The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists. Robert Tressell. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Robert Tressell
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Классическая проза
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007375554
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are not themselves permitted to enjoy a fair share of the good things they help to create?

      Crass poured several lots of colour into separate pots.

      ‘Harlow,’ he said, ‘you and Sawkins, when he comes, can go up and do the top bedrooms out with this colour. You’ll find a couple of candles up there. It’s only goin’ to ‘ave one coat, so see that you make it cover all right, and just look after Sawkins a bit so as ‘e doesn’t make a bloody mess of it. You do the doors and windows, and let ‘im do the cupboards and skirtings.’

      ‘That’s a bit of all right, I must say,’ Harlow said, addressing the company generally. ‘We’ve got to teach a b—r like ‘im so as ‘e can do us out of a job presently by working under price.’

      ‘Well, I can’t ‘elp it,’ growled Crass. ‘You know ‘ow it is: ‘Unter sends ‘im ‘ere to do paintin’, and I’ve got to put ‘im on it. There ain’t nothing else for ‘im to do.’

      Further discussion on this subject was prevented by Sawkins’ arrival, nearly a quarter of an hour late.

      ‘Oh, you ‘ave come, then,’ sneered Crass. “Thought p’raps you’d gorn for a ‘oliday.’

      Sawkins muttered something about oversleeping himself, and having hastily put on his apron, he went upstairs with Harlow.

      ‘Now, let’s see,’ Crass said, addressing Philpot. ‘You and Newman ‘ad better go and make a start on the second floor: this is the colour, and ‘ere’s a couple of candles. You’d better not both go in one room or ‘Unter will growl about it. You take one of the front and let Newman take one of the back rooms. Take a bit of stoppin’ with you: they’re goin’ to ‘ave two coats, but you’d better putty up the ‘oles as well as you can, this time.’

      ‘Only two coats!’ said Philpot. ‘Them rooms will never look nothing with two coats – a light colour like this.’

      ‘It’s only goin’ to get two, anyway,’ returned Crass, testily. “Unter said so, so you’ll ‘ave to do the best you can with ‘em, and get ‘em smeared over middlin’ sudden, too.’

      Crass did not think it necessary to mention that according to the copy of the specification of the work which he had in his pocket the rooms in question were supposed to have four coats.

      Crass now turned to Owen.

      ‘There’s that drorin’-room,’ he said. ‘I don’t know what’s goin’ to be done with that yet. I don’t think they’ve decided about it. Whatever’s to be done to it will be an extra, because all that’s said about it in the contract is to face it up with putty and give it one coat of white. So you and Easton ‘ad better get on with it.’

      Slyme was busy softening some putty by rubbing and squeezing it between his hands.

      ‘I suppose I’d better finish the room I started on on Saturday?’ he asked.

      ‘All right,’ replied Crass. ‘Have you got enough colour?’

      ‘Yes,’ said Slyme.

      As he passed through the kitchen on the way to his work, Slyme accosted Bert, the boy, who was engaged in lighting, with some pieces of wood, a fire to boil the water to make the tea for breakfast at eight o’clock.

      ‘There’s a bloater I want’s cooked,’ he said.

      ‘All right,’ replied Bert. ‘Put it over there on the dresser along of Philpot’s and mine.’

      Slyme took the bloater from his food basket, but as he was about to put it in the place indicated, he observed that his was rather a larger one than either of the other two. This was an important matter. After they were cooked it would not be easy to say which was which: he might possibly be given one of the smaller ones instead of his own. He took out his pocket knife and cut off the tail of the large bloater.

      “Ere it is, then,’ he said to Bert. ‘I’ve cut off the tail of mine so as you’ll know which it is.’

      It was now about twenty minutes past seven and all the other men having been started at work, Crass washed his hands under the tap. Then he went into the kitchen and having rigged up a seat by taking two of the drawers out of the dresser and placing them on the floor about six feet apart and laying a plank across, he sat down in front of the fire, which was now burning brightly under the pail, and, lighting his pipe, began to smoke. The boy went into the scullery and began washing up the cups and jars for the men to drink out of.

      Bert was a lean, undersized boy about fifteen years of age and about four feet nine inches in height. He had light brown hair and hazel grey eyes, and his clothes were of many colours, being thickly encrusted with paint, the result of the unskilful manner in which he did his work, for he had only been at the trade about a year. Some of the men had nicknamed him ‘the walking paint-shop’, a title which Bert accepted good-humouredly.

      This boy was an orphan. His father had been a railway porter who had worked very laboriously for twelve or fourteen hours every day for many years, with the usual result, namely, that he and his family lived in a condition of perpetual poverty. Bert, who was their only child and not very robust, had early shown a talent for drawing, so when his father died a little over a year ago, his mother readily assented when the boy said that he wished to become a decorator. It was a nice light trade, and she thought that a really good painter, such as she was sure he would become, was at least always able to earn a good living. Resolving to give the boy the best possible chance, she decided if possible to place him at Rushton’s, that being one of the leading firms in the town. At first Mr Rushton demanded ten pounds as a premium, the boy to be bound for five years, no wages the first year, two shillings a week the second, and a rise of one shilling every year for the remainder of the term. Afterwards, as a special favour – a matter of charity, in fact, as she was a very poor woman – he agreed to accept five pounds.

      This sum represented the thrifty savings of years, but the poor woman parted with it willingly in order that the boy should become a skilled workman. So Bert was apprenticed – bound for five years – to Rushton & Co.

      For the first few months his life had been spent in the paint-shop at the yard, a place that was something between a cellar and a stable. There, surrounded by the poisonous pigments and materials of the trade, the youthful artisan worked, generally alone, cleaning the dirty paint-pots brought in by the workmen from finished ‘jobs’ outside, and occasionally mixing paint according to the instructions of Mr Hunter, or one of the sub-foremen.

      Sometimes he was sent out to carry materials to the places where the men were working – heavy loads of paint or white lead – sometimes pails of whitewash that his slender arms had been too feeble to carry more than a few yards at a time.

      Often his fragile, childish figure was seen staggering manfully along, bending beneath the weight of a pair of steps or a heavy plank.

      He could manage a good many parcels at once: some in each hand and some tied together with string and slung over his shoulders. Occasionally, however, there were more than he could carry; then they were put into a handcart which he pushed or dragged after him to the distant jobs.

      That first winter the boy’s days were chiefly spent in the damp, evil-smelling, stone-flagged paint-shop, without even a fire to warm the clammy atmosphere.

      But in all this he had seen no hardship. With the unconsciousness of boyhood, he worked hard and cheerfully. As time went on, the goal of his childish ambition was reached – he was sent out to work with the men! And he carried the same spirit with him, always doing his best to oblige those with whom he was working.

      He tried hard to learn, and to be a good boy, and he succeeded, fairly well.

      He soon became a favourite with Owen, for whom he conceived a great respect and affection, for he observed that whenever there was any special work of any kind to be done it was Owen who did it. On such occasions, Bert, in his artful, boyish way, would scheme to be sent to assist Owen, and the latter whenever possible used to ask that the boy might be