Games Of Desire. Patti O'Shea. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Patti O'Shea
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современная зарубежная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472051240
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Chapter Three

      Chloe smiled as Marax surged forward, pressing her against the door. Finally! It seemed as if she’d been waiting forever for him. As soon as their lips met, she opened for him. What they’d done on the dance floor had been foreplay and she didn’t need more.

      She liked the way he kissed her, as if he were starving for her and her alone. Chloe met him with her own fierce demands. She’d been starving for him, too. Missing him though she hadn’t known it.

      His hands moved, found the hem of her skirt and pushed it upward. The dress had dictated she wear a thong, and as he caressed her bare cheek, she was glad she’d chosen this. Chloe shivered as his fingers slipped between her thighs.

      “Get my zipper,” she murmured against his lips. She wanted more skin. Hers. His.

      Marax found it, lowered it. He was doing what she’d told him, but the price was high. She wanted his hand back between her legs. Instead, he stepped away. Before she could do more than groan in protest, he lowered the top of her dress to her waist.

      She hadn’t worn a bra and his eyes made her skin ignite. Sensations rocketed through her, too many to name, but Chloe knew she needed more. With a shimmy and a little shove, she sent her dress to the floor, stepping clear of the pooled fabric. Marax had too many clothes on, she decided, and she wrapped her hands around his tie, pulling the knot free and tossing it aside. He reached for her, but she brushed his hands aside and started opening the buttons on his shirt.

      “Damn it, I want to touch you,” he complained.

      “Then get naked.”

      There was a pause and then he started undoing buttons himself. With the shirt under control, Chloe moved to his trousers, opening them, lowering the zipper. Too impatient to wait, she yanked both his pants and his briefs down to his thighs.

      It was her turn to stare.

      She’d cupped him while they’d danced, so she’d known he was big, but she hadn’t guessed just how beautiful his cock would be. Thick, heavy, hard…for her. It jerked in reaction to her stare and that unfroze Chloe. She crouched in front of him, running a fingertip from base to head and back down again.

      “Don’t tease,” he warned.

      “Who’s teasing?” Chloe leaned forward and replaced her finger with her mouth, using her tongue to retrace the route she’d just followed.

      She nuzzled him, his shaft lying across her cheek and her hand stroking over it while she licked his balls. Marax began muttering, and while she didn’t understand the demon language, she knew he was cursing, using words to hang on to his self-command.

      Control was overrated.

      Chloe moved her way back to his head and took him in her mouth. Yes. She hummed her pleasure around him.

      “Don’t make me come,” Marax ordered, but he didn’t tell her to stop.

      He could say anything he wanted, that didn’t mean she had to listen. She circled his crown with her tongue as she moved her hand up and down his shaft. As hard as he was, she’d bet that it wouldn’t take long to get him all worked up again, so she could make him come and still have a him inside her before much time had passed.

      Images formed in her mind. In them, she was on her back on the bed, Marax between her thighs. She closed her eyes, trying to see the vision better.

      She could feel his beard on her inner thigh, his fingers stroking her sex. Chloe wanted his mouth on her. The kisses were sweet, but not enough. And then he was there, his lips and tongue teasing her clit as he slid two fingers into—

      Chloe opened her eyes and glared at him, her lips still wrapped around his cock. The bastard didn’t fight fair. He was deliberately sabotaging her plans by putting fantasies—and sensations—in her head, in her body.

      “All’s fair, sweet Chloe,” Marax said, voice thick. “And I did warn you not to make me come.”

      His hands remained threaded through her hair, but at the same time, Chloe could feel him sliding fingers in and out of her body, his mouth still teasing her clit. She lost track of what she was supposed to be doing, too focused on those phantom caresses. He moved back far enough that he slipped from her mouth. She moaned softly in protest, but ghost Marax wrapped his lips around her clit and sucked lightly. Her moan changed to one of pleasure.

      He sucked harder and her moan went up an octave as an orgasm started roaring toward her. No, damn it, she wasn’t coming without him even going down on her for real.

      Surging to her feet, she lunged for Marax, wrapping her arms around his waist. It was a miscalculation. He lost his balance. His arms went out, trying to steady both of them, but his trousers were around his thighs, restricting his movements. They started to go down.

      Demons had power. She knew that, but seeing the upholstered chair travel across the room in time to catch her and Marax drove it home.

      That should unnerve her. It didn’t. Chloe had landed on top of him, her knees on either side of his thighs, and his erection was so close to her sex, she could feel his heat. She shifted, but her damn panties prevented contact. “Get this thong out of the way,” she said, her voice a half growl.

      Marax reached up, and as easily as tearing a sheet of paper, snapped the waistband on each side of her hips. She’d expected him to just tug it aside and the casual display of demon strength made her gasp, her arousal deepening even farther. She lowered herself, his head sliding between the lips of her sex, but the deliciousness ended almost as soon as it began.

      He lifted her, putting her knees on each of the padded arms of the chair. Chloe made a sound of protest, but Marax said, “My turn now.”

      And holding her ass with both hands, he brought her forward until her sex lips met his mouth. Her breath hitched in her throat and then slowly, so slowly she thought she’d forget how to breathe, he licked her.

      Chloe would have fallen off the chair if Marax hadn’t held her steady. As good as he’d been at projecting sensation to her, it was a pale imitation of just how talented he was with his mouth. She threaded her fingers through his hair, but unlike his gentle touch, she couldn’t help but tighten her hands into fists as she gasped and arched. Almost blind with need, she braced herself as orgasm approached. She was going to come hard. So hard. So fucking hard.

      Marax stopped cold. Chloe couldn’t speak, but did manage a sound that was a combination of frustration, disbelief and anger.

      His lips were against her belly, so she knew he wasn’t talking aloud when she heard, You can come on my mouth some other time. Tonight we’ll come together.

      After kissing her below her navel, Marax lowered her back to his lap. She could see his face now, see his eyes, and the red glow had eclipsed the blue of his irises. She’d done this to him. Sensible, reasonable, always-follow-the-rules Chloe Donovan had driven this sexy-as-hell demon to the edge.

       Guide me home.

      He didn’t have to tell her twice. Chloe took his cock in her hand and positioned it at the entrance to her sex. Marax lowered her millimeter by millimeter, drawing out his possession of her until she was ready to plead with him, would have begged if she’d had the oxygen needed to form a sentence, even a single word.

      Nothing had ever felt so right, so necessary before as taking Marax inside her body. She wanted to close her eyes, throw her head back, and just enjoy, but she couldn’t. Something inside her demanded she keep her gaze locked on his, that they share this joining in all ways. They both groaned when he was as deep as he could go.

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