His Inherited Bride. JACQUELINE BAIRD. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современная зарубежная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472030757
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a bakery is essential for any town, but it is hardly rocket science. I’m sure your staff are perfectly capable of running the business without you. You know what they say—all work and no pleasure…’ Cupping her chin with one strong hand, he tilted her face up, one long finger gently caressing her cheek. ‘There is no need to rush, Jules,’ he drawled softly. ‘We have a lot to catch up on, or is that what you are afraid of?’

      His derogatory comment about her small business left her speechless, and it did not help that her nerve endings tingled at the contact of flesh on flesh. So she wasn’t in his league business-wise, but then very few in the world were, and she wasn’t about to justify her chosen career to him.

      As far as she was concerned they had nothing to catch up on. They had barely been friends, unless he meant Enrique and Maria, she thought, horrified. Surely he didn’t want a blow-by-blow account? Her green eyes, stormy, collided with deep, dark brown. ‘Not you, that’s for sure,’ she snapped. But then his smallest finger trailed over her full lips, and a shiver lanced through her slender body and she knew she had lied. Because suddenly she was desperately afraid, afraid of what Rand was making her feel.

      ‘Well, if you’re sure about that, then you won’t mind this,’ he declared huskily.

      She could feel her heart racing, the blood rushing through her veins. Involuntarily she swayed towards him, drowning in the darkening depths of his eyes, unaware that her own registered her sensual shock. The hand on her cheek slid to clasp the back of her head as his other hand snaked around her waist and up her spine and she was pulled against the solid wall of his chest.

      Her stomach appeared to perform a somersault as she felt the strength of his thighs pressed against her and she trembled in a mixture of fear and excitement. She did not know what was happening to her. The fear kept her still in his embrace and she looked up with wide, confused eyes as his dark head lowered to hers.

      His lips closed over hers, moving gently, persuasively, and Jules felt something melting inside her. His hand twisted the braid of her hair around his wrist and held her face up to his as he whispered softly against her mouth, ‘I have been wanting to do that since the moment I set eyes on you today, and if you’re honest so have you.’

      ‘No.’ She opened her mouth to deny him with the tiny atom of common sense she had left, and in that instant his firm lips captured hers again. Taking the opportunity she had inadvertently offered, his tongue intruded with a shattering sensuality, exploring the moist dark interior of her mouth with a no longer gentle but a hungry, demanding passion. The hand at her back pressed her closer to his hard length, one long leg nudging between her thighs.

      It was electrifying, and so unexpected. For the first time in her life Jules felt the searing heat of physical arousal. The few kisses she had exchanged with Enrique in the past had never made her feel this way. Every pulse in her body went haywire and she had an incredible urge to press herself closer to the rock-solid strength of Rand’s great body. Her mouth came alive beneath the pressure of his, and she returned his kiss with a helpless, hungry urgency, her arms sliding involuntarily around his neck.

      The kiss went on and on, Rand claiming her mouth with a fierce, possessive need and Jules felt a totally unfamiliar tide of emotion sweeping through her that she had no control over. Her rational mind shut down and she returned his ardour with greed, a fiery if less than expert desire she had not known she was capable of. She inhaled his heady scent and as his hand cupped one firm breast she felt the sudden painful tightening of her nipples. Finally she knew what it was to really want a man sexually, the primitive hunger tightening her belly, demanding some release from the fierce tension, the heat consuming her.

      She heard Rand’s low groan as he finally broke the kiss. Jules looked up at him, dazed and breathless, as he gently removed her arms from around his neck and held them at her sides. She was still leaning against him, because she doubted her legs would fully support her.

      Rand stared down into her hazy green eyes, his own a cloudy black. He reached out and brushed a stray curl from her flushed cheek.

      ‘Skinny little Jules,’ he drawled softly. ‘Who would have thought you would develop into such a sexy lady? And that beneath that beautiful pale exterior lurked so much passion.’ And he eased her away from him.

      Jules blinked, her mind beginning to clear. ‘No,’ she denied, and felt a shaming surge of colour sweep up her face, mortified by her own response. ‘You caught me unawares.’

      Rand’s hooded lids dropped over his black eyes, masking his expression, and for a long moment he studied the scarlet-faced beautiful girl before him. You and I both, he almost confessed, shocked rigid in more ways than one by the powerful rush of desire and the overwhelming need to possess her… It was years, if ever, since a woman had turned him on so hard, so fast and so achingly… For a man who took pride in his ability to control everything and everyone, he wasn’t sure he liked the feeling.

      Finally taking a deep breath and with a shrug of his broad shoulders, he said, ‘If you say so.’ And, avoiding looking at the bewitching Jules, he pushed back his sleeve and glanced at the fine platinum watch on his wrist. ‘If you will excuse me for a while, I have some business to discuss with Sanchez. Donna will show you to your room, and you can get changed.’ It wasn’t in his nature to run away, but in this instant he had to, or he was in real danger of taking Jules where she stood, and losing himself in the incredible splendour of her lush body.

      ‘Changed.’ Jules, in her confused state of mind, only managed to focus properly on his last word. ‘I can’t—I have no clothes.’ They were all at the hotel in Santiago.

      A naked Jules… That was an image he could do without right at the moment. But even so he couldn’t help himself. His gaze roamed with heated masculine appreciation down the length of her body to her feet. Noting the high-heeled sandals that accentuated the long shapeliness of her legs, then travelling upwards again in a slow, lingering appraisal of the smooth curve of her hips, and the upper swell of her high proud breasts, revealed by the lapels of her jacket.

      ‘A little larger in the breast, I think…no?’ He lifted one black brow in mocking query.

      If that was a question Jules had no intention of answering, and, red with embarrassment, she stared mutely at him.

      ‘But as for the rest,’ Rand continued quickly,’ you are still the long-limbed girl I remember. I think you will find the trousers you left behind will fit. I’ll collect you in about an hour. Sanchez will saddle up the horses and we can take a ride to your father’s grave, before the light goes.’

      Jules opened her mouth to object, but Rand was already exiting the room, the click of the door as he shut it behind him finally registering in her churning mind that she was alone.

      She was still staring at the closed door a long moment later. What had happened? Where was her cool reserve? Her businesslike attitude? Taking a few slow, deep breaths, she felt marginally better. So Rand had kissed her! So what? She was not a complete novice, she had been kissed before, she told herself sternly. But never like that and never with such devastating results, a tiny devilish voice prompted in her head… But more importantly, she realised as she made her way upstairs, Rand had expertly deflected her from pursuing the subject of her inheritance yet again…

      ‘I was right, a perfect fit,’ Rand opined as she walked down the stairs slightly less than an hour later.

      ‘Clever you,’ Jules snapped, her temper fraying at the edges. It had been a shock to discover, on being shown to her old room, that the few clothes she had left behind at eighteen, mainly trousers and tops, were all cleaned and pressed and hanging in the wardrobe. There wasn’t much as her mother had been going to bring her carefully chosen trousseau with her when she arrived the day before the wedding. Jules had naturally assumed her father would have got rid of everything belonging to her so it was a terrible shock to see the wedding dress still in Cellophane hanging in the closet. That he had kept everything somehow saddened her; perhaps he had cared for her in his own way…

      After a quick shower, she had dressed in a pair of well-washed jeans, and teamed them with a white knit cotton