I reached for the intercom, then decided against it. The pilots were busy flying the plane. They would tell us when we could move around.
It seemed like an eternity. We hit turbulence twice. Finally we emerged above the clouds and the late afternoon sunshine lit the interior of the plane with an orange glow. The seatbelt light blinked off with a musical chime.
We all hurried to undo the belts and crouched around John. He was limp.
‘Take him back into the bunk,’ I said. ‘Where’s the pearl?’
Leo had lifted John halfway. He froze. ‘Oh my God.’
‘Oh, dear Lord,’ I said. ‘It’s in the hold, isn’t it.’
Leo silently carried John to the back of the plane. I sat down and put my head in my hands, then remembered and looked up, full of relief.
‘Simone, pet,’ I said. ‘Call Aunty Kwan now.’
‘I am,’ Simone said. ‘But it’s really strange. She’s not answering.’
I grabbed her hand. ‘Simone, have you checked for demons?’
Simone’s eyes went wide. ‘The pilot’s dead. A demon’s flying the plane!’
I shot to my feet, grabbed Simone and ran to the back of the plane. Leo hunched over John, his face full of misery.
‘Leo,’ I said, gasping, ‘the co-pilot was a demon. The pilot’s dead.’
Leo spun to the bag on the floor and ripped it open. He scrabbled through and pulled out my sword, then Dark Heavens. He tossed my sword to me. ‘Get back, Simone.’
‘Get behind us, sweetheart,’ I said, turning to face the main cabin. I pulled my sword out of its scabbard and waited.
There wasn’t a sound.
Then I felt the plane turning. Turning right. I leaned to keep my balance.
‘Towards their Centre,’ Leo said softly.
‘Damn,’ I said. ‘If we take the demon out, there’s nobody to fly the plane.’
‘Before you ask, Emma, no,’ Leo said.
‘Well, well,’ I said. ‘There’s a first time for everything.’
‘I did basic on choppers. Not fixed wing,’ Leo said. ‘I’m not capable of flying anything solo anyway.’
‘What about John?’
‘I have no idea,’ Leo said. ‘But probably not, unless he learned for recreational flying. Never needed to.’ He glanced at me. ‘He can’t fly anything anyway, Emma, he’s unconscious.’ He went rigid as he understood. ‘Don’t you dare feed him energy, you’ll kill yourself. He wouldn’t be able to fly the plane anyway. You stay alive. We need to protect Simone.’
‘Simone,’ I said, ‘keep calling. Kwan Yin, Bai Hu, Qing Long, Zhu Que, Na Zha, Jade, Gold, Michael, everybody. Don’t stop, no matter what happens. Okay? Stone, you too.’
‘Okay,’ Simone said, her voice very small.
‘I’m silenced as well,’ the stone said. ‘Here they come. This demon is stronger every time we encounter it. What is it doing to itself? This is more than just training.’
There was a sound in the main cabin. Leo and I readied ourselves. I suddenly realised: the Demon King’s phone was in the main cabin, in my handbag. I’d left it there. I cursed myself for an idiot. I should never have let it out of my reach.
Wong appeared in the door from the galley.
Leo let his breath out in a quiet hiss.
‘Hello, everybody,’ Wong said. He leaned on the doorway with one shoulder and crossed his arms over his chest.
Leo attacked him, sword raised. Wong didn’t seem concerned at all, he smiled slightly. As Leo brought the sword down, he grabbed Leo’s arm and held it. With his other hand he hit Leo across the face with a sickening wet crunch.
He grabbed both of Leo’s arms and held him. Leo panted and hung limply from Wong’s hands.
Wong smiled and looked right into my eyes, then leaned over and bit Leo on the side of the neck. Leo screwed up his face as Wong bit down hard. Simone squeaked behind me.
Wong raised his face, blood smeared over his mouth, and grinned at me. He threw Leo to the floor and kicked him in the head. Leo grunted and lay still.
Simone screamed.
‘Stay still, Simone,’ I said, moving back to guard her.
‘He hurt my Leo!’ Simone shrieked. She generated a huge ball of chi and hurled it at Wong.
The demon raised his hand and absorbed the energy.
‘I don’t want to hurt you, ladies,’ Wong said. ‘I want you both intact. Are you okay, Simone?’
Simone’s face was ashen. I looked inside her. She had very nearly drained herself.
I grabbed her hand and fed her some of my chi. She absorbed it. I felt her terror.
‘We’ll get out of this, one way or another, sweetheart,’ I whispered.
‘Oh, well done, Emma,’ Wong said. ‘I didn’t know you could do that.’
‘Wake up, Daddy,’ Simone said loudly.
John didn’t move.
‘I don’t think he has much longer, dear one,’ Wong said. ‘I do hope he remembers to leave the human form behind. I need the head. The rest of it isn’t too bad, either.’
‘You’ll have to go through me to get to him,’ I said. ‘Try me.’
‘Oh, with a great deal of pleasure,’ Wong said. ‘Try you? Something I’ve wanted to do for a very long time. Kitty?’
Kitty Kwok appeared behind him, moving cautiously.
‘What the hell are you doing here?’ I said.
‘Emma,’ Kitty said loudly.
I remained still and silent, waiting, wondering.
‘Emma!’ Kitty ordered sharply. ‘Obey me!’
I lowered my sword.
‘Well, what do you know,’ Wong said. ‘It worked.’
‘Drop the weapon,’ Kitty said.
I dropped the sword and it hit the carpet with a thump.
‘What are you doing, Emma?’ Simone said. ‘Why are you doing what she says?’
‘Tell her to come and give me a big wet kiss,’ Wong said with delight. ‘No, wait.’ He pulled Leo up, buried his face into the side of his neck, then dropped him again. ‘Now,’ he said with a mouth full of blood.
‘God, Simon, you are so disgusting sometimes,’ Kitty said.
‘If she can do this without hesitation then we have her,’ Wong said. ‘Whoops. Lost it.’ He swallowed. ‘Wait.’ He bent over Leo and sucked some more blood out of his neck. ‘He tastes funny. Different. Wonder if it’s because he’s black, or because he’s a girl?’ He looked up at Kitty and grinned. ‘You should try it.’
‘Come here and kiss Prince One Two Two,’ Kitty said wearily. ‘I don’t know why I put up with you, sometimes, Simon.’
Wong pulled himself to his feet and waved me closer.
I didn’t hesitate. I went to him, put my arms over his shoulders and raised my face.
‘No, Emma,’ Simone whispered. ‘Daddy, Daddy.’