The Last Reckoning. Paul Durham. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Paul Durham
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Детская проза
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007526956
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did you get this?” she yelled, thrusting her hands outward. She marched forward, blind to the danger. “Did you hurt him?”

      Shady followed eagerly at the sound of Rye’s furious voice. He readied himself at her side, furry ears pinned back and chin on his front paws, eager to charge.

      Leatherleaf didn’t flee, but his watery eyes fixed themselves on Shady uneasily.

      Rye stuffed the loose runestones into her coat pocket and then gently put a hand on the bristled fur of Shady’s back.

      “Easy, Shady, don’t move,” she whispered to him. “For now.”

      Rye tried to settle herself. Had Leatherleaf sunk his claws into Harmless then tracked her down to show her the evidence out of spite? That made little sense. It was the Dreadwater clan of Bog Noblins who had pursued Harmless Beyond the Shale. Leatherleaf was from the Clugburrow, and an outcast even among his own kind. Although he had grown larger and more imposing than when she had first encountered him last year, she doubted that Leatherleaf had the temperament to risk challenging Harmless alone.

      “Why did you give me these?” Rye called. She tightened her grip on her cudgel and stepped towards him.

      Leatherleaf rose from his crouch and Rye’s body tensed. But instead of moving towards her, he took several strides deeper into the forest, stopped, and crouched again.

      “Perhaps this would be a good opportunity to leave?” Mr Nettle suggested urgently.

      Rye waved a hand behind her back and shushed him.

      She approached the spot where Leatherleaf had just been, Shady padding softly beside her. When she paused, Leatherleaf loped further away, crouched once more, and looked back at her.

      “I think he wants me to follow him,” Rye said, looking back over her shoulder at Mr Nettle and Lottie. “He probably has a nice picnic blanket set up back there and is waiting for the main course,” Mr Nettle said.

      Rye hurried back to the frightened horse and pulled a torch and some flint from its saddlebags. Mr Nettle’s eyes went wide.

      “What are you doing, Miss Riley? Have you gone mad?”

      “What if he knows something about Harmless?” she said. “Maybe he’s trying to show me.”

      Mr Nettle sputtered his lips in protest.

      “If he meant to hurt us, he would have done it already,” Rye said. She sparked the flint, the torch flared, and she peered into the darkening woods. “Besides, I’ll have Shady with me.”

      Shady narrowed his yellow eyes at Leatherleaf. Rye knew it was taking every bit of his willpower to refrain from bolting after the Bog Noblin.

      “Take Lottie to the Wend,” she added quickly, before Mr Nettle could protest further. “I’ll hurry back as soon as I see where Leatherleaf leads me. If you find Mama, tell her which way I went. I’ll catch her fury for this – but if Harmless is out there, we can’t take the chance of missing him again.”

      Rye’s boots sank into the swampy ground beneath her. Here the wetlands had broken the grip of the forest, the terrain around her filled with rotted stumps and the trunks of splintered pines felled by the water of the bogs. As fearsome as he could be when motivated, Shady was fussy when it came to wet paws. He trailed behind like some princess’s lap cat as he carefully navigated the higher ground.

      Darkness fell quickly that evening. Either that or Rye had been following Leatherleaf through the moors for far longer than she’d realised. She finally came to a halt when he did, keeping a healthy distance between herself and the Bog Noblin. He had crouched knee-deep in the shallow muck. His eyes reflected red in her torchlight as they glanced towards a clearing in the distance. Rye followed his gaze. A ring of lights – dozens of them – penetrated the darkness up ahead. She squinted to make out their source.

      Rye turned back towards Leatherleaf in search of an explanation, but the Bog Noblin was now gone, the sound of his feet churning the swamp somewhere in the distance.

      It seemed Leatherleaf had taken her as far as he intended.

      A flicker caught the corner of Rye’s eye. A light broke away from the others and approached with haste. Rye hurried to duck behind a stump covered in moss and blackened toadstools. She quickly snuffed out her dim torch.

      The circular glow of a tallow candle spread out over the ground. The man who carried it scanned the bogs with probing eyes from under his cowl. Rye saw that his face was ghoulish white – covered in the traditional corpse paint of a Fork-Tongued Charmer. He paused just two short strides from her hiding place. Rye held her breath and hoped the sour smell of his candle would mask the smoke of her own smouldering torch. Not finding what he was looking for, the Fork-Tongued Charmer returned to the others, sloshing across the damp turf with his heavy boots.

      Rye exhaled in relief then hurried after him as quietly as she could, this time disappearing behind the splintered trunk of a fallen tree. She pressed her back against it and waited, making sure no one had heard her, then peeked over the top of the split bark.

      An assembly of hooded figures had congregated in a crescent line on a mound of earth rising from the bogs. Each held a thick, bare candle, flames barely flickering in the still air and yellow wax drippings covering their fingers. If the wax burned them, they didn’t flinch. A man was led to the centre of the mound, the jagged point of an impish beak penetrating the dark folds of his hood.

      Rye watched as one of the other figures stepped forward to meet him. This man was masked as well, but instead of the fiendish, leathery guise of the Luck Uglies, his mask was lined with scales and bore no nose. A hollow mouth and grotesquely distended jaw stretched down to his chest, a cavern so dark it swallowed the hope from Rye’s heart. She knew of only one Luck Ugly who wore a mask like that. He was the leader of the Fork-Tongued Charmers – and the most dangerous Luck Ugly of all.

      Slinister Varlet.

      With a nod of Slinister’s distorted chin, the Fork-Tongued Charmers on either side of the man removed his cloak and cowl. He offered no resistance as they shackled his wrists at his waist. Rye felt a lump rise in her throat. She was suddenly very aware of the thick smell of rotted wood and stagnant water around her. A Fork-Tongued Charmer reached up, pulled the mask from the prisoner’s face, and cast it to the ground.

      Rye had already guessed who she might see under the mask. Still, her face fell and her head swam – first in relief, but then with dread. She placed both hands on the fallen trunk to keep from losing her balance.

      Harmless’s wolf-like eyes glared back at Slinister, his jaw knotted behind a beard that was thicker and greyer than when Rye had last seen him. The faded scars on his face were drawn tight with defiance rather than pain. Harmless listened unflinchingly as Slinister recited accusations, the Fork-Tongued Charmer’s words deep and booming from the hollow of his mask, loud enough that Rye could hear them over the stillness of the bogs.

      “Grey O’Chanter, you stand accused of failing to answer a Call of the Luck Uglies. A charge you have not denied. You have raised your blade and shed the blood of no less than six of our own brothers since your disappearance, with several more missing and unaccounted for. Another charge you do not deny.”

      Harmless listened impassively.

      Rye fumed silently. Five months earlier, Slinister had handed Harmless over to the Bog Noblins for that very reason – so Harmless would miss the Call, casting doubt on his commitment to the Luck Uglies. And surely the Charmers who Slinister had sent out in search of him had not brought any peace offering. Of course Harmless had fought them.

      Slinister cocked his masked head. “Do you offer no explanation?” he asked.

      Harmless’s reply came calmly, but with venom.

      “I have nothing to say to this assembly of snakes. Except that you all shame the brotherhood tonight.” Harmless’s fiery eyes moved from one Fork-Tongued Charmer’s darkened face to another as he spoke. “This gathering is a farce. Where