The Naughty Bridesmaid. Diane Redmond. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Diane Redmond
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Детская проза
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007571710
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quickly sketched out Sophie’s bridesmaid dress.


      “It’ll have a tight cream bodice trimmed with gold embroidery and a long billowing skirt of gold organza,” she explained.

      “It looks beautiful!” gasped Sophie.


      “You’ll wear your hair long and loose and have little satin slippers on your feet,” Victoria added, as she sketched in Sophie’s face and blonde hair.

      “I’m going to look like an angel!” laughed Sophie.

      Hearing Sophie’s excited voice, Mango came rushing up and started to nibble her shoelaces.

      “I think he wants to play,” Sophie said.

      Victoria laughed. “I don’t think Mango’s as impressed with the dress as you are!”


      The following Saturday, Victoria arranged with Mrs Rose that she would take Sophie into town to buy material for her bridesmaid dress.

      “What will Mango do when I’m not here?” Sophie fretted as she ate her breakfast.

      “I’ll keep an eye on him,” said Mrs Rose. “After all, I do look after him every day when you’re at school,” she added with a smile.

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