The Greek Boss's Bride. Chantelle Shaw. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Chantelle Shaw
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современная зарубежная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781408967812
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      She had intrigued him from the start, he acknowledged as he watched her work the room, chatting to the guests while serving flutes of champagne. Her intelligence and unflappable nature had made her the ideal choice as personal assistant. Her willingness to put in long hours and travel at a moment’s notice were an additional bonus; he had neither the time nor the patience to deal with staff who led complicated private lives.

      Kezia Trevellyn had slipped into her role with seamless ease, but he was aware of the sexual chemistry that hovered like a spectre between them. From the moment they’d met at the London office he had been plagued by a burning desire that was as fierce as it was unexpected. Her lush curves were a distraction he could do without, he conceded derisively as his eyes focused on the delightful sway of her bottom beneath its covering of tight satin. The most sensible course of action would be to forget the increasingly erotic fantasies Kezia evoked and concentrate on her excellent organisational skills. One of his unwritten rules was to keep his work and private lives separate, but the physical attraction he felt for her was proving difficult to ignore.

      Sensible had never held much appeal, he accepted honestly. He was a man who liked to live dangerously.

      As if alerted by some sixth sense, she looked up at that moment and met his gaze. He noted with interest the flush of colour that stained her cheeks as their eyes clashed, and lifted his glass in salute. It was satisfying to realise that the attraction was mutual.

      It had been the evening from hell, Kezia decided several hours later as she glanced at the array of dirty glasses that littered the sitting room. Her calf muscles were throbbing almost as much as her head, and with a sigh she sank down onto the sofa.

      Fortunately dinner had been a success, thanks to the excellent meal Mrs Jessop had provided and the hard work of Becky and her friends as they’d waited table. Kezia had been kept busy organising the girls, who had been plainly overawed by the elegant formality of the dining room and the number of guests seated around the table. She had taken one look at Nik’s glowering expression when he realised she would not be joining the dinner party, and had kept out of his way as much as possible. Luckily the wines she had selected to accompany each dish had seemed to meet with his approval. She’d moved endlessly around the table, refilling glasses, and by the time the party had moved into the sitting room for coffee and liqueurs her feet had been aching and she had longed for her comfortable flat shoes.

      Even then there had been no reprieve. Nik had planned a detailed presentation of his ideas for a hotel and leisure complex, a short film and a speech, followed by an opportunity for questions and discussion. There had been no time for Kezia to relax as she had once more assumed the role of hostess, serving drinks to the increasingly raucous group of businessmen, and it had been past midnight before the party finally broke up. Ahead of her loomed a twenty-minute drive through the dark country lanes to her flat, where she hoped to snatch a few hours’ sleep before returning to Otterbourne tomorrow.

      Sighing wearily, she searched through her handbag for her car keys. They seemed to have disappeared and, muttering an oath, she tipped the contents of her bag onto the coffee table.

      ‘I take it you’re looking for these?’

      The familiar drawl brought her head up, and she stiffened, each of her senses on high alert, as Nik strolled into the room. He had discarded his tie and exchanged his dinner jacket for one of black leather. She noted the faint stubble visible on his jaw and hastily dropped her gaze. He exuded a brooding sexuality that made her nerves tingle, and she swallowed convulsively, desperate to hide the effect he had on her.

      Taking a deep breath, she scooped her belongings back into her bag and walked towards him, her hand outstretched. ‘There they are. Where did you find them?’ she queried, striving to remain composed when he made no attempt to return the bunch of keys.

      ‘In your bag,’ Nik replied calmly, watching the array of emotions that crossed her face—surprise, confusion, and lastly a flash of anger as the implication of his words hit home.

      ‘How dare you? What do you suppose gives you the right to rummage through my personal belongings?’

      ‘They were on the top,’ he informed her hardily. ‘And, as to the question of rights, you’re my employee, my responsibility, and I have no intention of allowing you to drive home alone this late at night—especially as you were injured earlier this evening.’

      ‘I’m fine.’ If she discounted being tired and stressed. She certainly didn’t possess the energy to deal with Nik any more tonight. ‘It’s been a long day and I want to go home.’ She glanced pointedly at her watch as she spoke, but Nik continued to study her speculatively while retaining hold of her keys. ‘This is ridiculous. You can’t hold me here against my will.’

      ‘You should know by now that I can do anything I like,’ he said, with his usual breathtaking arrogance. ‘It would be better if you stayed the night so that I can keep an eye on you. I still think you should be checked over by a doctor.’

      The idea of Nik keeping an eye on her throughout the night was so mind-boggling that Kezia was temporarily speechless. ‘There are no rooms spare,’ she said quickly. ‘And I don’t have anything to wear tomorrow—unless you want me to spend the day looking like a lap dancer,’ she added tartly, as she recalled his comments on her appearance at the start of the evening. ‘One night of humiliation is enough, surely?’

      ‘There was no reason for you to feel embarrassed tonight,’ he told her seriously. ‘I was impressed with the way you organised dinner. Especially as I understand you had less than twenty-four hours’ notice from the catering company announcing that they were pulling out. The presentation went well, and I’m already putting together a consortium of investors interested in backing the project.’

      ‘I was just doing my job,’ Kezia muttered, unable to control a surge of pleasure at Nik’s approval.

      His earlier bad mood seemed to have disappeared, but as far as she was concerned a friendly Nik posed a serious threat to her equilibrium. He was too close for comfort, and despite her best intentions she was unable to drag her gaze from the sensual curve of his mouth. It was definitely time to leave, she thought frantically as she wetted her dry lips with her tongue. The air was heavy with an unspoken tension that was surely the workings of her imagination—but she noted the way Nik’s eyes narrowed as he studied her nervous gesture. Her mind ran riot as she envisaged him lowering his head to brush his lips over hers in a slow exploration, and without conscious thought she swayed towards him.

      ‘Are you ready to go?’ His voice shattered the sensual haze, and Kezia stepped back abruptly, her face burning.

      ‘I don’t need a chauffeur,’ she argued stubbornly. ‘I’m perfectly capable of driving myself home. Besides, you can’t leave your guests.’

      ‘They’ve all gone to bed,’ he said cheerfully, his eyes gleaming with sudden amusement as he studied her pink cheeks.

      Had Tania also retired for the night? Kezia wondered. Was Nik’s mistress waiting impatiently in the master bedroom, sprawled across the vast bed that she had once glimpsed when Mrs Jessop had given her a tour of the house? And, if so, surely he was keen to join her?

      ‘I refuse to allow you to drive your car until I’ve arranged for a mechanic to check it over,’ he told her, in a tone that brooked no argument. ‘We’ll take the Porsche.’

      ‘What about Max? He’ll have to come too.’

      ‘Max?’ Nik frowned. ‘Who the hell’s Max?’

      ‘The dog that I almost ran over. I’m going to take him back to my flat.’

      ‘How do you know that’s his name?’

      ‘I don’t. But I have to call him something until I can return him to his owners. Mrs Jessop thinks he was abandoned, so maybe no one will claim him,’ Kezia added, unaware of the wistful note in her voice. She couldn’t bear the idea that the dog had been deliberately left by the roadside. ‘I’ll just run downstairs and collect him,’ she said, hurrying