Victory. Джозеф Конрад. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Джозеф Конрад
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Классическая проза
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780008110499
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were so incoherent that he could not understand anything; but this did not prevent him from being profoundly moved. He had no illusions about her; but his sceptical mind was dominated by the fulness of his heart.

      “Calm yourself, calm yourself,” he murmured in her ear, returning her clasp at first mechanically, and afterwards with a growing appreciation of her distressed humanity. The heaving of her breast and the trembling of all her limbs, in the closeness of his embrace, seemed to enter his body, to infect his very heart. While she was growing quieter in his arms, he was becoming more agitated, as if there were only a fixed quantity of violent emotion on this earth. The very night seemed more dumb, more still, and the immobility of the vague, black shapes, surrounding him more perfect.

      “It will be all right,” he tried to reassure her, with a tone of conviction, speaking into her ear, and of necessity clasping her more closely than before.

      Either the words or the action had a very good effect. He heard a light sigh of relief. She spoke with a calmed ardour.

      “Oh, I knew it would be all right from the first time you spoke to me! Yes, indeed, I knew directly you came up to me that evening. I knew it would be all right, if you only cared to make it so; but of course I could not tell if you meant it. ‘Command me,’ you said. Funny thing for a man like you to say. Did you really mean it? You weren’t making fun of me?”

      He protested that he had been a serious person all his life.

      “I believe you,” she said ardently. He was touched by this declaration. “It’s the way you have of speaking as if you were amused with people,” she went on. “But I wasn’t deceived. I could see you were angry with that beast of a woman. And you are clever. You spotted something at once. You saw it in my face, eh? It isn’t a bad face—say? You’ll never be sorry. Listen—I’m not twenty yet. It’s the truth, and I can’t be so bad looking, or else—I will tell you straight that I have been worried and pestered by fellows like this before. I don’t know what comes to them—”

      She was speaking hurriedly. She choked, and then exclaimed, with an accent of despair:

      “What is it? What’s the matter?”

      Heyst had removed his arms from her suddenly, and had recoiled a little. “Is it my fault? I didn’t even look at them, I tell you straight. Never! Have I looked at you? Tell me. It was you that began it.”

      In truth, Heyst had shrunk from the idea of competition with fellows unknown, with Schomberg the hotel-keeper. The vaporous white figure before him swayed pitifully in the darkness. He felt ashamed of his fastidiousness.

      “I am afraid we have been detected,” he murmured. “I think I saw somebody on the path between the house and the bushes behind you.”

      He had seen no one. It was a compassionate lie, if there ever was one. His compassion was as genuine as his shrinking had been, and in his judgement more honourable.

      She didn’t turn her head. She was obviously relieved.

      “Would it be that brute?” she breathed out, meaning Schomberg, of course. “He’s getting too forward with me now. What can you expect? Only this evening, after supper, he—but I slipped away. You don’t mind him, do you? Why, I could face him myself now that I know you care for me. A girl can always put up a fight. You believe me? Only it isn’t easy to stand up for yourself when you feel there’s nothing and nobody at your back. There’s nothing so lonely in the world as a girl who has got to look after herself. When I left poor dad in that home—it was in the country, near a village—I came out of the gates with seven shillings and threepence in my old purse, and my railway ticket. I tramped a mile, and got into a train—”

      She broke off, and was silent for a moment.

      “Don’t you throw me over now,” she went on. “If you did, what should I do? I should have to live, to be sure, because I’d be afraid to kill myself, but you would have done a thousand times worse than killing a body. You told me you had been always alone, you had never had a dog even. Well, then, I won’t be in anybody’s way if I live with you—not even a dog’s. And what else did you mean when you came up and looked at me so close?”

      “Close? Did I?” he murmured unstirring before her in the profound darkness. “So close as that?”

      She had an outbreak of anger and despair in subdued tones.

      “Have you forgotten, then? What did you expect to find? I know what sort of girl I am; but all the same I am not the sort that men turn their backs on—and you ought to know it, unless you aren’t made like the others. Oh, forgive me! You aren’t like the others; you are like no one in the world I ever spoke to. Don’t you care for me? Don’t you see—?”

      What he saw was that, white and spectral, she was putting out her arms to him out of the black shadows like an appealing ghost. He took her hands, and was affected, almost surprised, to find them so warm, so real, so firm, so living in his grasp. He drew her to him, and she dropped her head on his shoulder with a deep sigh.

      “I am dead tired,” she whispered plaintively.

      He put his arms around her, and only by the convulsive movements of her body became aware that she was sobbing without a sound. Sustaining her, he lost himself in the profound silence of the night. After a while she became still, and cried quietly. Then, suddenly, as if waking up, she asked:

      “You haven’t seen any more of that somebody you thought was spying about?”

      He started at her quick, sharp whisper, and answered that very likely he had been mistaken.

      “If it was anybody at all,” she reflected aloud, “it wouldn’t have been anyone but that hotel woman—the landlord’s wife.”

      “Mrs. Schomberg,” Heyst said, surprised.

      “Yes. Another one that can’t sleep o’ nights. Why? Don’t you see why? Because, of course, she sees what’s going on. That beast doesn’t even try to keep it from her. If she had only the least bit of spirit! She knows how I feel, too, only she’s too frightened even to look him in the face, let alone open her mouth. He would tell her to go hang herself.”

      For some time Heyst said nothing. A public, active contest with the hotel-keeper was not to be thought of. The idea was horrible. Whispering gently to the girl, he tried to explain to her that as things stood, an open withdrawal from the company would be probably opposed. She listened to his explanation anxiously, from time to time pressing the hand she had sought and got hold of in the dark.

      “As I told you, I am not rich enough to buy you out so I shall steal you as soon as I can arrange some means of getting away from here. Meantime it would be fatal to be seen together at night. We mustn’t give ourselves away. We had better part at once. I think I was mistaken just now; but if, as you say, that poor Mrs. Schomberg can’t sleep of nights, we must be more careful. She would tell the fellow.”

      The girl had disengaged herself from his loose hold while he talked, and now stood free of him, but still clasping his hand firmly.

      “Oh, no,” she said with perfect assurance. “I tell you she daren’t open her mouth to him. And she isn’t as silly as she looks. She wouldn’t give us away. She knows a trick worth two of that. She’ll help—that’s what she’ll do, if she dares do anything at all.”

      “You seem to have a very clear view of the situation,” said Heyst, and received a warm, lingering kiss for this commendation.

      He discovered that to part from her was not such an easy matter as he had supposed it would be.

      “Upon my word,” he said before they separated, “I don’t even know your name.”

      “Don’t you? They call me Alma. I don’t know why. Silly name! Magdalen too. It doesn’t matter; you can call me by whatever name you choose. Yes, you give me a name. Think of one you would like the sound of—something quite new. How I should like to forget everything that has gone before, as one forgets a dream that’s done with, fright and all! I