new experience for her.

      He was glad his abs met with her approval. His lips twisted in amusement for a moment before he spoke. “Stop that or we’ll never leave the apartment. You look fine. Just put on a jacket and some comfortable shoes.”

      Cynthia’s eyebrows shot up, but she didn’t argue. She went into the master bedroom and reappeared a few minutes later wearing her jacket and with her running shoes laced up and ready to go.

      He met her in the hallway wearing jeans, a gray polo shirt and his own pair of sneakers. It had been a long time since he’d worn jeans and sneakers. He forgot how comfortable they were.

      She followed him to the door and he slipped into his leather jacket. “I take it we’re not going to Le Bernardin tonight?”

      “Nope.” Will ushered her out of the apartment and down the hall.

      “I have to admit, I’m a touch relieved. I’m too tired to worry about keeping my elbows off the table and which fork to use.”

      “I’m glad you approve.”

      “Any clues?” she asked in the elevator.


      There was a touch of frustration in her eyes, but it was quickly erased with the light of excitement.

      First, they hopped in a cab and he took her to a small underground pizza joint near the Theater District. He could tell by the look on her face that she was hesitant about it. The first time he’d walked in, he thought he might need a tetanus shot, but it was some of the best pizza in town. By the time she’d put away her second giant slice, he was pretty sure Cynthia would agree.

      Then they walked a few blocks to 42nd Street. Every time they approached the entrance to a theater, she’d look around expectantly, but he would continue on past. No Broadway musicals tonight. Instead, he’d bought tickets to a Night Illuminations tour. When the giant double-decker bus rolled up, Will knew he’d made the right choice. Her face lit up immediately. The air was chilly on the top deck, but Will didn’t mind. It gave him an excuse to wrap his arm around Cynthia so she could snuggle against his side. She asked him questions about sights they passed and he told her all he could. He’d always thought the lights of the city were beautiful, but sharing them with Cynthia made them even more special.

      After about two hours, they’d seen all of Manhattan and the tour dropped them back near Times Square. While she was mesmerized by a billboard, Will surprised her with an “I image NY” T-shirt and a pretzel with mustard. They walked around for a while, and when she was nearly finished eating, she forced him into the four-story Toys “R” Us store to ride the indoor Ferris wheel.

      It was an experience he would’ve skipped normally, but her excitement was contagious. “You had to pick the My Little Pony car, didn’t you?” Will said as they stepped back out into the night. “We couldn’t ride in the Monopoly car or even the Mr. Potato Head one.”

      “Is there something wrong with riding in a pink-and-green pony cart with rainbows and clouds?”

      “Not if you’re a five-year-old girl,” he snorted.

      “Where’s your sense of adventure?”

      Will stopped at a street corner and waited for the light to change before taking her by the hand and leading her to the other side. “I must’ve left it in my other pants.”

      “Speaking of which,” Cynthia noted, “I like you in jeans. You look a lot more relaxed than you do in those power suits.”

      Will looked down at his outfit and shrugged. He was more relaxed, although he doubted his pants were the cause. He’d made the decision earlier in the night to turn his phone off. Before he left work, he informed his admin and his second in command, Dan, that he would be “unplugged” tonight. It was time Dan started earning his deputy title. It was hard to actually hit the power button, but within minutes, he could almost feel his blood pressure go down.

      “I think it has more to do with the fact that I turned my cell phone off.”

      “Not just silent? Actually off?” Cynthia nearly choked on her last bite of pretzel.

      “Yes, off.” He was surprised she hadn’t noticed, since it was constantly making noise, but with the honking cabs and tourist crowds, she might not have heard it, even with it on.

      “What’s that all about?” she asked, looking up to admire the sea of neon lights that surrounded them.

      “You said I work too much. So I’m trying…something. It doesn’t stop me from looking at the blank screen periodically out of habit, but it’s a first step.”

      Cynthia broke into a wide smile. “Before long, I’ll have you taking vacations and enjoying life outside the office.” She turned to face him and reached up to wrap her arms around his neck. “I appreciate the effort. I know how important the Observer is to you.”

      He shrugged. “It is, but people are important, too. I’m trying to relax. Trying to enjoy my time with you.” Will looked down at her, her eyes reflecting the neon. His hands had been resting on her hips, but now they snaked around her waist to pull her tight.

      Cynthia eased up onto her toes and closed the distance between them for a kiss. The moment their lips met, the sounds of the city faded away. There was only the feel of his hard chest pressed against her soft one, the sweet taste of her mouth and the warmth of her skin.

      Will felt exposed standing on the sidewalk. He slowly eased Cynthia backward into an alcove in the façade between stores and pressed her back into the wall.

      Now they had the freedom to let their hands roam. Her palms flattened against his chest, feeling and exploring. Her fingernails scratched at his skin through the cotton of his shirt, eliciting a growl from deep in his throat.

      Will leaned against her until her soft body molded to every hard inch of him. She gasped when he pressed his arousal into her belly and he closed his eyes to block out everything but the sensation of it. His tongue glided across hers, his hand daring to slide up her side under her jacket to stealthily cup her breast through the thin cotton of her T-shirt.

      “Excuse me.”

      His eyes flew open as he took a step away from Cynthia. They both turned and found one of the city’s mounted police officers standing nearby. He looked down at them and shook his head as though he were expecting teenagers, not full-grown adults that could afford to do this at home.

      “Times Square is a family place these days,” he said. “Why don’t you find a room somewhere?”

      “Yes, Officer,” Will said as he attempted to mask the grin on his face.

      The policeman tipped his hat and signaled to the horse to continue its path down the sidewalk.

      Will turned to her, pressing her back against the wall, but not daring to kiss her again. If he started, he doubted he’d be able to stop a second time. “We’d better go home before you tempt me to do something to get us both arrested.” He spied a cab dropping someone off on the curb and waved it down.

      Cynthia smiled and silently arched her back to grind against him one last time.

      Will gritted his teeth together to keep a grip on his rapidly eroding control.